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Welcome, DanaKatherine!


Oooh, spoilers . . . they pop up in all sorts of places! Just avoid the General and Structured Wheel of Time discussions at the top of the forum list!


DANA!!! *huggles* I'm so glad to see you on! :D


You definitely need to come by the Green Ajah, that's where Damon lurks. ;) I hope that I can talk to you and him on Skype somemore this weekend!


Hey Beautiful, glad you finally joined. :D Sooo... How's about we get bonded eh? First you need to become a novice. so go email the MoN. (I don't know anything about bonding... a little help here?)


Lol, My real name is Dana Katherine Drury. I guess it's just a cooincodince. Anyways, to say a little about myself, I'm 18, I am going to be a doctor because I want to help people. I'm currently a Senior in high school, but I just got accpeted to UC Riverside. I'm still waiting on my other applications. Damon (Matt) and I have been together for roughly 3 years now. :D I like to sing and dance, though I'm not much of an artist. :oops: (Matt makes fun of my drawings) I love puppies, they're sooooo cute! and I love being with my hubby, Matt! (Damon)


I believe the first thing you need is a nifty new sig and avatar my dear. ;) If I could offer my services... please PM me with what you would like and I'll fix you right up. :D


Hi, Dana! You sound like a younger version of me. I also love to sing and dance, and I'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology because I love helping people. :)


Feel free to stop by the White Ajah! :wink:


Hey Dana welcome to DM and the White Tower. Once your enrolled as a Novice come and visit us in the Novice quarters....link is in the thread at the top of here....we'd love to see you there and you can gives us the low down on Damon :wink: ...lol


Hey there, Dana! :D


Welcome to the WT! :D


Everyone already told you what to do, so...

*grins* I just get to wave and say hi! Gotta love that!


Oh okay, Cleo... :) I was going by what she said... hehe... either way, cool beans...



Hi' date=' I'm Dana. Damon Devilkin's my hubby. I decided to join because of him, and I would like to become a novice to the tower. I just started TEotW so I hope not to find any spoilers here. :D[/quote']


Lol' date=' My real name is Dana Katherine Drury. I guess it's just a cooincodince. Anyways, to say a little about myself, I'm 18, I am going to be a doctor because I want to help people. I'm currently a Senior in high school, but I just got accpeted to UC Riverside. I'm still waiting on my other applications. Damon (Matt) and I have been together for roughly 3 years now. I like to sing and dance, though I'm not much of an artist. (Matt makes fun of my drawings) I love puppies, they're sooooo cute! and I love being with my hubby, Matt! (Damon)[/quote']


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