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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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Resident Evil: Retribution - absolute garbage. Terrible CGI, terrible story, terrible acting. Oh, and it's like the writer never watched the original Resident Evil. Red Mother wasn't a homicidal A.I. It killed all those people to prevent the virus from spreading.


Borne Legacy - Not bad. Good action. Ending fizzled out and didn't leave a sense of closure. I know they probably left it like that to leave it open for a sequel but the first 2 Borne's had closure and an open ended plot.


Total Recall - I liked it. Was entertaining.

Don't like the ending though. I don't mind him getting stuck in his own head, but what about his poor wife having a vegetable for a husband. And yes, he's stuck in his head. When he first sat in the chair, he got the inside of his elbow stamped/tattoo'd. At the end of the movie, it was missing. Side note, who cares if he had his mind wiped or is a double agent. Kate Beckinsdale over what's her name any day of the week.


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Ive just watched imortals, it was really good

that movie kinda pissed me off, especially over Ares, and that they only had 4 or so Gods


i like the battles and fights more than anything. the titans are what really annoyed me the where tiny, in every other movie similar to this titans are really cool looking and are massive

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I just got back from The Hobbit

I happened to watch it in 3D because my uncle had never seen a 3D movie before and wanted to try it and I was pleasantly surprised

The 3D effects didn't feel gimmicky or forced like most movies except in like one part but I didn't mind

The movie itself was awesome as expected

The beginning was kind of...ehhh I didn't really like the prologue stuff and felt it tied in badly but once the movie really got going it was fine

My favorite thing was the goblins

I was extremely pleased that they looked very different from orcs as that is something I was concerned about

I'd say they nailed it

Can't wait for part 2!

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I saw the hobbit.

Ok first the backgrround. I saw it with a bunch of friends who had worked on it. So we hired a theatre for it and it was heaps of fun hearing the anicdotes

sadly it was in 2D and only 24fps


right so there were moments in large pans where it was jumpy and blurry. Now we think it was because we had to watch it down graded that it caused those issues.

The goblins were mazing and the goblin king was just awesome.

There was a lot of the book that it turns out i dont remember. I havent read it in 10 years tjough. So im not sure if its veen changed much or not

I enjoyed it though. Not overly. I did feel like the begining was slow and long, but so was the fellowship

but uea it was good. I cant wait to see it in 3D and 48fps

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I saw the hobbit.

Ok first the backgrround. I saw it with a bunch of friends who had worked on it. So we hired a theatre for it and it was heaps of fun hearing the anicdotes

sadly it was in 2D and only 24fps


right so there were moments in large pans where it was jumpy and blurry. Now we think it was because we had to watch it down graded that it caused those issues.

The goblins were mazing and the goblin king was just awesome.

There was a lot of the book that it turns out i dont remember. I havent read it in 10 years tjough. So im not sure if its veen changed much or not

I enjoyed it though. Not overly. I did feel like the begining was slow and long, but so was the fellowship

but uea it was good. I cant wait to see it in 3D and 48fps


I probably saw it 24fps - the interior pan of Erebor was jumpy and blurry.  I was really disappointed because that was such a gorgeous scene.


The Goblin King was one of the most entertaining bad guys I've seen in a long time.  He kind of reminds me of an English professor I had in terms of personality and presence.  I kept thinking to myself, you know, I studied grammar under the Goblin King.  Madness.


I didn't mind the pacing though the ending has all the hallmarks of a Peter Jackson movie - a million different places where you could have ended a story but won't because you're saving it for the next scene, which is better than the last, and could be an ending, but it's not.  Wash, rinse, repeat.


There were a few cosmetic changes that Jackson introduced into the flow of the story but they aren't horrible.  I actually think they're an improvement upon the pace of the story.  I won't mention what those changes are; peeps will have to find out for themselves.  You'll hardly notice them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw Django Unchained last night.  It was one of the more unbalanced Tarantino films I've seen, but it was, overall, extremely entertaining.  He's definitely fallen off a bit from Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs, but I tried approaching it without comparing it to any of his other films.  First off, the cast was excellent with shining performances from Sam Jackson, Christoph Waltz, and Leo.  Jamie Foxx was, I think, pretty great as the understated lead - doing a good job of not playing it too flashy or flamboyant.  The movie featured several scenes of typical Tarantino dialogue bits, and while well-written, at parts were off-putting to the overall film.  


Bottom Line:  Worth seeing, not his best work.  Also, his most stomach-churningly violent film to date.

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John Dies at the End.

I love this movie.

It has supernatural


Penis jokes.

Whats not to love?!



dunno. It was entertaining.. but.. It just lacked something. It came off more as one of the original bond films, rather than as the new bond films... And I loved the new ones.

I can't pinpoint exactly what I disliked about it. Perhaps it was that obvious whiney-emo issue that they had with Spiderman 3?

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dunno. It was entertaining.. but.. It just lacked something. It came off more as one of the original bond films, rather than as the new bond films... And I loved the new ones.

I can't pinpoint exactly what I disliked about it. Perhaps it was that obvious whiney-emo issue that they had with Spiderman 3?


You liked Quantum of Solace more?

Edited by Krakalakachkn
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dunno. It was entertaining.. but.. It just lacked something. It came off more as one of the original bond films, rather than as the new bond films... And I loved the new ones.

I can't pinpoint exactly what I disliked about it. Perhaps it was that obvious whiney-emo issue that they had with Spiderman 3?


You liked Quantum of Solace more?

Yes. Alot more.

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No, not that bombshell with willsmith, The one with Anthony Hopkins.

I loved this movie. Specially the ending when he did the  'composers moves' to the screams of the viewers of his movie. It was epic. ^_^


Django Unchained.

This was suprisingly good IMO.

Not only was it a western, I enjoyed it. It was entertaining. And had, IMO a GREAT performance of D'Caprio, (As a Villian no less!)

And it had just enough blood, without being ridiculous.



I lked it... but, there was just something off about it. The actor that played his wife.. Dunno, didn't like her acting in it. Otherwise it was definately oscar worthy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just watched Skyfall

Loved it

I liked that it was more about BOND and less about the "flavor of the year" mastermind who's trying to take over the world

Daniel Craig is still one of my least favorite Bond's but for once I didn't actually hate him in the role

Only thing I missed was some cool gadgets

I get what they were going for though

It's Bond's 50th anniversary and they were paying homage to where the series came from by giving the film some throwback references but still

They could have given him something more than just palm reading gun I think

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