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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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I like your style.  So much so that I'm leaving you now.  To go watch Archer.  On Netflix.  Also, I fixed your quote for you. 



  On 3/17/2014 at 12:21 AM, Tommyrod said:

I just think he's playing to what I know as his scum game; I'm not really reading his posts.

IDK how Cloud is town since he failed my tone test too, but I won't be wrong about more than 75% of the people in this game!

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I want a Womby poem! Ill print it and stick it on my fridge.

  On 3/16/2014 at 11:40 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Lenlo looks bad too for his drive by nudge. You sure we can't just lynch him. It is his fault Ithi died after all.

Drive by nudge? My fault?! PIE!?! WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!!!


Srs though whatchu talkin bout?


CFD Womsy? Im down for that, though I still kinda like Cloud regardless of the claim.


Official Vote Count:


Dom (1/7): Salami

Len (1/7): Turin

Cloud (1/7): Len

Turin (3/7): Cloud, Mish, Wombat

Wombat (2/7): TG, Tess


Not voting (4/12):

Tina, Dap, AJ, Rag


With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch

48 Hours til Night.

  On 3/16/2014 at 11:53 PM, TGlems said:


  On 3/16/2014 at 11:46 PM, Tommyrod said:



LOL.  This had me laughing so hard my dog was concerned. 


##vote WWWwombat




  On 3/16/2014 at 11:53 PM, Tommyrod said:

##Vote Wombat


what the duck

you guys suck

get hit by a truck


Before I get caught up to everything else, one thing that's really sticking out for me-


So before when a few goldfish kept acting like I had dropped the biggest scumslip ever, Cloud was one of those trying to say how obviously scum I was for not seeing that TG was town. Incidentally, this wasn't what Ithi kept implying really- more that I was either misrepping or something about TG's bandwagon votes, not necessarily seeing why he should be obvtown. She did also seem to think he was definite town, but her criticism wasn't that I didn't see what others did but that I might have tried purposefully making TG look worse than he did.


So then finally Cloud comes forward and says TG is the Cop. Well, he ended up being wrong, but before we get to that I wanna cover something simple: between town and scum, who is more likely to pick up on PR hints and rolefish? Eggsahktlee. Scum are obviously more interested in seeing what roles various townies possess. I for one don't really PR hunt at all as town, on purpose to try and lessen the chance that scum find PR's easier. So I caught all this flak for either misrepping TG, which would have been the most obvious misrep ever were it true, or not picking up on a PR hint. Riiiiiight. Tommy put it perfectly- goldfish.


Here's the next little part tho. TG said he wasn't a Cop. Okay so pretty much all that "Despot should have noticed TG was Cop!" crap gets flushed right down the toilet. More importantly, he's STRONGLY hinted at a role that no one has really named so far, and in fact it's one of my favorite investigative roles: Dreamer (if you want I can compile his recent hints, but yeah it's pretty clear that's what he's soft-claiming).


Here's the thing tho. I'm not sure yall realize how a Dreamer works, otherwise I think someone would have brought this up earlier. A Dreamer can get back two different types of investigation results each night. Either they get three names, or they get one name. Traditionally they don't have any power over what names they get back, it's usually done by random.org. If they get three names back, two are town and one is scum, only they don't know which one. If they get one name back, it's town.


The cool part about the role is it's a little bit random but often the results are CRAZY awesome at helping to #solve things if in the hands of a good player. The bad part is you don't get back any direct results which incriminate one scum, you have to use other circumstances to figure it out.


Basically what I'm getting at is that TG could easily be faking his claim of Dreamer. We lynched RTE D2, right? Well let's say he got results from N0. That means he had two nights worth of viewings to help him determine who could be scum if he was the Dreamer. Well, he could have gotten insane lucky and gotten three names the first night, and RTE been one of them, and then the other two killed before then or something, leaving him POE right? WRONG. No coroners on anyone in the game besides RTE, so that option is out. So let's say he got three names the first night, then got the name of a townie the second night, and that person was in the first three names as well. Well okay, then that would give him a 50% shot of figuring out who scum could be. BUT- TG didn't act like there was any uncertainty that RTE was scum- most of his recent posts were celebrating RTE's death before we got his flip.


To me, that pings. There is essentially NO WAY for TG to have conclusively known that anyone was scum yet if he was a Dreamer, unless either his role worked different than normal or he had extra information or something. And yet he seemed so sure... he could have easily been a scum Rolecop that figured out that RTE was third party and figured he could fake some kind of investigative role down the road.


There's one more wrinkle to this but I won't reveal that yet...


@TG: Am I correct in determining that you are in fact hinting at being a Dreamer type role? Does your role function differently from normal Dreamers, and if so how does it? Most importantly- what are your results from the past few nights.


In fact, too many people are playing stuff close to the chest as if it's protown. Just gonna let yall know- the cat's out of the bag. Almost everyone has claimed, and there's already a good bit of investigation results in the air. If you think keeping something secret or lying about an investigation result will definitely catch scum and soon, then meh w/e. But if you're just holding on to stuff to act cryptic like you're helping town, you're not. This game could likely be solved today if we pool our results together, w/e they might be, and there's even a decent chance the game could end by tonight if we play our cards right.


I'll help get the ball rolling. N0 we used our action on Rags. Not gonna explain the mechanics right now as it wouldn't really help town, but suffice it to say Rags is town. N1 we used it on AJ, and while there is kinda something extra there, I won't reveal it yet, and yes, AJ is town as well. And eh while I'm being candidate I'll even reveal our N2 target: no one. Unfortunately we missed the deadline cause we're derps. We DID try submitting it on Tina tho, which is why I was relieved that she had such good tone and looked so townie from her recaps.


Sometimes I wish I could be more concise. Just occassionally.


TL,DR for above: TG looks like he's claiming Dreamer, and this doesn't really jive with him being so confident in RTE being scum since there's no definitive way a normal Dreamer role could have let him know that by D2 in this game. Also, scum are more likely to rolefish and PR hunt than town, so if anything I think it looks a lot less suspicious that I didn't catch the supposed "Cop" that wasn't really a cop.


Fact is, going through TG's iso he's been completely useless this game. A Dreamer claim which is crazy easy to fake as scum shouldn't be able to justify all of that. Everyone is accepting him as town when I think there's some more fleshing out needing to be done on him.


And as far as Cloud, he also has played one of the most scummy games I've seen him play in a while, yet he acted like his mason claim was the be all end all claim to put all fos's and votes on him to shame.... just boggles my mind how everyone has accepted this as well. Everyone and their sweet old auntie has tinfoiled about one of the DOMTESSBAMFGOAT duo being scum, even tho we share the same role, slot, and vote. And then those same people blindly accept a mason claim? I don't even really believe it would be possible to make a half scum/half town Hydra. Yet a mason pair that either has a sleeper cell in it to start or is converted after the game begins? THAT sounds like Darthe, and something that would easily be done as well.


I'm not saying I think both Cloud and TG are obviscum, I just don't like bad town play and readily accepting both of their claims and disregarding EVERY other thing that incriminates both is bad play.


Andddd my TL, DR needs a TL, DR. Le sigh.


In case anyone is actually into brevity in a mafia game with me, here goes.


Turin and Wombat are prob the best trains for today. I'd prefer Turin, cause while we sort out some of the other wifom regarding top suspects, he's easily the dirtiest player left. His VT, no really VT, I'm not kidding I'm VT, nononowait I'm a Bodyguard was just epicly gross. And even complaining about someone else getting a role he submitted, making it more obvious he was never a VT (and never a Bodyguard either), that was blech too. And as Csarmi pointed out, asking for a Bodyguard role in a BYOR game would be beyond stupid. Bodyguard is an extremely nerfed protective role. If Turin was so eager to protect Ithi no matter what her alignment was (which is gross), then he could have asked for a MUCH stronger protective role. Guardian Angel anyone? I mean co mon mon Turin. I'll point out other stuff on him in my wot later.


As for Wombat, I don't think he was ever doing this rhyme and rhythm thing till this day except for when he caught Darthe's hint about the moonlight fading and schtuffs. I could easily see Darthe giving him a PR after that for lulz. While Wombat is def one of the top suspects for me, I think it might be better to leave him for another day to see if the same old song and dance continues, or if he eventually explain more or something.


So yeah, vote Turin.


You ain't even sating how your role works and you are accusing everyone else of playing their cards too close? And then you fish for TG to tell you exactly everything how his role works?  That is rich.


And you two TOP TIER better than everyone else in the games players derped on submitting your NA? after you recently lambasted Darthe for doing the same thing. 



Tell us how your role works before you go getting up in anyone else's grill demand they spill everything to you. You say round refusing to even acknowledge that you did in fact share ROLE,VOTE, ETC... Wasting everyone's time while you puffed out your chest and tried to lead everyone around.







I have zero sympathy for people missing deadline with night actions. There's no excuse for that. If you can't do your basic job (some activity, doing your actions, voting), either don't sign up or replace out.


With that said, I would say Dom just don't wanna have to lie about more actions as needed.


I have finally gotten some answers from Darthe. I have a cop like role as well. That is why I have insisted on that Des and Wombat are town. It´s not clear that they are still town though. Des was town N0 and Wombat was town N1. If there is some conversion going on I will see the first alignment so all that I know is that they were town at the beginning of the night. I can choose to check dead people instead. That is why we got a coroners report this morning. I feel safe to tell you this since I know that I can´t get killed tonight. 


Will go back and find my previous list of claims. 

2. Des - hydra, investigative role

2.5. Tom - hydra, investigative role

3. TG - gets alignments, dreamer?

6. Cloud -twin/mason

7. Turin - bodyguard

8. Mish - twin/mason

10. Lenlo - talking jailkeeper

11. TinaHel - cop/coroner

12. Ley Dap - compulsive vig

13. AJ

15. Salami- phoenix

16. Rag

19. Wombat

  On 3/16/2014 at 11:35 PM, Turin Turambar said:

But Ithi is ALWAYS TOWN. No way would Darthe let her in as a wolf amongst you sheep. It would be a slaughter. Altho Darthe does like his mafia...


But I guess there is precedence. In Darthe's GoT game he had a town player be a bodyguard to the mafia GF, (who happened to be me) So it could have worked out that way just like the hydra twins might not actually share an alignment(say one dies and the other lives on) and that Mish and Cloud might no longer be true masons(Smash Bros)



Didn't you fake claim Bodyguard in that game cos you were actually THE KING! and then you killed everyone. AND didn't you fakeclaim being a Bodyguard in that WoT Game too?


Turin = Mafia = Claims Bodyguard.


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