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Your Lesser-Known ''Fave Scenes''

The Fisher King

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Oooooooooooh, One I really really liked because it was deep, intelligent, well-thought out, well communicated discussion between two characters...can't remember the book...thinking TPOD....but:



Egwene and Siuan having a long, compelling debate about the pros and cons of the Three Oaths. It was soooooooo well done by Jordan.


I always felt like ''Debates'' was a Jordan weakness. JMO. ... Like they usually went:


First Person: ''I disagree with you.''


Second Person: ''Well, you're a woolhead; you don't know anything.''




This debate between Eg and Siuan was excellent though. Both were passionate but civil and both had excellent and compelling points for their respective side...I liked it. TPOD???





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This scene always brings a smile to my face; In EOTW, after Rand meets Morgase et al in the Royal Palace at Caemlyn, talking to Thom and Basel Gill like "oh yeah, Morgase was pretty hot", and they're like "WHAT!?", "I didn't mean to! Just fell over the wall is all." :biggrin:


the scene in tgs where rand almost kills tam, then stops and asks himself what he is doing. lews therin replies nothing i haven't done before. gives me chills. i had to put the book down for a few minutes.


I've always found the scene where Rand goes through the columns and sees when one of the traveling people right before having a heart attack remembers how he encountered AS that said Ishy was till partially free. She collected some items of power and when was asked where it was safe just laughed and went her way. Man, I can just imagine poor woman half crazy from all that's around her, knowing the secret that no one really clearly knew until after Rand took Callandor...I just imagine her being ultimate bad a$ going after Ishy one on one...I've always consider her among "real AS" though we don't even know her name :(


I hate to say it, but she never went after Ishmael... She just took what she wanted and left. We no nothing more about her.


-Dain Bornhald with his "We will die clean" statement and then staring down twenty Two Rivers longbows at point blank range and telling Perrin he will see him dead one day. Coolest living whitecloak maybe, not counting Galad?

We don't know that. Plus, who wrote that whole riddle about Ishy that we learned about in tGH? Maybe she had something to do with that knowledge being passed on. What if (and i know a long "if" it is) she went against Ishy, spanked him silly Cady style, and than put 40 year limitation on him? Ok, ok...but one can daydream...*sigh*


After the E, A and M confront rand:

"Nynaeve took a grip on her braid with both hands and gave it a steady pull, breathing heavily through her nose. Lan had begun an intense

study of the contents of his pipe's bowl."



Perring writing the letter to Faile before the battle of Emonds Field. I´m a dude, but that scene... really gets to me.

What/who are "A", "E" and "M"?

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My favorite is when Ingtar (sp?) reveals his "identity", only to then come back to the Light. I got goose bumps when Rand said "May the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home."


Damn, I got goose bumps just typing that. No other author can claim that power over me, lol.

Ok, this might be retarded question (and probably is) but do you really have a quarter million posts? Burn me, but that's just crazy. I mean, how, and most importantly, when??? I admire you much!


Hahahaha - no, I don't have that many posts. If an admin were to artificially ramp up your post count on the old boards, it would show as "I'm a geek!" in your post count instead of the actual number. That was done to me, and somehow the new boards don't support the changing to "I'm a geek!".....so I'm stuck with an artifical # of posts.


My real total is most likely in the 4-5 thousand range, lol.


After the E, A and M confront rand:

"Nynaeve took a grip on her braid with both hands and gave it a steady pull, breathing heavily through her nose. Lan had begun an intense

study of the contents of his pipe's bowl."



Perring writing the letter to Faile before the battle of Emonds Field. I´m a dude, but that scene... really gets to me.

What/who are "A", "E" and "M"?

The three Amigas?


My favorite is when Ingtar (sp?) reveals his "identity", only to then come back to the Light. I got goose bumps when Rand said "May the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home."


Damn, I got goose bumps just typing that. No other author can claim that power over me, lol.

Ok, this might be retarded question (and probably is) but do you really have a quarter million posts? Burn me, but that's just crazy. I mean, how, and most importantly, when??? I admire you much!


Hahahaha - no, I don't have that many posts. If an admin were to artificially ramp up your post count on the old boards, it would show as "I'm a geek!" in your post count instead of the actual number. That was done to me, and somehow the new boards don't support the changing to "I'm a geek!".....so I'm stuck with an artifical # of posts.


My real total is most likely in the 4-5 thousand range, lol.

That's good, b/c I was like - MY GOD, either this man has no life (and I mean like no life as 'the matrix has you') or maybe, i mean just maybe, he spends a little bit to much time on Dragonmount ;)


Oh, another one. When Mat is going to get the Bawl of Winds and Nay is saying that she's not angry at Lan for him telling Mat about forsaken being around. She finally screams that she's not angry and Mat goes something like "Blood and ashes Nay, he doesn't think you're angry, I don't think you're angry! Can we go now."


Another one, just before the above scene, when Mat learns that Lan and Nay married. His reaction is priceless :) The whole mental note that no wonder Lan's eyes look so dead is priceless. :biggrin:


And another one (more of a quote, if i recalled completely correctly): "Burn you Nerim, this is leg and not side of beef!" "As you say mi Lord. Lord's leg is not side of beef."


After the E, A and M confront rand:

"Nynaeve took a grip on her braid with both hands and gave it a steady pull, breathing heavily through her nose. Lan had begun an intense

study of the contents of his pipe's bowl."



Perring writing the letter to Faile before the battle of Emonds Field. I´m a dude, but that scene... really gets to me.

What/who are "A", "E" and "M"?

The three Amigas?

Oh yes. Silly me. I thought Egwene and Moiraine, and maybe Amys, but I didn't understand what Nyn had to do around... it's clearer now.


when Rand hears about his mother and father


when Rand meets morgase


after moraine 'dies' and rand runs off to be alone and liah (?) finds him


Ingtars redemption


the defence of emonds hill and the subsiquent rebuilding of the TR's


when rand meets suian and Moraine and they totally rock his world and he is teetering on the edge of falling, then suddenly he seeks the void and becomes stable. The following scene of lan and moraine was good too


Rand and Tam on the farm


Rand telling Nyn that he knew he was too hard but that it was ok because he was a tool and a tool being used up doing its job was ok


and many many more


when Rand hears about his mother and father


when Rand meets morgase


after moraine 'dies' and rand runs off to be alone and liah (?) finds him


Ingtars redemption


the defence of emonds hill and the subsiquent rebuilding of the TR's


when rand meets suian and Moraine and they totally rock his world and he is teetering on the edge of falling, then suddenly he seeks the void and becomes stable. The following scene of lan and moraine was good too


Rand and Tam on the farm


Rand telling Nyn that he knew he was too hard but that it was ok because he was a tool and a tool being used up doing its job was ok


and many many more


Man, those are ALL reeeaaally good ones, Durinax. And one of yours reminded me of another one of my favorites thats not too well-known:


In Winter's Heart when The Super Girls are in Tel'en'riad (sp) and Elayne sees The Two Rivers through Egwene's eyes and how much it is changing since Perrin's became ''Lord'' there - and her (Elayne's) concern over the 'Manatheren' Banners waving there. ... GREAT Part!!! :-)






Fish, I salute you. How do you do it - again - and again?!


Rand, after seeing Aviendha dead - "'Rahvin', he said. Or someone did. He was not sure who."


Rand smiling at Erian (Bordoleos?) while being tortured. The Aiel dirge.


Galad's duel with Valda. Nynaeve drowning. Nynaeve to the Malkieri - "Will Lan Mandragoran ride to the Last Battle alone?"


Mat leaving Thom with that Tairen - Mother Guenna. "I have enjoyed knowing you, Thom."


Well, pretty much every other moment in the books.


I'm going to go with the scene where Mat and Birgitte become drinking buddies. Their interaction is great and it was hilarious that Elayne got drunk through the warder bond and made Nynaeve's clothes disappear with the mask of mirrors.


A few scenes come to mind....


Perrin & Egwene in the Tinker camp in EotW is definitely extremely underrated. The last scene of their "innocence" before the world gobbles them up. I also like the interaction between Perrin and Raen, and Egwene and Aram.


I love the scene where Rand decapitates the nameless darkfriend in tDR. Seeing Rand descend into such madness so early on is what made his story arc work so well in the later books.


Also, any scene where Alviarin is making Elaida do exactly as the DO wants. I mean, come on....the Amyrlin is supposed to be the most powerful woman in the world. How pathetically did Elaida show that she wasn't. Gotta give it to the BA....they played her beautifully.


A few scenes come to mind....


Perrin & Egwene in the Tinker camp in EotW is definitely extremely underrated. The last scene of their "innocence" before the world gobbles them up. I also like the interaction between Perrin and Raen, and Egwene and Aram.


I love the scene where Rand decapitates the nameless darkfriend in tDR. Seeing Rand descend into such madness so early on is what made his story arc work so well in the later books.


Also, any scene where Alviarin is making Elaida do exactly as the DO wants. I mean, come on....the Amyrlin is supposed to be the most powerful woman in the world. How pathetically did Elaida show that she wasn't. Gotta give it to the BA....they played her beautifully.

Yes, and than they all dead but he makes them all kneel to him b/c that' how they should be....man, gives me shivers right now



I love the scene where Rand decapitates the nameless darkfriend in tDR. Seeing Rand descend into such madness so early on is what made his story arc work so well in the later books.


Yes, and than they all dead but he makes them all kneel to him b/c that' how they should be....man, gives me shivers right now


The crazy thing about that scene is that there isn't any real reason to think that they were DFs. They ask to share the camp site and Rand just executes them without saying anything. They very well could have been exactly what they looked like, which is an innocent merchant and her guards. Were they actually DFs, or did Rand murder a dozen people out of paranoia?


They were DF's. I forget who but another of the groups WAS attacked by a similar group, apparently in that state Rand knew they were DF's.


Mat and Thom were attacked like that. And in Rand's group there was a greyman that he didn't even noticed first but still killed.


Maybe he sensed the evil, as a channeler. But unknowing of the fact, he assumed they all were "shadowsided"


Mat's trip through the doorframe ter'angreals is also the scenes in the serie I love the most. Mat is just awesome in no more than a few chapters consecutively in tSR. And all the mystery, all the afterhint we have (Mat speaking the OT unconsciously, the Prophecies, the gifts) all of it I enjoy even now


thought of a few more.


-the introduction of Thom in EotW, comes out of the inn and does flips and juggles and otherwise teases the villages.


-in KoD, Nyn telling the Malkieri jewel merchant about Lan riding to the blight, especially like it from his POV.

"The Golden Cranes flies for Tarmon Gai'don!" that scene tugs at my heartstrings


-Mat getting jumped my Aiel on the rooftops of Tear, then proceeding to blow a whole in the side of the Stone with his firework bundle.


-not exactly a scene, but just a couple tiny little details that are some of my favorite little morsels from RJ:

1-in T'a'R, in the museum in Tanchico Nyn sees a "three pointed star in a circle" or something like that, of no material she knew, incredibly ancient, and had the

feeling of pride and envy. I always interpreted that as Mercedes emblem from a car.

2-Thom mentioning some the old stories, some "older than the age of legends", of Len flying to the moon on an eagle of fire (Niel Armstrong, the eagle has landed) and giants throwing spears of fire laying waste and some such (i think maybe a nuclear war between superpowers)


i just love that RJ put those little details in there to suggest that our Age is actually the past of randland's Age.


There are a few for sure!


1) Mat telling Lan and Bashere exactly how to fight the Shaido just before he kills Couladin. They watch him walk away and realize he came up with as good a plan as they did in 2 minutes.


2) When Mat realizes the Talmanes does have a sense of humor, he just laughs on the inside.


3) When Aviendha finds out that Mat willingly broke into the Stone of Tear, knowing it was full of Forsaken and Black Sisters in order to save the girls and tells them they all have toh to him.


4) When Aviendha and the others bond Rand and she cries because Rand endures a mountain of pain.


5) When Rand and escort see the Steam wagon and he realizes it was the guy who was at his school. He thought it was perhaps some kind of instrument at first. (I am a steam engineer)


6) Semirhage noting Min and how her knifes had tasted her flesh twice. Min may not be super tough, but she dont take no $&!# off no one!


7) Taim, "Let the Lord of Chaos rule."



Sooooo, many others!


There's a scene, I think early in Fires of Heaven, where Mat is walking Rand past and tries calling his name several times, to no effect. Then he says, just under his breath, 'Lews Therin' and Rand looks around immediately. Very, very creepy.


after moraine 'dies' and rand runs off to be alone and liah (?) finds him


Actually this is one of my favorite scenes too, and Sulin's (it was Sulin) first question to him was my sig for several months. "Why do you weep here alone Rand Al'Thor? I have heard some wetlanders think it is shame to be seen weeping."


Snapping her spears under her foot, (the second one with him holding it) she finally gets through to him what she and her spear-sisters are. My favorite part is him slamming open the door only to see Enaila heading a line of Maidens leading all the way out of the city, each holding three spears.


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