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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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It's "not town."  Which means we won't be lynching someone who is currently town.  Which is better than lynching a townie.  Furthermore, he might have been able to side with the mafia.


Survival as a 3rd party depends on playing town and mafia against each other in a Kingmaker scenario.  Dice didn't wait long enough for that.

  On 3/10/2014 at 2:44 PM, Andrej said:

He claimed 'not town'

Exactly... he didn't even tell us he was 3rd party or something and even if he did, there's no reason we should believe him


No idea why he claimed tho.


Hey guys, really sorry about the inactivity.  My laptop's backlight went out Friday and I was busy all weekend with work stuff.  I'll catch up over the next day or so.

  On 3/10/2014 at 8:04 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/9/2014 at 11:38 PM, Despothera said:

Was just gathering votes for a VC but I see Turin beat me to the punch. Wheeee I get to hammer!


##Vote Dice

Well you did it right there ... So how did you mis-read?



Misread the role pm. Essentially we do share a vote. Thought it was worded differently.


  On 3/10/2014 at 8:12 AM, dicetosser1 said:

didnt cory just show us lynching third party automatically is not always a good thing? I know i learnt that


In that case we already knew what kind of third party he was. And it's true that lynching a Survivor over possible mafia is bad play... but you just said you were "not town" and left all cryptic like. What did you expect man? Of course you were gonna get lynched.

  On 3/10/2014 at 6:18 AM, Ithillian said:

Also re not feeling the need to answer his big list of questions. I didn't feel the need to be seeming 'reasonable' to make my Town shine through.



I'm not a Troll.


In my view, purposefully not being reasonable is tantamount to trolling, if there's no discernable reason for it. I don't think I had abused you or given you any reason to not be reasonable when I asked the questions, so you refusing to answer just seemed bizarre to me. Like you were doing it to spite me or something. Again, to me that's troll-like behavior.


But I wasn't using that word in an insulting manner. I troll all the time in mafia games, sometimes to mess around and sometimes as part of a gambit or something. Trolling is antagonistic behavior sure, but that's not an abnormal thing in a mafia game. Emotional manipulation is one of the central themes of mafia. I just didn't like how you kept misrepping me over and over. This is the first time you've been reasonable about the whole affair. Thank you.


Also wanna point out that if Dice really IS third party then Ithi all of your theories regarding him being mafia and me and Tommy defending him kinda crumble apart like week old playdoh.


This is why tunneling is often not the best practice, since you could have also used some of those Ithi scumhunting skills to cast aspersion on people that might have led to the game getting closer to being solved. Assuming you're right about one person being mafia and then making all kinds of connections from there will just lead to you having to start all over if your initial assumption is wrong. I link people, but I still like to keep my options open early on as I know I could be wrong.


That was the entire purpose of me asking those questions. Every time Dice answered you, he was really just making himself look worse. I wanted to give him a different thing to respond to to help divine if he was actually mafia or not, and see what other thoughts you had besides "Dice = mafia".

  On 3/10/2014 at 4:17 PM, Despothera said:

Also wanna point out that if Dice really IS third party then Ithi all of your theories regarding him being mafia and me and Tommy defending him kinda crumble apart like week old playdoh.


This is why tunneling is often not the best practice, since you could have also used some of those Ithi scumhunting skills to cast aspersion on people that might have led to the game getting closer to being solved. Assuming you're right about one person being mafia and then making all kinds of connections from there will just lead to you having to start all over if your initial assumption is wrong. I link people, but I still like to keep my options open early on as I know I could be wrong.


That was the entire purpose of me asking those questions. Every time Dice answered you, he was really just making himself look worse. I wanted to give him a different thing to respond to to help divine if he was actually mafia or not, and see what other thoughts you had besides "Dice = mafia".

You could have been defending him because you are Mafia and knew he wasn't on your team :wink: That would gain you Town Cred and make me look bad if he had turned out to be Town.


But he wasn't Town.


Meh. I'm not one to defend townies much as mafia. Towncred is a slippery element, you can have loads of it yet all of it slip away in the end anyways. I don't often make moves as mafia in order to gain towncred.


Final Vote Count:


Dom (2/10): Cloud, Amega

Amega (3/10): Tina, Mish, X

Dice (10/10): Turin, TG, Wombat, Tess, Salami, Ithi, AJ, Hally, RTE

Turin (1/10): Dice



Not Voting (3/18):

Len, Dap, Rag




Roll the Dice, Dice.  


The voice was haunting him, a whisper emanating from his laptop.  It slithered out, struck at his core before retreating back.  He felt sickened by it.  Somehow his game was not going as expected.  Dice made his choice, stepped forward into the arena....


...and was immediately ganked by the crowd.  


#yoloswaglicious4k20 #getsome #youdiedn00b


Crap.  He wondered if this game had respawns.  


Dice has been lynched.


It is now night 1.  Please submit any and all actions or holster.  You have 18 hours.


Fwiw even tho there's no coroner, I still buy what Dice said about being third party. His "not town" claim at the time he did doesn't make sense otherwise.


That being said, if there are Reviver roles out there, if you have limited shots I don't think Dice would be a good target to bring back. Would bring wifom and he wasn't really helping to solve the game.


Fwiw I think Pralaya was mafia. There are a few context clues in the passage that point to this IMO. Could be very wrong, of course, and have no idea what Darthe is up to but that's my take on it.


I also think it clearly indicates a SK role.


Not sure if there could be multiple 3rd party players with separate wincons though, that'd be new to me. I really don't see anything in Dice's scene to point me in either direction.

  On 3/10/2014 at 5:11 PM, Andrej said:

Fwiw I think Pralaya was mafia. There are a few context clues in the passage that point to this IMO. Could be very wrong, of course, and have no idea what Darthe is up to but that's my take on it.


I also think it clearly indicates a SK role.


Not sure if there could be multiple 3rd party players with separate wincons though, that'd be new to me. I really don't see anything in Dice's scene to point me in either direction.

I actually thought this as well but was sitting on it.


Red was emphasized at one point in it and there was something about him having a glimmer of repentance in his eyes.


I would obviously expect SK's or some kind of non-mafia killing roles in this setup tho.


Was the first Showdown game no coroner? AJ might be right about a role preventing town from getting flips. Would be a super strong scum role.


There could be some kind of town mortician as well. Idk why they wouldn't reveal the info though.


@Cs - how so?


@Des - yeah I was kinda sitting on it too. I wanted to get another death scene first to see if it would be something similar. The red and repentance are what I saw as well.


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