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Harry Potter Week - Dumbledore's Army Mafia Game Thread [GAME OVER-MAFIA WINS]


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I've never played this game format, and I'm very rusty to say the least. And even though it's been a year I'm still so leery of Dice! LOL I will try to put my past experience aside for this.


Zep has explained his choice of doors pretty well and I get the thought process of both Zep and Daruya, but it still looks a bit odd to pick Slytherin right out of the gate. Just sayin.



Can anyone move the keystone at the bottom of the pit?

The bolded. Rhea, did you kill dice?

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We were plunged into a lost extension of the RoR but it was very dark.


Daruya cast LUMOS to light the path, revealing 4 doors (one from each House).


Zepp opened the Slytherin door using ALOHAMORA and voted Turin.


The Slytherin door opened revealing a cavern. On the right, a great pool of water with a small chest at the far end. On the left an angry troll.


Ben casts CONFUNDO at the troll and the troll lumbers away to a corner.


There’s an endless magical explosion now barring our path.


Dice appears and claims town and casts FINITE INCANTATUM which stops the explosions but also unconfunds the troll.[/]


Darthe casts WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA. The troll levitates and drops off a bridge.


Rhea casts ALOHAMORA at the small chest and it opens but it’s still at the far side of the pool.


Zepp takes exceptions with Daruya’s choice of words; unvotes Turin and votes Daruya.


Daruya rebuts because words are just words. Recruit, blackmail, threats . . . regardless, Toad Face now knows about us because of the snitch.


Lessa asks about possibility of Polyjuice potion being used to disguise an Inquisitorial Squad member as a DA member (namely, the snitch).


Daruya agrees it’s possible. Daruya also says that Zepp may have opened Slytherin’s door because they are usually scum but it’s also possible he chose it to throw us off the snitch. Daruya suggested she may have selected Ravenclaw first because Hufflepuffs are unfailingly loyal, thereby less suspicious.


Zepp claims to have chosen Slytherin on a whim.


Lessa opens a large chest (where was this chest again?) using ALOHAMORA and gets the contents.


Turin uses ACCIO to obtain contents of small chest and votes Zepp.


Dice says that Daruya doesn’t want us scum hunting and votes Daruya because he says the Squad would most likely be Slytherin.


Daruya agrees that the Squad are most likely Slytherins but there is a traitor that isn’t because there are no Slytherin DA members. (DA members would KNOW this, by the way). Daruya is watching Zepp and Dice but isn’t going to OMGUS vote.


Darth votes Daruya without any reasoning. Turin asks why.


DJ uses Alohamora to open the Hufflepuff door. Inside is a small locked chest. Beyond it is a great pit. At the bottom is a keystone and slot for it in the rock wall.


Lessa asks Darth why he likes the Daruya vote and peers into the pit.


Devil’s Advocate expounds upon why it’s wrong to hate on Slytherin and says he won’t for Daruya because she chose to open the Slytherin door. He then uses Alohamora to open the Hufflepuff chest and receives its contents.


DJ agrees with DA to not judge based on house.


A couple people explain that Daruya isn’t the one who opened the Slytherin door.


Ben votes Daruya because he thinks the other thread she was talking about was the QT thread. (Aside: Has he even looked at the other HP Week events? For example, the Troll Hunt thread?)


DA says Daruya’s posts have been a bit confusing but isn’t lynch-worthy yet.


Various discussions about the game.


Rhea says she understands and agrees with Daruya about the snitch.


Ben says his vote for Daruya is grasping at D1 straws.


Charis says she doesn’t see anything yet to merit a vote.


Daruya explains what the confusion was between the two games (Troll Hunt vs Mafia).



Does that about cover it?

Daruya notices his claim of Seamus.

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Correct. I couldnt care less about the theme or its implications so long as they arent gameplay.


Lets kill something

I like where your head is at......which is weird, because I normally prefer your head to be rolling on the ground after it has been removed from your body. ;-)

Alright. Town!Verb



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Ben, you haven't struck a nerve. Granted, I don't like your vote but at least you are trying to reason it out, which is more than Darthe has done.


I'm actually a bit suspicious of Devil's Advocate at the moment. All of the "let's not judge a person by their House" could be scum trying to come across as all fair-minded and Hufflepuff. So the way I see it Devil's Advocate is either the most Hufflepuffy Hufflepuff ever or scum.


Dice is correct; canon is that there are NO Slytherins in Dumbledore's Army. Are there Slytherins that aren't scum? Absolutely but you'll have to pardon me if I tend to be a bit (okay a lot) more suspicious of them. That said, most everyone seems to be overlooking the fact that more than likely one of the scum is NOT a Slytherin. One of the scum is a member of Dumbledore's Army. However, if the concensus is to go after the Inquisitorial Squad first, I'm all in. But let's not forget the snitch.

What is the point in speculating what House scum are in? How does it matter?


This really just smacks of people trying to make pointless conversations look like gameplay.

I agree about the speculating about which house scum are in. There are examples in the books/films that show characters who are terrible people who weren't in Slytherin.


I also think worrying too much about canon might be destructive to the group though, but at the same time it's getting everyone talking and thinking about who the scum are. I think Dar is just wanting to keep in mind that there is a snitch and not to forget about it in searching for the Inquisitorial Squad.

How do you know this? The OP speaks to the squad having basically infiltrated our ranks, but nothing about a specific snitch AND a squad (scum team).


This looks a lot like TMI.


@Dar, care to discuss?



With that, you pocket your coin and join in on the practice. This is harder work than you first imagined, but it feels good to go actual magic again, outside of Umbridge's ban on casting actual spells. As time goes by, everyone in the DA seems to be moving along well with their practice, and we all have a firm grasp on at least the basics of each spell.

It wasn't destined to last though....

It was a normal day of practice, or so it seemed, but there was something ominous in the air today.

Just as someone cast "reducto!" a booming crash sounded throughout the room, and the safely barred door splintered. We don't know how, but they have found us.

As the door was rammed again, a hole opened up in the floor, dropping everyone into a tunnel that took us deep beneath the castle.

The Room of Requirement was trying to save us!!

Landing all in a heap at the bottom of this winding tunnel, in the belly of the castle where it seemed no one had been for years, Harry Potter

stood up and announced, "someone has betrayed us!" With that, everyone jumped to their feet and started looking suspiciously

at those who minutes ago had been your most trusted of friends. Unfortunately, no one was wearing a sign that read


We were going to have to use other means to find out who among us was working for Umbridge. In the mean time, we need to explore this place...

Verb, we know the Squad is out to get us. However, it requires a traitor for them to find us. See Harry's comment, above (purple, underlined, bold).


See also the orange underlined sentence.


That is what led me to believe there is at least one snitch and it was someone we trusted as a member of Dumbledore's Army. So my assumption was at least one snitch and at least 2 Squad members.


At the very least it seemed like a place to start.

Hmmmm. Scum plot to make them think there's a Symp? I don't think so. You just dropped back down to null a Daruya.

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Alright. Halfway through reread and its sleepy time.


As of right now, with tired sluggish brain and all, top lynch candidates for me would be Turin, Lessa, Daruya. Not specifically in any order. Someone got a kill, I'd imagine out of Slytherin.


Can't remember who opened those chests. I'll work on that tomorrow.


And why the hell is there a Bomb in this chest.........

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Hello everyone~ I wasn't expecting such an interesting game format, so I may not end up doing too much on this first day as I'm still getting used to it.


Having said that, I'm afraid I have to disagree with the Slytherin hate. We don't know for sure that there aren't any Slytherins on our side. It seems much more plausible to me that there would be an even mix of players from all houses for the sake of fairness.


Besides, who says Slytherins have to be evil? Slytherins are about cunning, they pick the option that is most likely to lead to their own success. Surely, then, is it not the fault of society that so many Slytherins find that the easiest path to success is that of evil?


Sure, many of the Slytherin pure bloods are heavily prejudiced and treat us poorly - but then what does that make us, if we are equally willing to judge all Slytherins poorly just for the fact that they are Slytherins...? Doesn't that make us just as bad as them?


I don't support prejudice from either side. We're all people, and we shouldn't let the colour of anyone's house affect how we treat anyone as a person.


TLDR: Hating on Slytherin house is dumb, because then you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing them of doing. Judge by person, not by group.


Therefore, I will not be voting for Daruya just because they chose to open the Slytherin door first.Anyone else could have opened another door at any time, since we have enough players to open every door - so the order we open the doors in really doesn't matter.

The bolded. Genuine mistake or slip?


I was skimreading and got people mixed up. I already adressed this in my post here.

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What's our status here? Are we trying to get that chest open? Where is the troll?


And who are you people?!

Why did you ask this Verb? You a little confused now that the veritaserum wore off? Not sure who your companions are?


[v]Verbal[/v] for now.



Was this a real vote?  Like, seriously?

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Correct. I couldnt care less about the theme or its implications so long as they arent gameplay.


Lets kill something

I like where your head is at......which is weird, because I normally prefer your head to be rolling on the ground after it has been removed from your body. ;-)

Alright. Town!Verb





Ok, better. 




Alright. Halfway through reread and its sleepy time.


As of right now, with tired sluggish brain and all, top lynch candidates for me would be Turin, Lessa, Daruya. Not specifically in any order. Someone got a kill, I'd imagine out of Slytherin.


Can't remember who opened those chests. I'll work on that tomorrow.


And why the hell is there a Bomb in this chest.........




That was what was in your chest?  A Gryffindor chest, and it had a bomb?  And you were thinking bad things about only Slytherin....?

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Let's stop a moment here. 



Zepp claims that I noted Dice's claim of Seamus. All I noted was that Dice claimed town. I didn’t even make the connection between Dice’s choice of a Seamus gif as being his character claim.



Zepp voted for me first. Then Dice voted for me because he mistakenly believed I didn’t want us scum hunting.  Then Darth voted for me. Then Gentled Ben.



Who, I say, who is the SOLE person still alive that was on my train?



Also note that Zepp is NOT voting for me today? Why? If I was "worthy" of a vote yesterday, and the death of Darthe, Dice and GB makes me that much more suspicious, why vote Turin? 


Right now, Zepp is seriously pegging my scum-meter. This isn’t about him being suspicious of me. It’s because of all of the first 4 people that voted for me, he’s the only one left alive. If I was scum, I’d never have been stupid enough to kill Darthe, Dice, and GB because suspicioun would then shift automatically to me. I don't play often but that's just common sense. Personally, I think he’s playing a clever game with his scum-buddies. And I fully expect that if I'm not lynched today, I'll end up getting killed tonight because if I can suss out one of them, they're all at risk.


My best friend was killed last night . . . :mad: It’s time to get serious about hunting scum because we lynched one of our own yesterday and the scum took out 2 of us last night.

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