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The Bands of the Band (audience participation needed!)

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It's been a while since we've done anything similar, but I thought I would take this a step further...


Since music is one of our charters, and probably a lot of people initially joined because of the music charter, I'm curious to know everyone's relation to music. Post here and let us know! If you play an instrument (or more than one, to include voices), put that down. If you don't play any instruments, put that down too, whether you are an audience member, or stage crew, etc. I'm curious to see how much of a band or orchestra we could put together (to include pop/rock/etc, not just band-geeky types). 


So I'll start for an example.


Proficient in Horn, Bass Guitar.

Simple chords for Piano, Guitar.

Able to play Trumpet and Alto Horn, or be a Sound Tech in an emergency.


Ooh, ooh, ooh, I can post in this one!!


Has cello skills, could kill ears with but am able to play a violin/viola and probably play a relatively simple double bass part.

Singing! Don't ask me to go higher than a B unless you want a good belt. Ok, I can go falsetto, but you really don't want me to. XD I can sing most styles, but blues, jazz and musical theatre kind of songs are my forte (he he he)

Simple piano parts I can do.

About three chords on guitar...

Ahhh, I can do set up and work microphones.

Basic percussion I guess.

Ah, yeah, I can set up and pack up a marimba, which I consider to be one of my greatest musical achievements. XD


I am also quite skilled at listening in awe to brass and wind instruments, particularly sweet sax solos.


Not much experience with music other than listening :laugh:


I can play simple chords on the acoustic guitar so long as the transitions aren't too fast between.


I took a theatre design class before the military though, so I'd probably be better off doing set design/building and have a little experience with a lights board.


BriMo can't do zip, nada, nuthin. 


BriMo can listen. 


Gods Horn!!  I can't do this for  a week!!!!!  *runs off crying*


I plays the guitar.

I do love to sing >.> whether others will like it that much, that is the question :myrddraal:

Am learning the keyboard, but that's not very advanced at all yet XD

Aaand I has some basic electric drums/percussion skillz. :cool:


I could also join the fanclub of the adoring starry-eyed hyper screaming audience XDD


I used to play the flute, was grade 8 technical standard, but probably only a 6 tonally.  Recorder and I used to be a Alto in our schools chamber choir.


well I don't play any instruments, but I am a dancer, Irish dancing I was all Ireland champion when I was 16 and done someshows aswell


I love to sing, Im not very good, but I can carry a tune, I espically love Irish rebel  songs!


well I don't play any instruments, but I am a dancer, Irish dancing I was all Ireland champion when I was 16 and done someshows aswell


I love to sing, Im not very good, but I can carry a tune, I espically love Irish rebel  songs!

Aww!!  If I had known I would have made you dance for me!!  *grins*  Good for you Maylove!!!!


I love baboon butts!


Lol next time bridey!!! I promise but you may have to ply me with wine first ;)

Not a problem!!  LOL


I love baboon butts


I can play flute, piano and piccolo and also enjoy singing. Need to dust off my flute and do some playing sometime soon(ish)!


I could play the triangle if need be.


Also, I'm pretty good at drumming my fingers on assorted surfaces. Or blowing into empty bottles to make them whistle.

Just some ideas :biggrin:


I used to play the viola when I was in elementary school, then just stopped.   My singing sounds like a variety of wolf noises...lets just say you don't want to hear it...I have to cover my own ears.


Lets see other than that...I could play the role of audience member very well. :biggrin:


*claps palm buttons together for two barrels of brew and hands one to AJ*  :biggrin: Excellent idea AJ!! Hmmm...got anything to throw?  Tomatoes perhaps?  I could howl loudly during the performance. 


*cracks open the barrel and quickly begins to guzzle*




...tomatoes? No... but, I do have these. :biggrin:


*opens a palm to reveal a handful of firecrackers*


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