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Season 2 Predictions

Guest Wolfbrother31

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Rand isn’t in the show, appears at the end with Callandor. Zombie Nynaeve and Creator Egwene tell him off, take the sword off him. Balefire all men for being incompetent and then break the fourth wall to apologise for the show and then balefire themsleves to actually do something positive for the wider world. 

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Guest Wolfbrother31

Well, I started this before the Finale...so now my S2 prediction is...


Show gets cancelled part way through - I shed tears & pray that Disney decides to buy the rights to WoT and make it right.


That was the worst Finale I've watched in my life... Bad WoT. Bad Tv. 


At least it's Christmas and I can watch Hawkeye. 

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15 minutes ago, Sabio said:

After this episode I am really scared to think what season 2 will be like.  They better sit down and rethink the direction the series is going.


I've talked myself down a bit. The showrunners must hear some of the criticism. There's plenty of time to edit Season 2 (or even shoot new scenes).


We're still headed in the same general direction, hopefully (provided a recognizable Mat returns).

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Pretty sure it's Trakand time in season 2, and a lot more Aiel too.

I think early s2e1 on we need to heal Loial and Uno, and Moiraine needs to be told the horn was stolen thereby setting off the hunt...which I guess Rand will not be participating in, at least at first? At some point he will realize pretending to be dead is not an effective strategy but I'm sure they will really draw it out and make all his friends very sad for a long time. I imagine he might walk for a while until he trips and falls over a particular garden wall, and then maybe reunites with rockabilly Thom and Mat. Egwene and Nyneave will head to Tar Valon to scrub some pots get some education. Loial, Perrin, Moiraine, and Lan will try to find Fain's tracks and I imagine might spot a falcon along the way.

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Season 2 Predictions:


Mat runs into Thom. 


Some more major and minor plot points are muddled incoherently. 


Beloved characters are skipped entirely and/or combined.


Moiraine is healed/untied by NynEg. They go after Fain after collecting Mat/Thom.


Rand wanders the blight in a plot hole induced existential ennui. 


Even more cheesy low-rent cgi. 


No one knows how to pronounce Seanchan.


Edited by WheelofJuke
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I'm pretty interested in how they'll approach S2. I presume that they won't want to confine S2 to solely tGH, but it doesn't seem like they're taking the approach of merging Falme and Tear given that the Seanchan are still landing along the western coast, and I don't think they'd necessarily want to do tGH in episodes 1-4 and tDR in episodes 5-8. In terms of big tGH plot points that are still definitely going to happen Egwene's collaring is the one you can't really work around at all very much; you can't skip it because of how foundational it is for her, but you need the Seanchan for it, and the Seanchan can only be in certain places. I wonder how this all will shake out!


It seems like the loose groupings for the season will likely be Rand/Selene, Perrin/Lan/Moiraine/(eventually) Mat, and Elayne/Egwene/Nynaeve (no surprise there, of course).

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3 hours ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

Well, I started this before the Finale...so now my S2 prediction is...


Show gets cancelled part way through - I shed tears & pray that Disney decides to buy the rights to WoT and make it right.


That was the worst Finale I've watched in my life... Bad WoT. Bad Tv. 


At least it's Christmas and I can watch Hawkeye. 

My least favourite episode but it comes nowhere near the disappointment and shithousery that was the GoT S8 finale. 

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Perrin hunts for the horn. Loil isn't dead, but peaces out like f''yall too dangerous.  Finds Mat, who's now emo, and they have an adventure following the Whistler


Rand wanders around crying until someone slaps him. 


Nyneave and Eggy to to the Tower..then Eggy gets captured by Seanchan assholes. Nyneave runs around mad. 


Moiraine shows to be a badass despite no one power. Lan cries cause now he's a non-warder to a stilled Aes Sedai, but simps Nyneave who isn't around


Somehow they all end up at Falme. Mat finally does something meaningful and blows the horn. Ishy flirts with Rand again and Rand has a tizzy and blows things up with the One Power. Perrin growls and swings and axe sulks. Nyneave saves everyone with a heal bomb. Eggy gets rescued and is now a badass. Mori finds Rand and glues herself to him. They spank the Seanchan. 






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1 hour ago, Storeebooq said:

Perrin hunts for the horn. Loil isn't dead, but peaces out like f''yall too dangerous.  Finds Mat, who's now emo, and they have an adventure following the Whistler


Rand wanders around crying until someone slaps him. 


Nyneave and Eggy to to the Tower..then Eggy gets captured by Seanchan assholes. Nyneave runs around mad. 


Moiraine shows to be a badass despite no one power. Lan cries cause now he's a non-warder to a stilled Aes Sedai, but simps Nyneave who isn't around


Somehow they all end up at Falme. Mat finally does something meaningful and blows the horn. Ishy flirts with Rand again and Rand has a tizzy and blows things up with the One Power. Perrin growls and swings and axe sulks. Nyneave saves everyone with a heal bomb. Eggy gets rescued and is now a badass. Mori finds Rand and glues herself to him. They spank the Seanchan. 






This is quite close to the books ??

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Egwene has to end up in Seanchan hands. Mat has to sound the horn. Rand has to recover Callandor. Those are the main important beats of the books. Considering how much work has been put into Rand and Egwene's relationship not having him present for the confrontation with the Seanchan would be pretty weird to me. And they have landed to the west already. I think we're looking at a truncated book 2 to get to Tear and book 4 as quickly as possible. I believe Cairhien is already shown to be in the second season?

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The snakes and foxes throwing their hands up and saying,”I don’t want false memories of events.”


Nyn cures Mo but gives her the big reduction in strength early as she was healed by a woman.


Mat blows the horn but there are only females attached to it. The men didn’t want to come.


Rand finds a functional shocklance from the AOL and tries to become Luke Skywalker.

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