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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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No, Yates, I said, that I wanted to wait for a reply, to see if he had good reason for the actions he took. However, the reply didn't came. The vote, is for the ACTIONS, not the lack of explanation in time.


Wombat, I indeed agree enough with them to vote Maw. But the difference between making sense and agreeing with, I'd say, is that making sense is like "yeah, good point", and agreeing with is "I thought that too". If that's clear...

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Official Vote Count:


With 19 alive, 10 votes are needed for a lynch


Ley: Maw, Turin, Basel, Dice, RTE, Mish (6)

Maw: Ithi, Cloud, Ley (3)

Turin: Tink, Wombat (2)

Ed: Darthe, Yates (2)

Darthe: Hallia (1)

Berf: Ed (1)


Not Voting: Peace, Berf, Rorschach (Pralaya), BG (5)


Day 1 deadline here


I have been awake far too long. This vamp's about to start blistering. Zombie skin rotting in sunlight. Werewolf hair matted in flop sweat from rereads. Rockstar part of me crashed long ago after partying all night.


In other words, toodleloo.

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1. I didn't withdraw anything. What she did was suspicious. It still is. Her posting of reads mitigates my suspicion but does not wipe it out.


2. I've seen you buddy Ithi a lot, but not this much. Even Ithi commented on it.


3. You just used the exact same type of defense that you criticized me for using. That is a contradiction between your criticism of others and your own behavior. That's called hypocrisy.


4. It is totally logically valid to turn your argument on you in order to prove my case. It's called proof by contradiction.


Turin Premise 1: Self-meta is always scummy.

Turin Premise 2: Turin is not scummy.

Fact: Turin used self-meta.

Conclusion: Turin is scummy.


Contradiction between conclusion and premises. Therefore, at least one premise is false. QED.


5. Re: buzzwords: If the shoe fits...

1. You certainly backed off of her. You say mitigated I said withdrew. Fair enough.


2. The thing was her comment was that she thought I was buddying her LESS THAN NORMAL. The comments I have seen thus far backs that up. So you are the one person that sees it as excessive compared to standard. That is your opinion so all I can say is you are wrong.


3. The difference is that IMO you were trying to push false meta as true meta. Which is why I had asked for a show of hands from the game as to what people thought of our play as compared to normal playstyle.


4. See above. Comparing Apples to Oranges.


5. Then it is probably out of style.




I should have turned my computer on. I hate doing this stuff from my phone. Oh speaking of phone I will be limited for a few days starting tomorrow. Driving back and forth to Texas. Heads up

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Driving back and forth to Texas. 


Yeehaw! Grab you some Tex-Mex and some BBQ Brisket!!! Tell em Texas Travis sent ya!




Texas :sad:


Make sure you have your gun in case Parking Meters misbehave.




Ithi posting sad smilies after the great state of Texas makes mod angry.


You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.


*Emomod flings the gameboard across the room, rerolling everyone in the process*



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I don't know why Maw's "3rd party" read is an issue. If he was trying to trap Ley, he could have as well said "scum" and be done with it. Why would he have wanted to bring the topic unless he was actually airing his suspicions?

This post is weird to me. Am I reading it wrong?


It is a very specific thing to say that you think some one is 3rd party especially on D1. Sometimes mafia do it because they have trouble calling townies mafia so will argue against the 3rd party in hopes of distracting the town. Now I'm not sure if I'm making sense.




Crappy reasoning for a vote.

Stop skimming.

Preposterous. How rude.


Come on Ed. You know your member title should say "Self confessed skimmer" :laugh:


Texas :sad:


Make sure you have your gun in case Parking Meters misbehave.

Yes evil parking meters :smile:


particularly troublesome when I need 5 of them in a row to park my rig. :biggrin:

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Those being your reads seems likely given your posts this game.



You know very well what I mean.


No, what do you mean?



I mean that just mentioning 3 names isn't really contributing to the game. At least, not in my opinion. For example, is it a list of people you think are town, or a list of people you think are scum?

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Tiink and Ley are bothe towne.


Ley isn't going to be tons of help though.


@Mod, I voted maw. Please update your VC to accurately reflect that I was indeed the first vote.

You were?


I thought I was - because I went missing for 2 vote counts and despo then fixed it.


And then you were all 'paint it black' with your vote and it wasn't counted.


I don't think you were first.

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Ok..finally a chance to read.



Ley's bandwagon vote was bad. Just because it happened to me is no reason to let it slide. He backpedals immediately calling it a joke. A joke that put someone(me) on two votes very early. And even tho he has stated it is just a joke, it is still there as part of three votes on me. That makes it more likely an attempt to get a train going. Therefore he is being dishonest about his motivation.

So Ley are you camping your vote just to have one or do you think I am mafia?

Wombat, nice list of stuff, too bad there are no glasses. Is eating bacon defense against swine flu?


Your OMGUS is also bad dude :P I didn't see anything wrong with Ley's original vote on you as it was obviously a joke, but him now backpadeling is pinging a little to me. However, you are now FoSing him for being a part of the three votes on you and trying to get a train started, lol. How can you blame Ley for the third vote on you from Wombat?? That is just very odd reasoning imo.


If his vote was obviously a joke..it was a very well disguised "obvious joke vote."  Maybe obvious to a scum partner? eh?  Looked like a good solid vote to me until he back tracked with the fake comment.


It's gonna be a 4+ cups of coffee kinda day!


Vote Darthe

Hallia..was this a joke vote?


BG, Berf, and Turin are town.

Noting for future reference.


That must be on another site because that is NOT your DM meta IMO.


Show of hands please on who says Wombat is more likely to come out strong at the start of a game?



I'll raise my hand.  Actually...Wombat has been guns a blazing for several games in a row now.  There has definitely been a meta change, but it didn't start in this game.  Plus this has been much discussed in other games...and, my memory sucks but I believe you were in at least one of those.  But you were scum and probably skimming or buddying up to Ithi too much to notice.


Stop asking questions wombat :tongue:

Seriously tho how can you think that questions are a bad thing? You ask questions the person answers and everyone gets more information. With which to make decisions. Also it means the person questioned is required to take a stand on a topic or be considered evasive.

You already know this tho so why do you dislike Ithi asking questions?


Questions aren't bad when they are part of a case...but when all you do is ask questions it reads to me like you are trying to get townees to say stupid things. 


1. I wasn't asking Ithi to jump to conclusions, merely to state some. Which she did eventually.

2. Regarding Turin's Ithi-buddying meta-defense: You've said this pretty much every time I've seen someone accuse you of buddying Ithi. I'm not buying it this time either. If you actually consider this level of buddying to be normal, you should probably stop playing mafia with Ithi.

3. I only started talking about my meta because Ithi brought it up. Also, it strikes me as hypocritical and scummy to criticize me for "self glossing" my meta and then to immediately use a meta defense in the same post.

Turin's level of buddy is normal here...not a meta town tell though.  He does it both as scum and town.  The interesting thing to me is Ithi is treating him much differently this game than normal.



I was/am suspicious of Turin because he DIDN'T buddy me straight away.

He really does do this all the time.

I usually ignore him - so maybe it's not as noticable. Maybe I shouldn't encourage him so much, but I got bored of always saying the same thing in each Game about how we play blah blah blah.

And fancied a change.

I don't mind having the odd huggle every now and then :)

Not from just anyone mind :dry:

Here she admits to changing her typical play towards Turin.  So far it looks like Ithi has been less bulldog than normal and is throwing out wide nets to see who can be caught up in them. 


That him DEFENDING me ... Not buddying.

There is a difference yes?

Buddy is just being nice happy friendly cuddles - Defending is saying blah blah I think Ithi is right because of XYZ and you should all leave her alone because I know her bestest of all!!!

Make sense?

Defending = buddying when it comes to turin.  You can't have it both ways...and arguing the anoreical thinness between the two words is suspicious.


So... I said that I felt like the "reasons" I mentioned should, to everyone, be non-reasons. They turned out not to be that for everyone.


Later, I added that I wanted to get the game started that way. Have you ever seen what happens when people immediately say that? They get 3-4 votes just for saying that, as it seems as heavy backpedalling.



So..was it a joke vote or a pressure vote?  I really like it as a pressure vote.  Hated it with the bogus joke vote reasoning.  I don't like the change your reasoning yet again.  Next you are going to tell us it was a real vote and come full circle?

Correct Praya. I am playing cautious and not wanting to vote the wrong person. I am not generally a vote-happy person until I have my reasons.


And this just looks like a jumbled mess of town piling onto town because MAFIA!


Just wanted to point out that this is completely different play than a current game berf is in.  Once he flips there...I can see what he means here.  But..in general, I don't think Berf plays cautious town.


Official Vote Count:

With 19 alive, 10 votes are needed for a lynch

Ley: Maw, Turin, Basel, Ley, RTE, Mish (6)
Turin: Wombat, Cloud, Tink (3)
Ed: Darthe, Yates (2)
Darthe: Hallia (1)
Berf: Ed (1)
Maw: Ithi (1)
Dice: Ley (1)

Not Voting: Peace, Berf, Rorschach (Pralaya), BG (5)

Day 1 deadline here

Alright, headed to bed. Play nice everyone.

Ley self voting?


I will follow Darthe on this one. 
Unvote, Vote Maw
I think I would have voted for Ley if not for Dice's vote on him that didn't make any kind of sense to me.

I'm worried about my own lynch because I hate dying. Is it that weird?
Also what is it with bonded people always being unable to read each other? I mean, I have the problem myself too, but I feel like everyone else also has the problem.

Mafia isn't about surviving, it's about helping your team win. 

Yeah I have noticed that other people have the same problem as well. I tend to always have a town read on Mish, while she doesn't trust me at all in mafia. I wonder what I ever did to earn such mistrust :laugh: I think that when two people know each other extremely well it get's more challenging to play mafia together because you know how to play each other, and it's very easy to be biased about something.



Cloud playing the "I'm gonna look town by giving good advice role."




I'm seeing Cloud in that sniper role.  Taking shots from the distance.  Trying to not saying anything real suspicious.




There is also and interesting dynamic going on between Ithi and Turin.  1 of them is scum imo.

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