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Rand vs Jaime Lannister


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I've voted, tweeted and Facebooked about this. I emailed Leigh about including it in her next recap (published this Friday) and i plan to include it in the jordanCon mailing going out this week. Because I'm pretty sure i will die of shame if Rand loses this match.


I've voted, tweeted and Facebooked about this. I emailed Leigh about including it in her next recap (published this Friday) and i plan to include it in the jordanCon mailing going out this week. Because I'm pretty sure i will die of shame if Rand loses this match.


well done!

i wish i could do as much



Obviously this is much more of a popularity contest than it is a realistic appraisal of these match-ups. Drizzt beating Kahlan? Please. Roland over Gandolf? Right. Jamie Lannister over Cthulhu? Cute.


Whatever. The battle write-ups were fun to read.


I'm not a member of any other forums, but ppl who are regulars at other WoT forums should make threads fo this there.  Also, maybe we should ask other kinds of sites like the 13th depository if they'll link to the contest on their news pages or whatever

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Jason and I have been working on that today. But absolutely feel free to do our own networking! Every bit helps!


I've tried to post a comment on the suvudu site but it keeps failing.  So I'm going to rant here.


Rand had to use a bloody flint to start a piece of paper on fire?  He runs around through most of the books wielding a damn sword MADE of fire.  Egwene's first solo channeling is starting a fire.  Creating fire out of nothing is pretty damn easy for a channeler, and it's pretty damn obviously easy throughout the series. Whoever did the writeup apparently confused Rand with Pyro, which maybe accounts for the craptastic description of Rand's efforts.


So anyway, go vote and show them who is the most powerful of them all. 


What are the chances that Rand wins with balefire again? They should use their imagination and have Rand do something else. Im almost surprised they didnt just have Rand stand there while his Ta'verenism brings something in that kills the enemy.


Id send them hatemail if there was any point.


..... And as the 7 v 7 match started it was Rand facing off with Jamie, the world narrowed to a point for both of them. "So this is the Dark One's chosen champion?" Rand spoke softly. As per the rule's no magic of any type would be alowed, so Rand drew his sword and saluted his opponent.........


gah raly wanted to see Rand's swordmanship shown


It's such a shame Brandon doesn't have the free time to write up something for the match. I'm sure he could tip the tide even further in our favor.


Really, I'm shocked that Jaime has so many votes. The description of Rand was terrible though...made him seem like a God and the writing made him seem like a prick. A think a lot of voters are mistakenly seeing Rand as a bad God sort of guy, with Jaime the underdog to root for.


If Jamie gets to have others fight with him then Rand should be allowed.....Send Mat and Perrin in with him, Mat can blow the HoV to call the Heroes of the Horn and Perrin can call the wolves while Rand kicks back and eats sweet cakes....


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If Jamie gets to have others fight with him then Rand should be allowed.....Send Mat and Perrin in with him, Mat can blow the HoV to call the Heroes of the Horn and Perrin can call the wolves while Rand kicks back and eats sweet cakes....



Stop stealing my fanfic ideas!


Brandon knows. We talked about it this weekend at Minicon. And I know Jason has talked to him too. He's got to complete his revisions on THE WAY OF KINGS by tomorrow, but if he has time, he'll try to post something.


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