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Why has'nt Egwene's ability to find raw ore been exploited more?

With all the Money troubles she and the Salidar AS were having why not have Egwene power up some gold or silver ore somewhere along the line.


I guess they didn't exploit it more because it got side-tracked by a MASSIVELY important plotline of reuniting the WT.

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Well, to reunite the WT, they required a lot of cash to pay a lot of soldiers for the siege.  The Old Delving (Delving is the word used for this in a glossary or two, as opposed to the New Delving, looking for illness) would have mitigated the problem quite a lot.


I imagine she didn't do it because of the memories it brought back.  She just tried her best to forget it (and apparently succeeded)

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Delving for ore did seem to be portrayed as an incredibly rare talent, rare enough that it's likely that Egwyne would have been the only one amongst the SAS with that ability.  And with the tower civil war approaching and everything else going on, I'm sure that the Amyrlin Seat had better things to do than to go prospecting.

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Delving for ore did seem to be portrayed as an incredibly rare talent, rare enough that it's likely that Egwyne would have been the only one amongst the SAS with that ability.  And with the tower civil war approaching and everything else going on, I'm sure that the Amyrlin Seat had better things to do than to go prospecting.

I seem to remember that during the "turning Southharbor's chains to Cuendillar training" episode, Egwene thinks along those lines as well. She's not the only one, but she's the strongest. Bode, Leane and a few others (that get murdered by Arangar) are somewhat talented as well. They make Cuendillar things to sell.
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Just how much added life span does a Warder get through the bond with his Aes Sedai? I know they live longer but how much longer than normal, assuming they are'nt killed defending their AS.


I do not believe that they get much if any extension to their natural life spans, but they do avoid a lot of the draw backs associated with aging.

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Is it possible for some one bound by the three oaths to write a lie?

"To speak no word that is not true".


I think Moiraine tells us that they can't:

"I think there’s a rift in the Tower, whether Elaida knows it or not. I assume an Aes Sedai can’t write a lie more easily than she can speak one?" He did not wait for her nod.

Admittedly, we don't actually hear her saying so, but I think it's strongly implied. And I believe there will be a consensus in the Tower as to a subject such as this, otherwise Moiraine would alert Rand that some sisters can.

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This leads me to the question of what exactly the AS get from the bond (besides a hardcore bodyguard). We know that the AS can draw on her warder's strength, but what exactly does this mean? Can she keep channeling for a longer time even when tired? Or is it more that she could perform strictly physical labor (running, traveling, going without sleep) for a longer period of time?

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This leads me to the question of what exactly the AS get from the bond

Oh, that's an interesting one. I don't have a complete answer, but perhaps we get a clue in the next scene:

She could feel Bryne's smile through the bond. Light, but it was good to have a Warder again. She hadn't realized how much she'd missed that comforting knot of emotions in the back of her mind. That stability. Men thought differently from women, and things she found complicated and baffling, Bryne saw as straightforward and simple. Make your decision and go. There was a helpful clarity to his way of reasoning. Not that he was simple—just less inclined to regret decisions he'd already made.

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Does Mat's foxhead medallion protect him from saidin, or just saidar? Rahvin kills him, but when Halima (Balthamael) channeled saidin at him, the medallion stopped it.

protects him from both. Rahvins channelling created the lightning but the weaves never touched Mat thus the medallion couldnt stop it.

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Does Mat's foxhead medallion protect him from saidin, or just saidar? Rahvin kills him, but when Halima (Balthamael) channeled saidin at him, the medallion stopped it.

protects him from both. Rahvins channelling created the lightning but the weaves never touched Mat thus the medallion couldnt stop it.


Are not the lightning bolts them selves part of the weave?

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Does Mat's foxhead medallion protect him from saidin, or just saidar? Rahvin kills him, but when Halima (Balthamael) channeled saidin at him, the medallion stopped it.

protects him from both. Rahvins channelling created the lightning but the weaves never touched Mat thus the medallion couldnt stop it.


Are not the lightning bolts them selves part of the weave?

no I think it is more the weave sets off a lightning bolt, like when they make it rain, they just create a spark with the Power and it sets off a lightning bolt type thing. Or thats how I interpret it

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Does Mat's foxhead medallion protect him from saidin, or just saidar? Rahvin kills him, but when Halima (Balthamael) channeled saidin at him, the medallion stopped it.

protects him from both. Rahvins channelling created the lightning but the weaves never touched Mat thus the medallion couldnt stop it.


Are not the lightning bolts them selves part of the weave?

no I think it is more the weave sets off a lightning bolt, like when they make it rain, they just create a spark with the Power and it sets off a lightning bolt type thing. Or thats how I interpret it

If that's the case, the necklace doesn't provide nearly the amount or protection I thought it did.
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Does Mat's foxhead medallion protect him from saidin, or just saidar? Rahvin kills him, but when Halima (Balthamael) channeled saidin at him, the medallion stopped it.

protects him from both. Rahvins channelling created the lightning but the weaves never touched Mat thus the medallion couldnt stop it.


Are not the lightning bolts them selves part of the weave?

no I think it is more the weave sets off a lightning bolt, like when they make it rain, they just create a spark with the Power and it sets off a lightning bolt type thing. Or thats how I interpret it

If that's the case, the necklace doesn't provide nearly the amount or protection I thought it did.


Nope. Elayne and the Sisters threw poop at him on the way to Ebou Dar. It trimmed his sails a bit. If the channeler knows about the medalion and it's limitations, they could still fry him pretty easily.


Still, immobilizing him doesn't work. If he's close enough and the channeler tries that, or any direct attack, they may not have time for a second chance.


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Still, immobilizing him doesn't work. If he's close enough and the channeler tries that, or any direct attack, they may not have time for a second chance.

True, but unlike the gholem, Mat is not that lethal with his bare hands. So as long as the channeler is quick enough on his feet to block the actual dagger/spear strike, he/she would have time to find a crack in Mat's protection.

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Are we sure the Seanchan beasties aren't shadowspawn?


I know the first reaction is ACK SHADOWSPAWN.  And then someone familiar with Seanchan are like no, WORSE, Seanchan! 


But, i have to wonder, is it possible that the critters are shadowspawn, just domesticated?

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Are we sure the Seanchan beasties aren't shadowspawn?


I know the first reaction is ACK SHADOWSPAWN.  And then someone familiar with Seanchan are like no, WORSE, Seanchan! 


But, i have to wonder, is it possible that the critters are shadowspawn, just domesticated?


We know that the Seanchan exotics are from another world accessed via portal stone. So, I tend to think they aren't Shadowspawn, but I suppose they could technically be other world Shadowspawn.

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Shadowspawn can't survive a trip through a gateway made from the One Power, what about one made from the True Power?

We don't know. But probably not - for two reasons.

1) LTT, whose memories Rand is accessing might remember if TP Gateways had been used to transport Shadowspawn during the War of the Power when as many as 29 Chosen had permission to use TP. Of course, he may or may not think about it.

2) Shadowspawn are constructs that mix OP and TP. If they die going through an OP Gate, they probably die going thru a TP Gate.

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Plus, in one of Rand's Rhuidean memories, his ancestor seems to connect the fact that the 'standing weaves' are no longer active to the fact that all they can use now to transport the Aiel are wagons. Or at least that's what I remember. So, barring an incredible technological advance, I don't think they'll be able to construct flying machines the way they did in the AoL.

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Are we sure the Seanchan beasties aren't shadowspawn?


I know the first reaction is ACK SHADOWSPAWN.  And then someone familiar with Seanchan are like no, WORSE, Seanchan! 


But, i have to wonder, is it possible that the critters are shadowspawn, just domesticated?


We know that the Seanchan exotics are from another world accessed via portal stone. So, I tend to think they aren't Shadowspawn, but I suppose they could technically be other world Shadowspawn.


The Seanchan section in the Wheel of Time companion book states that the original inhabitants of the Seanchan isles brought the grolm, lopar, raken and others from other worlds via portal stones in order to eradicate all of the shadowspawn in their lands. This is why the Seanchan think Trollocs are fairy tales.

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