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One quick question, will a shielded channeler see the weaves of others? And will a shielded female channeler see the light of saidar around other women who can channel or will she not be able to do any of that while she is shielded?

Yes and yes. E.g. Moiraine at the end of NStN.

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Thank you, so all the "passive" abilities and oddities of a channeler that do not require them drawing on the Power works as normal when they are shielded? What about dreams seeping into other's dreams. Mo mentions this in New Spring that when channelers sleep in close proximity to one another then the dreams of one will sometimes seep into the dreams of another, do this work to when they are shielded?

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Thank you, so all the "passive" abilities and oddities of a channeler that do not require them drawing on the Power works as normal when they are shielded? What about dreams seeping into other's dreams. Mo mentions this in New Spring that when channelers sleep in close proximity to one another then the dreams of one will sometimes seep into the dreams of another, do this work to when they are shielded?

That I actually don't know. However, Egwene could Dream easily enough when Shielded in the Tower, for what it's worth.

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Ok thank you for the information. Egwene is a Dreamer so she is a bit of a special case but it is probably the same mechanism that makes channelers dreams drift into one another at times. One more question then. Can someone who is severed see weaves and can a stilled woman see the glow of saidar around a female channeler or do that passive ability go as well with the ability to touch the One Power?

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I would think yes to all those passive abilities. What is damaged/blocked when severed/shielded is the ability to extend your psychic hand out and touch the OP. Certainly abilities that are not directly connected with channeling would work (Egwene's Dreaming, Min's Viewing {assuming she could channel and then had it severed}, seeing Ta'veren, maybe even fortelling, Hurin's sniffing ability, are all examples of these extra abilities)


When Suian and Leane were in Salidar, did they ever mention seeing the weaves? Seems like something that should have been described, but I don't recall.
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I am not saying you are wrong here but the channeling specific abilities are sort of connected to the ability to channel. The ability to see the weaves of other channelers of the same sex is something that comes with being able to channel. Now some talents are not connected with the Power or at least not in a way that anyone understand like Min's people viewing or a sniffer's abilities but, Dreaming for example you need to be able to channel to do that, or rather you have to be able to channel to do that so it is connected with the Power, though I guess that in some ways a severed channeler is still a channeler just a crippled one and might still have that needed contact with the Power for such passive abilities to work.

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Traditional Aes Sedai healing is non-specific; it heals everything or the patient dies. It works on infections, hangovers, and the taint from shadowspawn weapons. I don't recall a specific quote, but I presume it works on poisons as well.


So why doesn't being healed so often interfere with Egwene's doses of forkroot?


-- dwn

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probably because forkroot isn't a poison, per se. The normal populace doesn't even notice it, it's like mint tea. And it doesn't "harm" a channeler - that is, it doesn't do permanent damage to a channeler, just puts them out for a while, and after they wake up and have a few hours to recover, they are just fine. Almost like it's a kind of channeler specific alcohol or something.

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Has there been any mention post cleansing about how various non Aes Sedai societies are treating their newfound male channelers? Aiel used to send them to the blight, not sure about Sea Folk etc., but now that the male channelers will not go mad, has anything been shown on screen regarding them? Would love to see an Aiel Asha'man.

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Has there been any mention post cleansing about how various non Aes Sedai societies are treating their newfound male channelers? Aiel used to send them to the blight, not sure about Sea Folk etc., but now that the male channelers will not go mad, has anything been shown on screen regarding them? Would love to see an Aiel Asha'man.


We haven't seen much. With the Sea Folk in particular they were highly skeptical as of TGS...



Not much different from what his own people did in gentling men, truth be told. “Saidin is cleansed now,” he said to her. “This practice must stop.”

She pursed her lips, regarding him. “Your . . . man spoke of this, Coramoor. Some find it difficult to accept.”

“It is true,” he said firmly.

“I do not doubt that you believe it to be so.”

Rand gritted his teeth, forcing down another burst of anger, his hand forming a fist. He had cleansed the taint! He, Rand al'Thor, had performed a deed the likes of which had not been seen since the Age of Legends. And how was it treated? With suspicion and doubt. Most assumed that he was going mad, and therefore seeing a "cleansing" that had not really happened.

Men who could channel were always distrusted. Yet they were the only ones who could confirm what Rand said! He'd imagined joy and wonder at the victory, but he should have known better. Though male Aes Sedai had once been as respected as their female counterparts, that had been long ago. The days of Jorlen Corbesan had been lost in time. All people could remember now was the Breaking and the Madness.

They hated male channelers. yet, in following Rand, they served one. Did they not see the contradiction? How could he convince them that there was no longer reason to murder men who could touch the One Power? He needed them! Why, there might be another Jorlen Corbesan among the very men the Sea Folk tossed into the ocean!

Edited by Suttree
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So why doesn't being healed so often interfere with Egwene's doses of forkroot?


It is magick. But really yeah that is the best explanation for it, this plant affect only channelers and so it have some special properties there that is not covered by normal healing.


So the sea folk drown their male channelers?

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So why doesn't being healed so often interfere with Egwene's doses of forkroot?


It is magick. But really yeah that is the best explanation for it, this plant affect only channelers and so it have some special properties there that is not covered by normal healing.


So the sea folk drown their male channelers?


That or leave them to starve I believe, yes.

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Does anyone have a theory as to what Dobraine has been doing? Last we see him is in TGS when Rand returns from Bandar Eban and in ToM it's mentioned he hasn't returned to Cairhien. It seems weird he has been in Tear the whole time where Rand doesn't really need him and not in his homeland where he has the power to affect things and help Elayne secure the Sun Throne.

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Has anyone put forward the theory that the Voice that speaks in Rand's head at the end of tEotW is actually the immortal soul of the Dragon/Fisher? RJ seemed to have disavowed that it could have been the Creator because the Creator is hands off. The DO is a real possibilty but it just doesn't seem to fit quite right to me, especially with the change in italicizing when RJ seemed so careful about other things. Added to the fact that it has been a RAFO makes it seem like it must be a third party.


Does it make sense that it could be an avatar of the Dragon soul expressing it's consciousness as it settles into Rand?

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Does anyone have a theory as to what Dobraine has been doing? Last we see him is in TGS when Rand returns from Bandar Eban and in ToM it's mentioned he hasn't returned to Cairhien. It seems weird he has been in Tear the whole time where Rand doesn't really need him and not in his homeland where he has the power to affect things and help Elayne secure the Sun Throne.


No idea. Wish we'd see him more though. Persnoally I've always thought he should get the Sun Throne.

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He'd do well as a king. One of the few Cairhienin nobles that can be described as a decent person we've seen so far. I'm also wondering why Min thinks he's important, the whole "lose Bashere, Logain, Dobraine and it'll take a year to get back on your feet thing". I get Logain and Bashere but not him.

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Has anyone put forward the theory that the Voice that speaks in Rand's head at the end of tEotW is actually the immortal soul of the Dragon/Fisher? RJ seemed to have disavowed that it could have been the Creator because the Creator is hands off. The DO is a real possibilty but it just doesn't seem to fit quite right to me, especially with the change in italicizing when RJ seemed so careful about other things. Added to the fact that it has been a RAFO makes it seem like it must be a third party.


Does it make sense that it could be an avatar of the Dragon soul expressing it's consciousness as it settles into Rand?

RJ has not disavowed that it could be the Creator. He has said he would neither confirm nor deny that it was the Creator. There is a whole thread dedicated to this.


I do not think it could be the Avatar of the Dragon soul, as Rand's soul is the Dragon's (Champion of Light more accurately) soul.




INTERVIEW: Mar, 2000

Letter to Paul Ward (Verbatim)


Possible question: Is the Dark One pure True Power? Why does the Creator ignore Randland except to talk to Rand at the end of The Eye of the World?


No, the Dark One is not pure True Power. Who says the Creator takes little interest in the activities of mankind? And I will neither confirm nor deny that the Creator spoke to Rand.

Edit: added quote

Edited by Xo Meltdown oX
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Traditional Aes Sedai healing is non-specific; it heals everything or the patient dies. It works on infections, hangovers, and the taint from shadowspawn weapons. I don't recall a specific quote, but I presume it works on poisons as well.


So why doesn't being healed so often interfere with Egwene's doses of forkroot?

A channeler seems to be able to direct where Healing goes. There were some cases where wounds were left un-Healed and the patient still living. On the top of my head; Crossroads of Twilight Prologue, last section.


As for why the Healings did not remove the forkroot effects, perhaps the Healings were not directed toward the area/areas the forkroot affected. I take they only Healed Egwene's wounds.

Another factor might be the timings of forkroot & Healing.

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Traditional Aes Sedai healing is non-specific; it heals everything or the patient dies. It works on infections, hangovers, and the taint from shadowspawn weapons. I don't recall a specific quote, but I presume it works on poisons as well.


So why doesn't being healed so often interfere with Egwene's doses of forkroot?

A channeler seems to be able to direct where Healing goes. There were some cases where wounds were left un-Healed and the patient still living. On the top of my head; Crossroads of Twilight Prologue, last section.


As for why the Healings did not remove the forkroot effects, perhaps the Healings were not directed toward the area/areas the forkroot affected. I take they only Healed Egwene's wounds.

Another factor might be the timings of forkroot & Healing.

i think it may be because they ingested it, thus it is in the blood stream and must be removed by filtration, rather than it being a singular event.

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Traditional Aes Sedai healing is non-specific; it heals everything or the patient dies. It works on infections, hangovers, and the taint from shadowspawn weapons. I don't recall a specific quote, but I presume it works on poisons as well.


So why doesn't being healed so often interfere with Egwene's doses of forkroot?

A channeler seems to be able to direct where Healing goes. There were some cases where wounds were left un-Healed and the patient still living. On the top of my head; Crossroads of Twilight Prologue, last section.


As for why the Healings did not remove the forkroot effects, perhaps the Healings were not directed toward the area/areas the forkroot affected. I take they only Healed Egwene's wounds.

Another factor might be the timings of forkroot & Healing.

i think it may be because they ingested it, thus it is in the blood stream and must be removed by filtration, rather than it being a singular event.


Don't forget that the healing that almost all AS do is described as crude battlefield patching by anyone who knows better like Semirhage for example.

There is always the possibility that the more advanced healing performed by Nynaeve and Sumeko could in fact remove Forkroot from someone's system.

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Hi! I'm TNine.

Traditional Aes Sedai healing is non-specific; it heals everything or the patient dies. It works on infections, hangovers, and the taint from shadowspawn weapons. I don't recall a specific quote, but I presume it works on poisons as well.


So why doesn't being healed so often interfere with Egwene's doses of forkroot?


-- dwn

My interpretation has always been that forkroot either interacts with or just counteracts the One Power. We know that forkroot works almost exclusively on channelers--quote Silviana in KoD:

"I cannot like the stuff. It seems aimed directly at Aes Sedai. Someone who cannot channel can drink five times the amount that makes a sister pass out and barely grow dizzy from it."

So i imagine trying to heal away forkroot would be pointless at best, and like pouring water on a greasefire at worst.

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Who are the two Aes Sedai that Miraj saw with Suroth in TPoD?


The da’covale with the writing desk in her arms caught his eye. Scowls flashed across her pretty doll’s face, never pushed down for more than moments. Property showing anger? And there was something else. His gaze flickered to the damane, who stood with her head down but still looked around with curiosity. Brown-eyed da’covale and pale-eyed damane looked about as different as two women could, yet there was something about them. Something in their faces. Strange. He could not have said how old either was.
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