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Had Robert Jordan lived what stories within the WoT universe would you had liked to read?

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I would of liked to read Tam' story, how a TR shepherd became a bladesmaster. He was always an intresting character for me. As solid as Perrin, with Rands flair.

Also i think the legacies from main books would of been great, the rebuilding of the world in a new age, there is a mine of potential for awesome WoT adventures.

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I know, another 'What If' question, but I'm doing my first complete reread, and these questions keep lingering...


I would have loved to have read a series about how the White Tower rose to power, and another one on how it fell from power. I don't know if there is any information on those topics, but if anyone has any links it would be greatly appreciated. What WoT stories does it pain you to know that you will never read? The Trolloc Wars, The Age of Legends, Gaidel and Birgette, the Adventures of Hawkwing, or some other event that had happened?


I think this is a bad idea. Some things better if they are in 'myth-form' than actual books. There were so many disappointed readers, see the prequel.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like any sort of sequel book in which all 3 ta'veren end up being together again. Overall, that was what most disappointed me in A Memory of Light. 


I'd also like to read about The Age of Legends.


a book from Demandred's point of view. Him leaving the bore, going to Shara to fufil their prophecies and become their  "dragon reborn" type character.


He is a very tragic character within his jealousy, and is colored quite complicated in that last book, so that would of been all very interesting IMO. Also seeing and hearing about Meesana and Sermirhage's manipulation of the white tower and Seachan from his POV. The meetings with the rest of the forsaken and so forth.



EDIT: just found out about this River of Souls thing with Demandred. Will have to look into that


A book from bela's POV, a poor horse just living a quiet life in the two rivers and gets taken against her will all across the land.


Bela was is and always will be the horse to end all horses. Even Mandarb had nothing on Bela

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! New user on this here forum :D
What would totally interest me for an additional story would be Siuan Sanches rise to the Amyrlin Seat. It would go so well as a 'sequel' to New Spring (Which I am re-reading at the moment). Moraine could not have found Rand without the help of her long time friend managing the eyes and ears of the Blue Ajah in the Tower. Of coarse an entire novels worth would throw the perspectives of multiple characters so Moraine would obviously show up during this and numerous other minor characters as they are set up to play there parts in the grand scheme of the Pattern.


Hmm a combined effort by users on DM to write fanfics... :P


Seriously though there is too much to list. I think i would probably like to read The Travel's of Jain Farstrider but it's a world full of adventures worth writing about.


Something about myrddraals and particularry about culture trollocs/myr/other creaures have, since they seem to be interesting.


Also,stuff about previous Amerlyns.

  • 1 month later...

Not sure where this should go but it's hilarious. Maybe the notes need their own thread? We wouldn't be hearing any stories about unicorns that's for sure. *cough* TFoH *cough*


Quote from RJ's notes: "HOW MANY TRADITIONAL FANTASY ELEMENTS DO WE HAVE?...GIANTS? ELVES?...[No fucking unicorns, that's for damned sure!]"

Terez is coming across some gems out in Charleston.
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think the WT ever did fall from power. The AS were a failed institution to be sure if you compare them to the AoL. Regardless they were the main bastion against the Shadow for 3,000 years and the only reason people even remembered the DO existed. They are also the only group to remian in power unbroken during all that time.


But to your question we have a good idea what we would have gotten had RJ lived.


1. Two prequels, one about how Tam found baby Rand on DM and another on how Moiraine and Lan made it to the 2Rs just in the nick of time.


2. An Outrigger series based on Mat and Tuon returning to Seanchan to deal with the fallout there.

+1, also Perrin and Faile and the whole Two Rivers and Saldea issue.


They seriously need to do the Travels of Jaim Farstrider in addition to the Encyclopedia.  Allow a balance of professional as well as fan writers, allow the fans to suggest some of the material, do what is possible.


Definitely the fall of Manetheren, probably from a regular soldier's point of view. Maybe one of the people who Mat has memories of would be interesting


And if I could pick one kind of side-by-side story (As in the same Wheel of Time story but following a drastically different character) I would love one from Logain's point of view, starting with what led to him choosing to claim to be the Dragon, to being Gentled, to being Healed, his torture at the hands of Taim and then his desperate search for Demandred's scepter.


There has to be and.


This my favourite series but we have to accept it that it is a real world but we live in ours. And adding more and more new stories, new characters the main story is getting weaker and weaker.

  • 1 year later...


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