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[Game Over] Cliche Mafia - The Death of Meta - Sooh Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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True, but with too much pressure you lynch :wink:



I am here and posting now btw. 


Well, 2 isn't 5. As long as you're not yet at L-2 (including your vote) you should just vote who you think is scum, from early in the day on. After that point you'll have to think about wanting the day to end or not.


Verb, incase you're still reading: That comment you made about the ban on Spiderman pics if you were to get Tina's cliché, the BT is crazy enough you could get away with posting one every 5th or something post you make if you were to play another BT mafia game.


Day 1 Lynch


Dice – 1 (Tina)
Leyrann - 1 (Pralaya)
Tress - 2 (VerbalHallia)
Cass - 9 (RTE, Shadar, Turin, Panchi, Leyrann, Darthe, Sooh, BFG, Verbal )
Panchi - 4 (Dice, Yates, CassTress)



Day 2 Lynch


Sooh - 1 (Tina)
Hallia - 7 (Dice, Sooh, RTE, Tress, Yates, Darthe, Turin)
Dice - 1 (Hallia)
Yates - 1 (BFG )
Tina – 1 (Leyrann)
Not Voting - 2 (Panchi, Shadar)



Day 3 Lynch


Turin - 6 (Darthe, Yates, BFG, Sooh, Tina, Leyrann)
Not Voting - 4 (Panchi, Shadar, Dice, Turin)




I doubt we can say a lot about the D3 lynch because it happened so fast, but it should be noted that both at D1 and D2 Tina was voting someone else - alone. Both times someone who hasn't really been under pressure by anyone. Only the bit of poking here and there, but I doubt either of them has been sitting at more than 2 votes at any moment. Probably not wanting to draw attention, but going for Turin because not doing so would be suspicious with the consensus being the way it was?


To be honest it's the most notable thing for me. No one else isn't really standing out. No, Yates, not even BFG because we don't actually know wheter you're town.


Ley, are you suspecting Shadar of being mafia? 


I guess what I'm asking is who is your second strongest scum read at the moment?


I would be down for a Tina lynch. 50/50 she's scum/sk. So there's that.


BTW - Tina flips SK? I'm confirmed Town. So there's that as well.


Yes, Sooh, I am. If I were to bet, it would be Tina and Shadar.


If not, I guess we'll have to look further... But I am willing to bet at least ONE of those is mafia, and we can afford one more mislynch because we only had one kill last night.


No, Ley. It's not a cliche. I'm just behind and I won't get more time today. I will not just make up a list. It's really frustrating to not be able to catch up. Hope to do so tomorrow. For now you are my strongest townread.


i could vote tina for 2 reasons   1 is that turin vote.  the second is something she did again this morning. She pops in makes like 2 maybe 3 posts, drops a gif then says gnight im out.

Its starting to feel like a pattern.


Ok, so you want my reads. Well the others will take a bit, but I have Yates as mafia, first he says that he commuted darthe and that he he was safe then, he claims that it was tina, what is up with that?


Ok, so you want my reads. Well the others will take a bit, but I have Yates as mafia, first he says that he commuted darthe and that he he was safe then, he claims that it was tina, what is up with that?

Good question... I guess that since he "commuted" Darthe and Darthe was killed that he had to come up with someone else to have commuted... Either that or he's telling the truth about Tina, and was lying about Darthe... 





Ok? Where does this vote come from?


No, Ley. It's not a cliche. I'm just behind and I won't get more time today. I will not just make up a list. It's really frustrating to not be able to catch up. Hope to do so tomorrow. For now you are my strongest townread.


Well, I don't know about you, but I don't need to do a full reread for a short recap of what feels people give me. For example: I've made at least one this game, I think two or three. Check them out.


Ok, so you want my reads. Well the others will take a bit, but I have Yates as mafia, first he says that he commuted darthe and that he he was safe then, he claims that it was tina, what is up with that?


Well, he's just Yates with a cliché that really fits him: Fakeclaiming.




Interesting. Why?


BAHHHH!!!! I am now more powerful than you can imagine. Bwahahahahahahhaah (Okay I'mjust doing a VC for Ithi cause she is at work.


Vote Count

Tina (2) - Leyrann, Sooh
Sooh (1) - Panchi

Not Voting (Slackers) :smile: 5 - Dice, Yates, Shadar, Tina, BFG

With 8 alive it takes 5 to Lynch.

Day 4 ends Saturday 28 March 2015 at 9.15pm GMT. Sorry it's on a weekend ... it would have stretched forever otherwise. If everyone is unhappy with that I can change it to Sunday instead - but I want to know today.



Welcome back Turin. Sorry for hammering you.


Oh yeah, I KEEP forgetting this, but I'm going to have a busy weekend, which basically means that after this evening, the next time I'll be able to check in is Sunday midday or evening.


For me deadline doesn't really matter because I can't be there anyways, but I hope that day won't start before I'm back.


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