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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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Again you hear strange noises, this time you open your eyes to see if you can see what is going on. But the night is pitch black, maybe you see a figure moving, or maybe it was two you ae unsure.


As dawn breaks you awake to everyone beginning to rise. Everyone except one person, it doesn't take long for someone to notice. As you all crowd round the body, the head seems to have been twisted back and despite being laid on his stomach, LotD's face stares up at you, neck broken.


LotD a Mafia Traitor has been killed


It is now Day


There are 11 of you left it takes 6 votes to lynch



That's interesting.


Mod - I'm confused as to who the active players are. Can we get a list?


And, with two nights worth of findings, we are starting to close in on them.  Loki, did you find a mafia or an innocent?




1. Eclipse0

2. Climhazzard Lynched Day 2

3. Tayol

4. Lord of the Dawn (LotD) Killed Night 2

5. Jelly

6. ThemasterDude (TMD)

7. Blig Blog

9. Reddfern (Loki)

10. Daetirion (Dae)

11. DreadPirateRoberts (DPR, Wes)

12. Naeann

13. Vemy

14. Korin

15. Dunbar (Demi)


*Bangs her head on a brick wall*..there were 14 to start..*needs a drink!*


12 left 7 to lynch



No worries - I thought I was losing my mind when I couldn't remember the third player that had been killed! ;D




lol thats what the gin was for then ;)



so, ok seems someone got ahead of us there, lol. well,it saved us a lynch i guess, i viewed laurie (lotd) as mafia last night



I've thought about this and I'm going to suggest that we consider having Loki reveal his findings from night one. With 11 players left on the board, 2 are most likely mafia. I think with the knowledge that the finding will provide we will stand a good chance of hitting a mafia.




The idea is to avoid setting up a target for the mafia. The mafia already know who is innocent, but they will try to keep everyone else in the dark to prevent their own identities from being deduced. When a player is a confirmed innocnet, it just means that they cannot be mafia. So the mafia will traditionally kill them to expand the possibility of who could be mafia.  So, under normal circumstances, a finder will only reveal their find if it is mafia, just to avoid this circumstance.


However, as this game is moving in a little bit of a different direction, different tactics might be considered.


We have a situation where we have lynched one innocent, and that's normal. But we have also escaped an innocent night kill two nights in a row, and that's not normal at all. To top it off, a mafia member was night killed, and that means that we have at least one vigilante or assassin who felt strongly enough that LoTD was mafia that they struck on the second night.


LoTD's behavior and reasoning is very similar to a couple of other players as well. TMD and Tayol have both been in the same camp and I think that it's a strong possibility that at least one is mafia as well.


All in all, we are in a good position to be a little aggressive. The one thing that could work against us is any mistrust of our finder, and I feel like a little bit of that has popped up. I do believe that Loki is the finder becuase I know how hard it is to try and carry off a flase reveal. I also think that it would be a mistake to create any doubt in the healer's mind as to whom they should protect. It looks like they are doing what they should so far, and we can't afford for them to change that.


So, I think that Loki could both gain a little trust and narrow down the field of possible mafia.  That's what I got.


Alarm bells started going off left right and centre when i read that


and at the same time, i seem to be agreeing with Vemy far too much


DPR's making a strong case and yet im wondering whether its all sophistry


(check out the big word ;))


Will contemplate the nature of life, the universe and possibly the direction this game is going - in that order


Yeah, DPR, that's a little suspicious.  In essence, Loki should only reveal a players identity if he knows we are about to lynch an innocent.


I understand the logic, that we'll be dictating the night kill for the mafia, probably upping our chances, but this can go wrong if he reveals the identity of the Healer or Assassin. He did say the night 1 person was roleless, but what if tonight he uncovers the role of the assassin?  Then the assassin will be night killed next, because the healer should still protect the finder.  What if he uncovers the  identity of the Healer?  Then there's no one to protect the Healer, he/she is killed, then Loki is killed the next night and we're screwed...


Loki, I think you should check DPR's identity tonight...


Vemynal, you've been overly quiet, and so far everything DPR said has helped greatly.  If it didn't help much, or at all, then I would say yes, definitely lynch him next. But you haven't said much at all, and now all of the sudden you want to lynch the most helpful player, that doesn't bode well for you...





I think it would be fair to say that I'm not going to post a suggestion like that without realizing that I'm sticking my neck out.  I was curious to see who would jump on it and use it to their own ends, so in that sense it was a bit of a trap. heh. It is widely considered mafiaesque to launch a vote with little or no reason. Especially after day 1. The innocents benefit when you lay your reasons out on the table. Then, each player can add their observations to the scenario and a profile can be constructed. 


I'm fine with Loki looking at me tonight, but I give it decent odds that he already has on night 1 (we've been on the same evil team before and know some of each other's tricks. If I were the finder, I definitely would have checked him!). And, I'm cool with his revealing me if he has.


As far as the finder role goes, you typically find out whether a person is innocent or mafia, but are not given roles. So, he would not know if he had found the healer, etc. But we can check...


Mod: Is the finder given alignment only, or both alignment and role?


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