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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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I honestly kind of feel bad for the mafia team at this point. Of the 5 people killed in the game so far, 3 have been scum, and the other 2 had roles that could have possibly hurt town. Losing their VC'er def hurt them a lot, and had RTE not said he protected Turin, it's very likely that we would have tried viewing him or something first, and with the mirror that could have cleared him. Plus, EP tends to get flustered if he's on a mafia team and they don't start off very well, so I kind of doubt that he's helping that much at this point, I bet he huffed off again.


That being said, I still want to win. I think there's a good chance our remaining scum could try to lie even lower now that we have reduced their number so efficiently.


Right now my top 4 are Chuckles, Dice, Nya, and Kronos, since now that RTE flipped scum it does seem more possible that Tiink could have been signaling his teammates, but if that's the case I'm kinda surprised that Tiink would make such a bad move for his team. I'm still slightly wary of Dap however, now that it seems Hallia was mixing games up. I'm not sure about her either yet, but I'm more leaning town. If she can tell us other past moves that she's done with her role I'd feel more secure about her.


We also need the replacements and people that have been trying to catch up all game to finally get caught up to speed and start giving us their thoughts on the whole situation. That means Thorkin, BB, Nolirion, and whoever replaced Lessa (can't remember atm). Would also like to hear more from Nya, Tigs, Dice, and Dap, as they haven't really given many thoughts lately.


bolded - I was just thinking the same when reading BG's list. They are probably running scared right now, maybe there is one who has their head screwed on, but they will need to fly under the radar now to have a good chance of winning. I don't think I've known a game where we up so much in just three days.


What do you guys think the chances are that Tiink recruited someone the first night?


Because if he did then even our masons can't be excluded as scum. I've been on a mason team and got recruited...your mason friend has no idea. You get to stay on THAT qt then get access to the mafia qt as well.


So I wouldn't feel bad for the scum just yet.


I have a feeling that the recruit would have been for someone specific. I know gaming the Mod. But if you look at the roles we've had, some of them have been very specific to the story. like my role and BG's. So I'm less likely to think this has happened. The actual impression I get from this is that you are trying to add dissent into the mason teams, and cause distrust for the mason teams...makes me suspicious. 

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dude seriously , i replaced lessa, 


Ahhh okay that's right. So who do you think is scum at this point? Who do you have town reads on?





hally (too convient)

Dap (a little too quiet this game)

Tina (not being much of a help)



the 2 mason teams


not sure:

everyone else 



Why are you saying that? First you voted me because I was lurking while half of the players had fewer posts than me. Then you unvoted me and said that you wanted to vote someone that you believed was scum (=you didn´t think I was). Now you are suspecting me again because I´m not helping out. I have been very clear with who I think is scum, has said so and voted them. How is that not helpful? 

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dude seriously , i replaced lessa,

Ahhh okay that's right. So who do you think is scum at this point? Who do you have town reads on?



hally (too convient)

Dap (a little too quiet this game)

Tina (not being much of a help)



the 2 mason teams


not sure:

everyone else

Why are you saying that? First you voted me because I was lurking while half of the players had fewer posts than me. Then you unvoted me and said that you wanted to vote someone that you believed was scum (=you didn´t think I was). Now you are suspecting me again because I´m not helping out. I have been very clear with who I think is scum, has said so and voted them. How is that not helpful?

Your only posting when someone calls you out

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Ok I popped in for a second while packing and I saw a request for a skittle list XD


I'm pretty sure this is up to date...

Dead Town Dead Mafia
Alive Claimed Role Alive No Role Claimed

1. Turin--Mason--partner of Panchi--had 1x cop view--found Firebird to be mafia N1
2. Arez Peace--mason--partner of BG--has a role that allows him to know that the mafia have a role cop
3. Nyan
4. Heart 
5. Nolirion 
6. RTE--1 shot mirror--Shelob--lynched D3
7. Hallia--JoaT--had a one shot viewing and found Heart to be Town N2
8. Tina
9. Piano
10. Basel--Even night Vig--Boromir--killed N1
11. Cloud
12. Ley BBee
13. Darthe--Miller--King of the Dead--lynched D1
14. Tiink--Mafia Sympathizer with 1-shot recruit and godfather potential--Saruman--killed N1
15. BG--mason--partner of Peace--has to find Shelob & had 25% chance of killing said person if he found--now a vanilla
16. Lessa Chuckles
17. Tigraine
18. Panchi--Mason--partner of Turin--had 1X Doc view--protected Turin N2
19. Talya--had to find Saruman and had 25% chance of killing him if she did--now a vanilla
20. Kronos
21. Dice
22. Firebird--Mafia Vote Controller--Witch King of Angmar--Lynched D2
23. Des--2 shot commute ability, second of which used last night
24. Thorkin

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My suspicious list:


Kronos - last of the thee amigo mafiosos

Nya -

BB - that one big post pinged to me bigtime. repeating the mafia line

Tigs - also pushing the mafia talking points.


Hally - not sure about that claim

AH - viewed as town by hallia, but not sold on that claim. Is less pingy on her own opinions and votes


I don't think that tiink would have been able to recruit someone as he was never recruited to mafia himself. At least his coroner report does't show it that way. There is definitely at least one more recruitable symp out there or there would be no reason to allow Saruman a recruit. I would seriously doubt that Saruman would be able to create his own team with only 2 people. I wonder if the mafia could direct recruit the other symp?

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Ok I popped in for a second while packing and I saw a request for a skittle list XD


I'm pretty sure this is up to date...



Dead Town Dead Mafia

Alive Claimed Role Alive No Role Claimed


1. Turin--Mason--partner of Panchi--had 1x cop view--found Firebird to be mafia N1

2. Arez Peace--mason--partner of BG--has a role that allows him to know that the mafia have a role cop

3. Nyan

4. Heart 

5. Nolirion 

6. RTE--1 shot mirror--Shelob--lynched D3

7. Hallia--JoaT--had a one shot viewing and found Heart to be Town N2

8. Tina

9. Piano

10. Basel--Even night Vig--Boromir--killed N1

11. Cloud

12. Ley BBee

13. Darthe--Miller--King of the Dead--lynched D1

14. Tiink--Mafia Sympathizer with 1-shot recruit and godfather potential--Saruman--killed N1

15. BG--mason--partner of Peace--has to find Shelob & had 25% chance of killing said person if he found--now a vanilla

16. Lessa Chuckles

17. Tigraine

18. Panchi--Mason--partner of Turin--had 1X Doc view--protected Turin N2

19. Talya--had to find Saruman and had 25% chance of killing him if she did--now a vanilla

20. Kronos

21. Dice

22. Firebird--Mafia Vote Controller--Witch King of Angmar--Lynched D2

23. Des--2 shot commute ability, second of which used last night

24. Thorkin

are we sure about Panchi and Turin ? I am still half  convince RTE action were part of a larger scheme to protect them .

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My suspicious list:


Kronos - last of the thee amigo mafiosos

Nya -

BB - that one big post pinged to me bigtime. repeating the mafia line

Tigs - also pushing the mafia talking points.


Hally - not sure about that claim

AH - viewed as town by hallia, but not sold on that claim. Is less pingy on her own opinions and votes


I don't think that tiink would have been able to recruit someone as he was never recruited to mafia himself. At least his coroner report does't show it that way. There is definitely at least one more recruitable symp out there or there would be no reason to allow Saruman a recruit. I would seriously doubt that Saruman would be able to create his own team with only 2 people. I wonder if the mafia could direct recruit the other symp?

What does the bolded part mean? Why would be have to be recruited in order to be able to recruit?

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Something :biggrin:




*patiently waiting for Day*


Nya -

Do elaborate?


same as previously noted. Lots of Nyaspeak. Not so much actual original thought. In fact the posts that have been game thought related have generally started out one way and then backed off from idea in mid post. Looks like trying to show thoughts without actually saying anything that you can be held accountable for. In short much sound and fury signifying nothing. Pure fence sitting.

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