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Except that we know it didn't happen in a Portal World because we saw it onscreen, nowhere near a Portal Stone...



The "Death took him" line always seemed a little foggy in that instance for me. I always read it as his assassin wrapped him up and took him away. *Shrugs*

RJ was asked about that a few times, and that's where the 'Asmodean went for the long jump in that scene' line came from. (Some thought it was a pun on Moridin, but he thought that was really ridiculous.)


@Feral - You're not the first to wonder. I believe Luckers said something to Brandon about it, how he'd like to see a scene with Ariena suffering because of Nicola's death.


And what did Brandon say?


@Feral - You're not the first to wonder. I believe Luckers said something to Brandon about it, how he'd like to see a scene with Ariena suffering because of Nicola's death.


And what did Brandon say?

I don't recall. Brandon didn't respond IIRC, so I didn't record it.


Birgitte being Elayne's warder, Nynaeve was the only other one that knew about that; up until Elayne & Nynaeve were raised by Egwene. After that, the news of the bond seemed to spread quickly among the rebels.


I'm on a re-read of WH and just read the second encounter with the gholam (in the ally where noal shows up). He tells Mat something like "he wants you as much as he wants her." Who is she? If it's been made known i completely forgot. Thanks.


Just went through the scene. Such a comment is not there.


The gholam's original orders were from Sammael; mainly to deal with the channelers (Nynaeve/Elayne/Avendha, the 2 other Aes Sedia, etc).


About the AS in the Tower who were released from the Oath Rod, and retook their oaths. Unbound channelers can live for approx 700 or 800 years. AS live for around 300 years, because of the OR.


But the AS in the WT released themselves and retook their oaths, so does their 300 year life span begin anew? If Cadsuane, for example, was released from the OR and retook her oaths, would her lifespan reset - would she live for another 300 years?


AS wouldn't have to retire into the Kin, if that was the case... Just retake the oaths when their life span is getting close to their 300 years. Though I guess they'll figure it out when AS, who were released and then bound again, don't start dying off after they reach their 350th year...




Sorry if its been asked before!


Well, the Black Ajah is released from the Oaths to swear their new Oaths, so most likely it doesn't reset, or they would live longer than other Aes Sedai (particularly those who were recruited later in their lives). Verin is somewhere over 200 years old, but she was only recruited 70 years before. It didn't appear to slow her aging any, or reverse it.


I don't think it will extend their life expectancy.

While under oaths, they get old twice as fast. So, if a female channeler would have lived 500 years without the oaths, she'll live only 250 with them.

If they stay 100 years with the oaths, they already wasted 200 years from those 500.

So, after 100 years with oaths(200 without), they will still have 300 years to live.

But if they take the oaths again, the 300 will became 150, so it will not matter how many times they take the oaths, the loss of life is the same.

Actually, we don't know of the direct effect of the action in itself. Maybe they lose 10% of their life expectancy every time they take the oaths, besides the cutting the rest in half, so it will not be a good thing to play with those oaths.


I believe that in the AOL they were only to take one oath (something like 'I will follow the orders of the court') so as to minimize the effect.


I think the AS are in for a big surprise if they plan to be AS and retire into the Kin. They will not become any younger (it would contradict any natural low if that were the case), just not age as fast in the future. This is one of the reasons why Egwene's plan is stupid.


Then again, we don't really know.


Those who get stilled seem to grow younger.

Those who start channeling later seems to grow younger.


I've yet to see a theory that explains how it all works. Does anyone have one?


Those who get stilled seem to grow younger.

And it's not just their appearance, Siuan said she regained her monthly cycle after having been stilled. That speaks of true change.


Yea and why did she lose it in the first place?


Well if Aes Sedai age twice as fast when under oath (but their face doesn't) she would have been about 60-ish in body and most women have gone through menopause by then.


Yea and why did she lose it in the first place?


Well if Aes Sedai age twice as fast when under oath (but their face doesn't) she would have been about 60-ish in body and most women have gone through menopause by then.


Well, as far as I know, Siuan is about 60 years old.


From what we gather, AS with the oath live about 300 years old (max). So they should be aging about 4 times slower than normal person (AS without the oath age about 8 times slower).


For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that AS start slowing at the age of 20 and they they age about 5 times slower than a normal person (with the Oath Rod) or about 10 times slower (without the Oath Rod), if they are at max strength.


Now for Siuan, we could assume it's 20 years old when she started slowing, that her multiplier is about 4 (8 w/o the oaths).


At the age of 60, she should have the body of 20 + (60-20)/4 = 30 with the oath rod or 20 + (60-20)/8 = 25 without the oath rod.


This doesn't make sense.


Yea and why did she lose it in the first place?


Well if Aes Sedai age twice as fast when under oath (but their face doesn't) she would have been about 60-ish in body and most women have gone through menopause by then.



From my pov, I think it's a little different.

Let's say that a normal woman can reach 100 years old, and a channeler will go to 500(250 with Oath Rod).

If a normal woman will reach menopause around 50-60 years, channelers will reach that point(and will start having gray hair) in like 300 years(or 150 with the Binder).

A woman channeler should age 5 times slower than a normal woman(2.5 with Binder).

So Aviendha, which is around 20 now, should look and act like a woman in her forties after 100 years. If she uses the binder now and waits for 100 years, she will have ageless features, but if she renounce the oaths she'll look and act like an 60 years old, and will increase her life expectancy from 100-125 to 200-250 years, the ones she had left.

Siuan is 40+ years old, and has been in slow aging process for a little over 20 years, so she should look like a woman of 23-26 years old. Which she does.



Maybe not being able to have children is a limitation of the Binder. After all, the criminals the Binder was used on were imprisoned, probably for life, and they weren't allowed conjugal visits.

I'm curious, did anyone talked about AS being pregnant? I know Verin once made a joke about the White A. being used for birthing more channelers, when they presented the idea of using hte male channelers as breeding stock(similar to Shara).

And even in Shara, only male channelers are used to breed with normal women. Are the women channelers there bonded by an Oath Rod somehow? Or they are to awesome to have babies, just like the AS?


I believe that in the AOL they were only to take one oath (something like 'I will follow the orders of the court') so as to minimize the effect.


They didn't take any in the AoL. "Binders" were used on criminals...


Siuan is much younger than 60 years old - she was sent to the Tower immediately after it was discovered she could channel, so most likely she was between 14 and 16. Then she spent 6 years training before the events of New Spring, which were in 978 NE. The current year is 1000 NE, so she's around 42-44 years old.


Siuan is much younger than 60 years old - she was sent to the Tower immediately after it was discovered she could channel, so most likely she was between 14 and 16. Then she spent 6 years training before the events of New Spring, which were in 978 NE. The current year is 1000 NE, so she's around 42-44 years old.



Shes around 42. And Moiraine 44. But since they age a lot slower, even with the Binder, they should look around 25 years old(like Nynaeve, who was a wilder and started channeling later).


Those who get stilled seem to grow younger.

And it's not just their appearance, Siuan said she regained her monthly cycle after having been stilled. That speaks of true change.


Wait, what? When is this stated?


*looks goggle eyed*

Posted (edited)

Wait, what? When is this stated?


*looks goggle eyed*

You know, I'm sure she mentioned it in one of her Salidar PoV's, but I can't for the life of me find it. Can someone please lend me a hand?

Edited by yoniy0
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