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The 4th BT Hunger Games - Star Wars Pod Racer - Turin Wins!

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'Pod Racers, you are breaking my heart,' said one ridiculous bearded old man, who will NEVER be forgiven. 





Awwww. 5 points for using one of the best movie quotes of all time.  :laugh:





three parachutes drop down.  one coated in chocolate for Tina, one in black and white for DPR  and one that hops to its recipient for Roo


It seems some Gifts have been given. The lucky Racers will get a PM to say what they are - but I can't get to it till later this afternoon.


There'll still be plenty of time to submit your actions - promise :)


*sends love to those who gave me gifts*


*reminds Dice of the time I was totally covered in chocolate*


It can happen again.  :wink:


To attack or defend? That is the conundrum, isn't it?


Clearly this is a bloodthirsty lot, as evidenced by the number of attacks delivered during Race 1.


But it is also a conservative group as only Stealth Attacks were delivered, leaving each of our 4 assassins with their primary firepower intact.


Clearly we have a number of ambitious racers as most of the group is neck and neck at +2. 


But what have we of strategists? Two are at 0 for a reason.


Clearly alliances are being formed. But is it better to turn on those alliances early to weed out obvious deception? It is a LMS game after all, so there can be no true alliances.


Or is it better to have others do your bidding and hope for the best? To trust luck and turn at the last moment?


To attack or defend...



why is dm blocking all the memes I want to use!!!



They are pg13... Book quotes to be more exact, but for some reason they won't be allowed... There aren't even any bad words..


To attack or defend? That is the conundrum, isn't it?


Clearly this is a bloodthirsty lot, as evidenced by the number of attacks delivered during Race 1.


But it is also a conservative group as only Stealth Attacks were delivered, leaving each of our 4 assassins with their primary firepower intact.


Clearly we have a number of ambitious racers as most of the group is neck and neck at +2.


But what have we of strategists? Two are at 0 for a reason.


Clearly alliances are being formed. But is it better to turn on those alliances early to weed out obvious deception? It is a LMS game after all, so there can be no true alliances.


Or is it better to have others do your bidding and hope for the best? To trust luck and turn at the last moment?


To attack or defend...

This is all I can see now.





To attack or defend? That is the conundrum, isn't it?


Clearly this is a bloodthirsty lot, as evidenced by the number of attacks delivered during Race 1.


But it is also a conservative group as only Stealth Attacks were delivered, leaving each of our 4 assassins with their primary firepower intact.


Clearly we have a number of ambitious racers as most of the group is neck and neck at +2.


But what have we of strategists? Two are at 0 for a reason.


Clearly alliances are being formed. But is it better to turn on those alliances early to weed out obvious deception? It is a LMS game after all, so there can be no true alliances.


Or is it better to have others do your bidding and hope for the best? To trust luck and turn at the last moment?


To attack or defend...

This is all I can see now.





This is forum-based mafia (or something close to it).


That's all you should ever see.


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