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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Official Vote Count


Rand(11): Razen, Tress, Moon, Tiinker, Peace, Darthe, Lenlo, Andrew, Despo, Ironeyes, Turin


Not Voting(9): Nolder, Lily, Wombat, Nyanna, David, Rand, Dice, JohnSnow, Arez,



With 20 alive and active it takes 11 to Lynch.




Deadline Monday @ 9 AM CT.



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If Link is the vig then remember these wise words.


When in doubt, shoot/stab Nolder.


No, when in doubt kill Hoof. I thought that was obvious.


But why, when Hoof will kill himself when left to his own devices? *hammers the bomb*

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Rand knew they were coming for him. He knew it and there was nothing he could do about it. He tried to reason with them, but every word out of his mouth only made things worse. His partner in crime Ganondorf was killed last night and he panicked. Mario foiled his plans everytime. He had hoped maybe this time it would be different. Other people from Nintendo's Kingdom surely couldn't defeat him. Well, he was wrong.


As soon as he entered the arena the next morning blows started landing fast and furious. He tried to claw them, but couldn't. He tried to belch out a fire blast, but it was no use. He couldn't land a single scratch on the competition. He never even got a word in before being blasted into space never to be hear from again.







You guys sure do move fast! Looks like you got rid of another big baddie. To be fair, he did kinda dig his own grave. Good for you. Keep on truckin! See ya in the Arena tomorrow!



Rand - Bowser - Mafia Boss & Recruiter was lynched



The Evil King Dream Team has been defeated.


It is now Night 4.


Deadline is Saturday @ Noon CT.

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If Link is the vig then remember these wise words.


When in doubt, shoot/stab Nolder.


If link is the vig then Desp is lying.


How am I lying, if that's the case? I'm not claiming no one else targeted AJ to try and kill her last night, but I do think me using the Mirror last night helped prevent the mafia team from getting a Kill (unless Rand was the one that submitted but got blocked by Turin/Marsh).


Honestly, if you go by the scene, it seems like several people went for AJ, so I don't see how you could consider my claim proved wrong just because a vig targeted AJ.


I do have to say Peace, that you have shown remarkable skill and intuitive scumhunting technique, and for that I commend you. :smile:

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Uhm... no it doesn't.


First of all, Tress already confirmed that I am a mirror because she said her view got reflected back on her.


Second, Just because a vig killed them the same night my ability shot their NK back on them, it doesn't mean my NA didn't carry out as well. And honestly, they may not have even targeted me, I suppose, and their NK could have been blocked by Turin/Marsh, but either way my mirror ability could be one explanation for AJ dying, in addition to other peeps who did stuffs last night

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If you guys are so convinced I'm scum, check me first. I'm doing my best to help town, as shown by my big kill


Sorry, just refresh my memory, how did you gain the vig kill again?


Yes, please tell. Unless my memory is failing me, I remember you said something about getting a vote control with Basel's death.

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