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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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Got hit by a car today....don't feel like talkin'...be on tomorrow!


Dear heaven's Tigs, I'm glad to hear that you're at least okay - you have to have banked up some serious karma by now, and I hope the universe sends you something nice in compensation for everything!!!



I'm withholding my vote for now, JUST IN CASE people think I'm too easy with my votes. *shrugs*


I think people probably just think you're too easy...  ;D ;D ;D

(sorry Boops you just left yourself WIDE open for that one lol!)



Because I wanted you to have a substantial lead on Thorum so that he definitely didn't get lynched.  And I really don't care if I look scummish.


Lastly, Wombat - I was giving you a chance to see if you'd say something that might allay my suspicions on you, but unfortunately, you're just digging yourself in.


[glow=red,2,300]Vote Wombat[/glow]


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Eating my Vitamins!


So that's how you kids call it nowadays? :P



Oh and a little unrelated to the game... but what with all the wombat mention I had to check out how they look. I had a mild idea, of course, but had to check it out... ohmygosh, they're so CUTE!





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Got hit by a car today....don't feel like talkin'...be on tomorrow!


Dear heaven's Tigs, I'm glad to hear that you're at least okay - you have to have banked up some serious karma by now, and I hope the universe sends you something nice in compensation for everything!!!



I'm withholding my vote for now, JUST IN CASE people think I'm too easy with my votes. *shrugs*


I think people probably just think you're too easy...  ;D ;D ;D

(sorry Boops you just left yourself WIDE open for that one lol!)



Because I wanted you to have a substantial lead on Thorum so that he definitely didn't get lynched.  And I really don't care if I look scummish.


Lastly, Wombat - I was giving you a chance to see if you'd say something that might allay my suspicions on you, but unfortunately, you're just digging yourself in.


[glow=red,2,300]Vote Wombat[/glow]



This is a very well crafted post.  It consists of a whole lot of words while saying absolutely nothing of substance about the game.

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Som1 is scum. He has contributed NOTHING for the past 10 pages since the vote reset(As far as I bothered to re-read and check) except for random silliness and repeating what people have said. His vote follows Wombat's allegations that I try to look good. Well I AM good. And while I see where Wombat is coming from, I think Som1's just agreeing because he KNOWS I am not Mafia and just wants to hop on the bandwagon. Here are his posts since the vote reset.


umm... I think it's been established hes not a miller, also time wasnt frozen that was mynd he got stupified and someone used a time turner to reset day one.


also can people explain what is scummy about boopsy, i havent been paying paricular attention to him and dont want to have to read X number of pages to find out


Also, Som1, I thought it had been established that Thorum IS a miller?

i wasnt paying attention as i typed and relised my mistake as soon as i loged off


In other words - yes, Aberforth definitely has a thing for goats. He and his sister would feed them and his patronus is also a goat.

and according to rowling he liked their horns (if you know what i mean)




what odes PAFO mean? Pablos Awesome Foam Oreos?


has anyone here noticed that dumbledore has a Griffen Door Knocker


the gargoyle gaurds the stairs to his door, the door has the knocker


yep thats right, can anyone tell me when nearly headless nick died without cheating, DD/MM/YYYY

I won 20$ from someone cause i could pull this of the top of my head


And of coz... the CONCLUSION of all his useless trivia... culminating in a vote for me.


*agrees* boopsy


Vote [glow=red,2,300]Som1else[/glow].


I'm not gonna reveal until absolutely necessary, but if I don't manage to before I'm lynched. My gut feeling's on Krak, Nyn and Som1else. ALl three have provided little reason for their votes other than vague "I agree with you guys" or "My gut feeling/intuition says he's scum." Even after SO many things have been said, there still isnt' any proper reason to vote? I get what Verbal says about Day one randomness. Yes, your initial votes would be random, but after a full day 1 reset and 40 pages on, you still have no idea who to vote for? I'd say either you weren't really paying attention or you KNOW who's not scum and don't really care about who you vote for as long as it's not your teammates.

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I am so confused right now lol. So the day was reversed. Now we can re-submit our day actions if we have any. Can anybody recap for me?


Yap... that is the case... And now I have to think who to vote against... Someone just had to reverse Day one... Nooooooooo, they couldn't wait for me to get a hold of this game! :P

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There are too many players laying low.  Since we don't have to reach a majority for a player to get lynched, I sense a lot of scum not voting so they don't appear shady.  Perhaps we should look closer at the not-voting list for our list of scum.  I mean, the mafia don't care who we lynch as long as its not one of them, right?


So, instead, you are going to have a rash number of people voting randomly because they don't want to appear scummy? Brilliant idea, Mynd.


*goes back to studying every minute word of this game*

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Guest dragonsworn1991

When did mynd or anyone say he was stupified?


When ever someone said frozen I thought like frozen by a dementor, but I dnt remember anyone saying yay or nay on what it was. The stupify comment sounds like you made a tiny slip som1. I still am getting weird vibes from dar but for now I am going to [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] and [glow=red,2,300]vote som1[/glow]

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Someone did say Stupefied way earlier, but it wasn't a mod or Mynd, so far as I can remember. Personally, my guess would be the Petrificus Totalus spell, since it paralyzes people. Full body bind.


I'm going with [glow=red,2,300]Adella[/glow] for now.

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*sits down with Ed and Sarah and pulls out a deck of 'Exploding Snap'*


fancy a game while we wait for the dealine you two ;)



Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 38 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(7): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran, Verbal, Wombat, Som1

Som1(3): Elli, Boopsy, Pete

Wombat(2): Mynd, Ausr

Thorum (1): Taei

Wolfie(1): Thorum

Adella(1): Alanna


no vote (23): Meesh, Amadine, Bela, Mottlee, Marta, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Nae, Adella, Tigs, Pookie, Player, Dah'mir, Pankhuri, Wolfie, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, rojano, Crusher, Koujin, Summer




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Ok, a quick read before I crash for the night.


Although Boopsy needs to admit that his push on Som1Else is as much to save his own neck as anything else, I am inclined to agree.  I disagree with his suspicions list in that Krak hasn't really been all that active enough for me to get a good read on.  Before you get comfortable, Krak, that is NOT a good thing with me....but there are bigger fish to fry right now.


Nyn seems to be her usual, butterfly-chasing self.  She strikes me as a player who does a lot of lighthearted posts until we are well into the game.  Again, these are two people who haven't contributed much at all tot he game, and that's NOT a good thing for the town.


Som1Else has been a posting fool and like he was in the LOTR game we played recently, he is acting very sneaky.  I personally feel he is in line with Wombat rather than the two mentioned above, but he is posting way too much to say so little.  Why vote for someone and just say "He pings my radar" as with me or worse, "I agree with ______"?


That and I am not 100% sold on this Boopsy lynch.  I am interested to read what Krak, Nyn, and Wombat have to say about Som1Else as a possible scum. 


When did mynd or anyone say he was stupified?


When ever someone said frozen I thought like frozen by a dementor, but I dnt remember anyone saying yay or nay on what it was. The stupify comment sounds like you made a tiny slip som1. I still am getting weird vibes from dar but for now I am going to [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] and [glow=red,2,300]vote som1[/glow]

While I agree with the choice in vote, I disagree with the reason.  I cannot quote the details, but essentially I'm agreeing with the dementor part.  Som1Else voted for me around the time I was frozen and was pushing for more people to vote me.  I must say, Pete was also doing the same thing.  This could be a gambit, but Som1Else is either scum or worse....a townie who is acting like one.


If we push the lynch on Boopsy, we force a reveal that may not be in the town's best interest.  Still, there is a target on a lot of us right now, especially those of us who have all but revealed already.  If Boopsy did reveal, it wouldn't matter that much now.  Still, there is a stronger case against Som1Else right now.


And with that...






And I am off to bed.....dreaming of mafia games of old!

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Because I wanted you to have a substantial lead on Thorum so that he definitely didn't get lynched.  And I really don't care if I look scummish.


Lastly, Wombat - I was giving you a chance to see if you'd say something that might allay my suspicions on you, but unfortunately, you're just digging yourself in.


Vote Wombat



What's scummish about this argument? Except that you may or may not agree with it.




Som1 is scum. He has contributed NOTHING for the past 10 pages since the vote reset(As far as I bothered to re-read and check) except for random silliness and repeating what people have said.

As have between 30 and 35 other 'players' of this game.


My vote doesn't get followed, so I'll [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] and try to take a look at an unexpected inactive. What happened, [glow=red,2,300]Lia[/glow]?

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Okay, after stating how much it makes me suspect people when they vote for no reason, Alanna randomly comes in and posts a vote on me. That is putting her on my list of people to watch, but for now Wombat has been worse. Like I said before, he has been dissembling a lot in every post, making sure he has stuff to quote against later bandwagon accusations.


[glow=red,2,300]Vote Wombat[/glow]


(Also, I honestly needed a vote cause I might be back on after tonight before the deadline, and Wombat is tops on my current list)

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Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 38 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(7): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran, Verbal, Wombat, Som1

Som1(4): Elli, Boopsy, Pete, Som1

Wombat(2): Aust, Adella

Thorum (1): Taei

Lia(1): Thorum

Adella(1): Alanna


no vote (23): Meesh, Amadine, Bela, Mottlee, Marta, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Nae, Tigs, Pookie, Player, Dah'mir, Pankhuri, Wolfie, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, rojano, Crusher, Koujin, Summer




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Sorry guys.  Busy day yesterday including getting my husband to the surgery center for a shot in his back.  No computer access today or tomorrow until evening due to being in a training class at the college.  I know the deadline is today but rather than throw out an unsubstantiated vote, which this far into the game is not something I'm willing to do, I'm going to have to go with a no vote for now.


Anyway, mods, please consider this a LOLA for the next two days.  I'll check in when I can in the evening but my activity will definitely be reduced today and tomorrow.

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LOA noted Dar.  thanks for telling us :)



Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 38 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(7): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran, Verbal, Wombat, Som1

Som1(5): Elli, Boopsy, Pete, Mynd, Amadine

Wombat(2): Ausr, Adella

Thorum (1): Taei

Lia(1): Thorum

Adella(1): Alanna

Rojano(1): Pankhuri


no vote (20): Meesh, Bela, Mottlee, Marta, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Nae, Tigs, Pookie, Player, Dah'mir, Wolfie, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, Rojano Crusher, Koujin, Summer




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Nice vote Pank, doesn't help this game whatsoever and you haven't given a reason for it. Maybe a little more info would be helpful to why you have voted for someone that hasn't got a vote yet, making your vote wasted!

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