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Halloween mafia game


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It's encouraging us to show our suspicions, so that you can take advantage of them, and play town like a collection of fiddles.

So you believe the best way to win as town is to have no discussion on our suspicions and instead vote whomever we will without explaining ourselves?


My previous post was meant to be heralded by these posts seen here. However, due to changes that have occurred in the workings of these boards during mine absence, I was unaware of the specifics of how to multi-quote and post. Thus is this rectified.

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Didn't want to triple post, but since you asked so nicely...



At the moment, I think you could be doing both. Both are reasonable town actions. I know you like to get people talking and dissect what their responses are - the more people talk, the better the read.


Basel's response is more interesting thought. His phrasing doesn't come across as if he's posing a question, but stating a fact. "So that you can take advantage." It makes me think that he must know where you stand, and the only way to know that would be for him to be scum.


Making me wonder...

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I was confused about the "role reveal" mentioned.


I didn't see one.

That's because it wasn't there

I took Verbal's statement that he wasn't "following Rand" out of context and deliberately took it to mean a Tracker claim in order to justify voting him and gauge his reaction


I was disappointed I didn't end up getting much of a reaction from Verbal but I got an excellent one from Rand which led to a whole slew of posts and votes, yours included


Make more sense now?

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Didn't want to triple post, but since you asked so nicely...



At the moment, I think you could be doing both. Both are reasonable town actions. I know you like to get people talking and dissect what their responses are - the more people talk, the better the read.


Basel's response is more interesting thought. His phrasing doesn't come across as if he's posing a question, but stating a fact. "So that you can take advantage." It makes me think that he must know where you stand, and the only way to know that would be for him to be scum.


Making me wonder...

I missed having you in games

Hope you don't disappear again after this game is over

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Nolder behaves like this both as town and scum. He is usually more active as town but he is aware of his scum tells so I think he knows how to change his play style if he wants to. I think Basel´s reaction is very interesting.

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Guess who's back...back again...Kat is back...Tell a friend?


So yeah, internet has been restored (stupid internet provider we were like 3 days late with the payment) anyway I'm back and just spent the last hour reading through the game. DM kept freezing/not loading.


Here are my thoughts on the Nolder vs Logic stuff from earlier:


The only way I can see what he did vs the reaction to it, comes up insufficient to me. He has no case on Verbal, yet he votes him, but then he prosecutes the weak votes he gets over his weak 'case'.


The votes on him weren't weak, they had more reason to them than his own vote on Verbal. I don't think anyone really had to give a good case at that point, by the time the votes were happening the case had been made over and over and it was clear that he was full of it.


He even admits that his vote and reasoning were crap, but at the time he backed it up like Red on steroids. And when others tried to tell him he's got his head up his butt he says they're all mafia cause they're voting him. The votes on him have more of a case than his backing up his vote on Verbal so long did, and I really don't think that everyone who voted him then needed to state this reasoning each time, it was pretty clear why they were voting him.

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  • Club Leader

John (1) – Darthe

Mish (2) – Tina, Nolder

Nolder (5) – LZM, John, Mish, Basel, Moon

Basel (1) – Random

Christine (2) – Krak, Despo


Not voting – Kat, Verb, Player, Rand, Lolguy, Christine, Lenlo, Barm


With 19 alive it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline Monday 5PM MST


Sorry to put it on a holiday in Canada, and also one in the US. I didn't realize and I don't want to make day one any longer than it will already be. If you aren't going to be able to be here, say so, and if it affects enough of you, I'll extend one more day.

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If Christine is going to be gone, I don't want to lynch someone who can't defend themselves




Will have to reread to find a better candidate for my vote



I don't like this.




She was nowhere near being lynched and your vote on her was shaky to begin with.




I am looking forward to seeing your reread though.

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*looks in her candy bag*

WAAAHHH! I Don't Have any M&MS YET!

Vote Rand

I'm convinced the Puppy stole my chocolate.


Quoted this cause it was I believe the first "bandwagon" vote (Rand already had one vote on him), and then Moon later comes back to bandwagon on Nol


vOtE LZM for double posting.


Seemed like strange formatting for a vote, just kinda stood out to me I guess, plus-


Vote Krak for stealing my idea of voting LZM for double posting. *opens a bag of Whoppers and munches happily*


This was the next post, and seemed like one of those tongue in cheek mafia to mafia moments


Wow Nol o.O you make no sense at all, grasping at straws much?


Vote Nolder


This was a pretty scummy vote. Nol seemed like he was trying to get the game kickstarted into gear somewhat, there's no reason to fos someone that lazily for that


Unvote vote Nol


You're confusing me.


Here was Moon's bandwagon vote on Nol. She later explains that she never saw a role reveal, so Nol was confusing her. But someone confusing you isn't really a good reason to vote them. She could have just asked for clarification


OK, i see what you were trying to do there, that makes sense for day 1. unvote for now, but you are currently still my strongest suspect for mafia. Also, I don't want this train to suddenly lynch someone.


Don't like the last sentence, seems like it's trying to make him look cautious


Interesting tactic Nolder, and here I thought you were just being an overly successful jester. Either way, enough for me to unvote for now.


I hate the jester card being thrown out too early. Nol didn't seem to be acting jesterish at all. Big FOS for this post




That's about right.

This is the most interesting thing I've seen so far.



Is Nolder genuinely trying to garner activity, or is he hoping for a slip-up?


Is Basel a townie suspicious of Nolder (whom he thinks might be scum), or is he scum trying not to make waves on Day 1.


Don't like this post. Seems like an unnecessary pot-stirrer post, designed to try and split people up into sides, Nol vs. Basel, who could both be townies.


If Christine is going to be gone, I don't want to lynch someone who can't defend themselves




Will have to reread to find a better candidate for my vote



I don't like this.




She was nowhere near being lynched and your vote on her was shaky to begin with.




I am looking forward to seeing your reread though.


REALLY didn't like this post.


What does it matter how close she is to being lynched? What good will my vote do if it's on someone that won't be able to respond to pressure? Not to mention that she might not get on in time to reveal that she's a power role or something.


It wasn't a cautious unvote cause I didn't want her to be speedlynched. It was a "there's a better candidate out there who I can get pressure on and hopefully see some results" unvote.


And guess what. You provided me with a perfect candidate of someone to apply pressure to!


Vote Krakalakachkn




For strange vote formatting early in the game, possible (very faint, but possible) connection to Basel, pot-stirring and semi-hedging, and unnecessary use of italics, oh and building up Despo's opinions.



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I find your exaggerations deeply disturbing Kat



I don't see them as exaggerations. Maybe things went down differently in real time, but on a reread it was pretty clear that people had tried to inform you that your vote, and continued backing it up after having the flaws explained, was not making any sense.


It was explained over and over that the comment you latched onto so fiercely was out of context and a stretch to be believed as you presented it. The fact that you held on to it and pressed on further through multiple people explaining this, it is very believable that people would find something off about your actions, be confused and unsure about your actions enough to vote you. With nothing else to go on I feel those votes were justified and I believe the case was well established to the point that people didn't really need to spell out the whole case each time they voted.


In fact, I wonder if they had spelled it out each time if you would then spin that into them being mafia and trying to look too townie by making casing to look like the idea was original and overly padding their day one vote when you deemed it unnecessary. Perhaps I have your game play all wrong, but then it seems erratic and based on what will give YOU the most info, but not what will give the Town most info.

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