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I'm Really Excited To See...

Guest Wolfbrother31

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Guest Wolfbrother31

Warning: spoilers if you haven't read EotW.


For me, my top 10 (not necessarily in order) that I'm really excited to see in the show is:


1) Winternight: Lan fighting Trollocs. Pretty sure this has got to be in episode 1 right?! 


2) How they portray the One Power being used: are we gonna see it in Episode 1 from Moiraine's POV?


3) Shadar Logoth: I hope it's horrifying! Likely episode 2 " Shadow waiting" ? Right? 


4) What they do with Logain: there's quite a bit they could creatively add without actually ticking off fandom. Logain was an interesting and important character that we could have gotten more from earlier. Do that. 


5) The Ways: like Shadar Logoth I think they can make this cool & scary & entertaining. 


6) Aiel. Don't think we're getting to see them hardly at all in S1. But surely they're gonna be big part of S2. And I still think the prologue opening scene for the show should be the Dragon born on Dragonmount and the prophecy being given to Suian, Leane, and Moiraine. 


7) Forsaken: I think they cleverly cast Lanfear & Ishy under the guise of the Grinwells. Really hope we get 3D antagonists who are well developed in S1. 


? 8. Padan Fain: honestly, he was one of the better written characters of EotW. I think they'll do an excellent job with him. 


9) The character quirks: if Nynaeve isn't braid tugging and cursing and sexist & if Matt isn't dicing and joking and a wanna-be ladies man, and Rand isn't trying to be the protective, small-town, perfect gentleman... I'm going to be pretty disappointed... This was definitely one of RJ's strengths in protraying characters. Brandon Sanderson's comments make me think they did a good job with the characters. Looking forward to seeing it. 


10) The sets: we definitely are getting Emonds Field and Shadar Logoth, and likely getting Fal Dara; but I hope we also get Tar Valon & Whitebridge. 


@Elder haman @Borderlander@Asha'man Shar'aman @Beidomon@king of nowhere

@mistborn82 @Illian Tear @Arie


What are you looking forward to seeing on screen?!

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I had a thought and wondered if they also cast Asmodean and a female forsaken as Aram's grandparents as apparently they're higher calibre actors. As with the Grinwells, the grandparents aren't in the books that much and it might give us, well the viewers, a reason why Aram snaps. I never completely understood the Mesema plot so if they're keeping his and specifically Aram, plots, might be easier to say Aram snaps because a forsaken(Greandal?) messed with his mind than he met a guy who turns people psychotic. Also, the grandparents could be swapped for Kaylie and Ntale in the waste instead of just random merchants.

As for look forward

The Manetheran speech, even truncated, I'm looking forward to that.

Mats old tongue episodes, hoping they do it justice

Mat blowing the horn of Valere, obviously in s2

I really hope we get the scene of Mat v Gawyn and Galad

These last few are a little farther out but I'll assume we get there.

The cleansing

I hope Zoe is practicing the Golden Crane speech now

I'm also looking forward to what changes they make to the last few books, e.g. I think we need to Tar Valon attacked by shadowspawn. That doesn't happen in the books but I just the the visual would be too much for the show to pass up.

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Definitely looking forward to everything @Woldbrother31 mentioned. What I would add are some smaller moments/character flourishes, that might only be a second or two on screen but will probably give me shivers. (I haven't read EOTW in about 8 years, so I am going off pure memory here.)


- Thom's cloak (I was hoping for the full-on rainbow-patchwork gleeman's cloak, but I'll take what I can get. The gleeman showing up in Emond's Field was what first lit my imagination on fire when I was 16 yrs. old reading EOTW for the first time.)


- The first time we see a Myrddrral's face. And the first time we see that Myrddrral on its black horse on the road, its cloak hanging like a dead weight as the autumn wind whips around it, staring at Rand from a distance. SHIVERS!


- Rand meeting Loial (maybe with a game of stones sitting on a side table.)


- The first time Lan notices the heron-mark on Rand's sword. Whether Lan says anything or not, or just raises an eyebrow, we'll know what it means.


- Egwene using the One Power for the first time (was it to start a campfire, or make Moiraine's blue stone glow? I can't remember; either way, it was so small of an act, but with such huge ramifications...)


- Hearing Lan call Rand 'sheepherder'


- Any inside jokes between Rand, Mat, and Perrin about (not) understanding women/girls.


- Our first glimpse of Tar Valon. Whether we get extended scenes of the city or not in S1, I would be shocked if we did not, at the very least, get a long, lingering view of the White Tower, possibly from a distance.


- Logain in a cage. (If he makes eye-contact with Rand from behind the bars of his cage, through a boisterous crowd, and they have a sort of I-see-you moment, I may have a stroke.)


- The music. Whatever the theme song ends up being, I can almost guarantee it will become a song that plays on repeat in my head for the rest of my life, the same way I find myself humming the Harry Potter or GOT themes. It's like knowing you're about to make a new best friend, but you haven't met them yet and have no idea who they are going to be.


- Narg. 


Well, the list could go on and on, but I'll end it there and leave some room for more people to add on.


Hopefully, within the next two-ish weeks we'll have our trailer, and all will be right with the world!



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Guest Wolfbrother31
2 hours ago, Borderlander said:

Logain in a cage. (If he makes eye-contact with Rand from behind the bars of his cage, through a boisterous crowd, and they have a sort of I-see-you moment, I may have a stroke.)


I really hope we get this scene even though they cut Caemlyn

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23 hours ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

Warning: spoilers if you haven't read EotW.


For me, my top 10 (not necessarily in order) that I'm really excited to see in the show is:


1) Winternight: Lan fighting Trollocs. Pretty sure this has got to be in episode 1 right?! 


2) How they portray the One Power being used: are we gonna see it in Episode 1 from Moiraine's POV?


3) Shadar Logoth: I hope it's horrifying! Likely episode 2 " Shadow waiting" ? Right? 


4) What they do with Logain: there's quite a bit they could creatively add without actually ticking off fandom. Logain was an interesting and important character that we could have gotten more from earlier. Do that. 


5) The Ways: like Shadar Logoth I think they can make this cool & scary & entertaining. 


6) Aiel. Don't think we're getting to see them hardly at all in S1. But surely they're gonna be big part of S2. And I still think the prologue opening scene for the show should be the Dragon born on Dragonmount and the prophecy being given to Suian, Leane, and Moiraine. 


7) Forsaken: I think they cleverly cast Lanfear & Ishy under the guise of the Grinwells. Really hope we get 3D antagonists who are well developed in S1. 


? 8. Padan Fain: honestly, he was one of the better written characters of EotW. I think they'll do an excellent job with him. 


9) The character quirks: if Nynaeve isn't braid tugging and cursing and sexist & if Matt isn't dicing and joking and a wanna-be ladies man, and Rand isn't trying to be the protective, small-town, perfect gentleman... I'm going to be pretty disappointed... This was definitely one of RJ's strengths in protraying characters. Brandon Sanderson's comments make me think they did a good job with the characters. Looking forward to seeing it. 


10) The sets: we definitely are getting Emonds Field and Shadar Logoth, and likely getting Fal Dara; but I hope we also get Tar Valon & Whitebridge. 


@Elder haman @Borderlander@Asha'man Shar'aman @Beidomon@king of nowhere

@mistborn82 @Illian Tear @Arie


What are you looking forward to seeing on screen?!


Thats a terrific list. Nailed it. I’ll add The Blight and broken towers of Malkier and the Eye. 

Oh and can’t wait to see a Myrdraal!!

Edited by Beidomon
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Guest Wolfbrother31

Really all the Shadowspawn, I think are going to be well done; and I hope they keep Fades as they are and don't deviate just because they're a lot like Nazgul. 

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22 hours ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

Warning: spoilers if you haven't read EotW.


For me, my top 10 (not necessarily in order) that I'm really excited to see in the show is:


1) Winternight: Lan fighting Trollocs. Pretty sure this has got to be in episode 1 right?! 


2) How they portray the One Power being used: are we gonna see it in Episode 1 from Moiraine's POV?


3) Shadar Logoth: I hope it's horrifying! Likely episode 2 " Shadow waiting" ? Right? 


4) What they do with Logain: there's quite a bit they could creatively add without actually ticking off fandom. Logain was an interesting and important character that we could have gotten more from earlier. Do that. 


5) The Ways: like Shadar Logoth I think they can make this cool & scary & entertaining. 


6) Aiel. Don't think we're getting to see them hardly at all in S1. But surely they're gonna be big part of S2. And I still think the prologue opening scene for the show should be the Dragon born on Dragonmount and the prophecy being given to Suian, Leane, and Moiraine. 


7) Forsaken: I think they cleverly cast Lanfear & Ishy under the guise of the Grinwells. Really hope we get 3D antagonists who are well developed in S1. 


? 8. Padan Fain: honestly, he was one of the better written characters of EotW. I think they'll do an excellent job with him. 


9) The character quirks: if Nynaeve isn't braid tugging and cursing and sexist & if Matt isn't dicing and joking and a wanna-be ladies man, and Rand isn't trying to be the protective, small-town, perfect gentleman... I'm going to be pretty disappointed... This was definitely one of RJ's strengths in protraying characters. Brandon Sanderson's comments make me think they did a good job with the characters. Looking forward to seeing it. 


10) The sets: we definitely are getting Emonds Field and Shadar Logoth, and likely getting Fal Dara; but I hope we also get Tar Valon & Whitebridge. 


@Elder haman @Borderlander@Asha'man Shar'aman @Beidomon@king of nowhere

@mistborn82 @Illian Tear @Arie


What are you looking forward to seeing on screen?!


I really, really want to see the prologue. That has always been one of my favorite scenes. 

I want to see the dream sequences and Shadar Logoth especially. I would also love to see Fal Dara and how the Borderlanders behave not just towards Lan, but everyone. 

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I agree with everyone else's ideas here, and I'm especially excited to see channeling in modern CGI glory. I hope they can blow me away with that.


For something that hasn't yet been mentioned, one small-ish thing I've been excited to see depicted is the politics of the Ajahs and their different roles. I fell in love with the concept when I first read it, and it's something that I think they can do justice to on the screen, with some good writing, acting, and cinematography.

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16 hours ago, lt;(^-^)gt; said:

For something that hasn't yet been mentioned, one small-ish thing I've been excited to see depicted is the politics of the Ajahs and their different roles. I fell in love with the concept when I first read it, and it's something that I think they can do justice to on the screen, with some good writing, acting, and cinematography.

I agree that some inter-Ajah squabbling will add some spice and intrigue. One of the many nice things about WOT is the revelation as you go deeper into the series just how divided the White Tower is and how frankly stupid and petty a great many of the women can be. It adds some depth to their characters. Mwa-Rain is about as close as they come to a Gandalf-like figure. 


But don’t overdo it with the seasoning. If they try to give me an entire COT’s worth of  Aes Sedai and Andoran politics, that’s gonna kill me. In fact, I could do without the Elayne Succession storyline altogether.

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Yeah, it can be overdone. Like how the Reds sometimes come across as downright mean-spirited in the earlier books. I know it's partly from biased character perspectives, but still. I want to see it shine through in the acting and the writing with subtlety, and only get a heavy dose when it's plot-relevant.

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Guest Wolfbrother31
On 8/15/2021 at 5:41 PM, Beidomon said:

But don’t overdo it with the seasoning. If they try to give me an entire COT’s worth of  Aes Sedai and Andoran politics, that’s gonna kill me. In fact, I could do without the Elayne Succession storyline altogether.


Yeah. They can cut a lot and I'll be just fine with it! 

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I began reading these books because all the other "nukes" were reading them.  I am one of those that reread the series right before another book was to come out.  I'm just concerned, and I'm not alone as many of my friends, over the years, have all gotten apprehensive here.  Are they really going to put in the effort to WOW the serious fans, like those that answer all the difficult technical questions for many years?  I heard a lot about Game of Thrones debacles, but I think they did a decent job there, having read those books as well (well, most of them ? ).

I'm just putting this out there.

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8 hours ago, cpcampbell said:

I began reading these books because all the other "nukes" were reading them.  I am one of those that reread the series right before another book was to come out.  I'm just concerned, and I'm not alone as many of my friends, over the years, have all gotten apprehensive here.  Are they really going to put in the effort to WOW the serious fans, like those that answer all the difficult technical questions for many years?  I heard a lot about Game of Thrones debacles, but I think they did a decent job there, having read those books as well (well, most of them ? ).

I'm just putting this out there.

There have already been a lot of comments regarding making the show appeal to 'die-hard' fans as well as appealing to a larger audience to make the series successful.  We'll find out in November...

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perhaps the settings, channeling, and the combat scenes. those are the parts where movies can really do a better job than writing, that can add to the story even if we show ends up taking questionable choices. I do not normally imagine stuff in my head when reading - descriptions in particular, i tend to forget quickly. having images to associate with everything would make reading better, regardless of everything else.

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I see it two ways.


As a very serious fan of WoT, I want them to wow me, and I expect that they'll fail at times. I would be surprised and very disappointed if they fail entirely, but I think there will inevitably be disagreements I have with the showrunners, actors, prop designers, etc. It seems completely impossible for them to get it 100% right from my point of view. Mostly because they don't (and realistically can't) have my point of view.


As a fan of the fantasy genre and of good storytelling in general, I expect them to succeed generally. They have the tools to make this work. It's an ambitious project but it's not ridiculous to try to make WoT work on the screen these days and with this budget. Even when it doesn't appeal to my POV, I think it can work for general audiences and I think the adaptation can be satisfying enough to keep me happy even when I disagree with certain decisions.


I can't help but compare to the LotR movies, like mistborn82 referenced. There were some hugely significant changes to the movies compared to the books, but they remain classics that I love. I would wholeheartedly say that they "put in the effort to WOW the serious fans" in that case, and I expect something similar with WoT.

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Guest redgiant

1. How Rand  conveys what he is thinking, suspecting, oblivious to as various reveals and his own actions take place. Tam's fever dream talk. Four Corners and the wall. Elaida's whisper is cut I guess. BIG ONE: how Rand reacts to the Eye pool, how subtle or overt do they make him cringe or back away from it unknowingly.

2. How channeling is  depicted, and  when it is shown visibly or not (like from certain people's POV we will see it, otherwise not, etc). For example, Logain's cage capture photo shows nothing b/c it isn't trying to show it from a specific person like an Aes Sedai's eyes. But I wonder what that same scene looks like if/when they do.

3. What do The Ways and Machin Shin look like, is it realistic or cheesy effects? Or did they cut it  entirely (hope not)?

4. How Lan is Lan? Where's his armor, what does his voice sound like?

5. How big does the world-building seem? Are sets cheap-looking or augmented by CGI realistically and seamlessly to show the grandeur and details worthy of each location? Remember in LOTR, they often had only the lower levels of buildings and used CGI 100% seamlessly to extend and build up cities and such to look correct. And that was now 20 years ago. Shadar Logoth looks good so far, so there's that (although I worry more about what they show such as ruins vs whole buildings, than CGI or bigature model quality concerns).

6. Aes Sedai agelessness or what distinguishes them from ordinary women. Also the Aes Sedai Ajahs and their purposes, and how they translate that to caring in the show. Do the Ajahs make it clear from their behavior and skills what Ajah they are in and why? We have to care that there are Ajahs in the first place, and why they exist.

7. Are Black Ajah obvious when amongst themselves, or how do they behave differently if at all? Is it only by their actions we know they are Black Ajah, or are there personality/appearance/emotional tics that hint at it too.

8. What do Trollocs, Myrrhdral and Dragkhar look and act like, are they realistic and worth fearing and dreading at the level they should be? How about the Hounds, are they shown or just their footsteps? Are these practical in any way or 100% CGI, and regardless how do they compare quality and movement-wise with the utterly awesome and 100% realistic GoT dragons?

9. Are Forsaken in Season1 at all? How do they appear and how do they convey that they are what they are (something 'different' even if at first non-book audiences don't know who they are). Do they appear to be powerful, holding back, act like they know somethign others don't, egotistical, etc?

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Guest Wolfbrother31
On 8/18/2021 at 3:22 PM, redgiant said:

Aes Sedai agelessness or what distinguishes them from ordinary women. Also the Aes Sedai Ajahs and their purposes, and how they translate that to caring in the show. Do the Ajahs make it clear from their behavior and skills what Ajah they are in and why? We have to care that there are Ajahs in the first place, and why they exist.


Seems to me from the First Look that they're going to use gigantic rings instead of agelessness. And they're going to make Ajah obvious by wardrobe. 


But I agree with you and hope they handle it well -- that we as the audience care about what the different Ajah's care about -- that we see they're not unified and there's Ajah conflict -- that we find they tend to have certain skill sets -- and that that isn't handled in a YA way [like a Twilight monologue on werewolves]. 

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I guess for EotW scenes that I'm looking forward to:


Rand and Logain locking eyes.

Shadar Logoth.

The Ways.


I'm also really interested to see the EFX work, be they practical or CGI. I really hope they nail the Trollocs and Fades and channeling.


But most of all, I'm looking forward to the tone of the series. Will they lean into the horror aspects? Will they make it taut and suspenseful? Or will they make it epic and political from the beginning? How subtle will the world building be? How will they handle expositive dialogue?


These are the things that have me on the edge of my seat.

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