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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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I didn't claim anything. I stated that EP was wrong about two people on his list. Myself and one other. Frankly I think nya may be trying to attach to me.



WHUT. I said no such thing :blink:


Must I SCREAM it out loud!!??? Must I repeat myself over and over and over again for people to hear my my protest at this!!??? Lo, forsooth may fearful hellhounds rise from this, and tear us band of Townies apart...see'st thee not, how they be putting their forkéd-tongued words in our innocent mouths, driving a bolt between us like the God of Lightning himself Thor could ne'er do better!!! The fiends! Vote Dice for this uttering of untruths. :cross:




And FoS Turin for claiming I'm trying to 'attach' to him. I wouldnt even THINK if it if I were a mosquito!! ...:wink: jokes :)

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Ended up being a lot busier than I thought tonight, and I'm still training someone, so unfortunately I don't have time to post much atm, but I don't think Lily is the best way to go today, not at all. Some of the people are only voting her because they doubt the existence of more than one mason team, when it seems pretty obvious at this point that there are DEF multiple mason teams. In fact, the ones that do not think there would be are now getting nice cozy places on my list. Either way, more to follow once I get home later


I agree with this. Lenlo is the one that sticks out to me most in this category. I think that he doesn't have a mason team, because of the way he's reacted. I pointed him to the rules to answer his question as to why I didn't think that Lily's reveal was scummy, and the fact that he still didn't get what was there leads me to believe that he doesn't have knowledge of the mason teams. So either he's mafia (and consequently doesn't want to admit having a QT) or he's a third party solo win that wouldn't be able to communicate. Either way, I think he's got info.

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Razen where did you point me to the rules? I dont see it. I see you instantly accepting Lilys claim without much of anything from her, which reeks of trying to appear town. Nice OMGUS though.


Also putting words in other peoples mouths I've seen but making things up and putting them into your own mouth?


That's a new one. I can see why people don't do it.

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I'm still back on page 9 in my read-through (which is shortly to be interrupted by XC practice). And somehow I got through all that "Call Me Maybe" stuff without it replacing Journey's "Still They Ride" as the song stuck in my head. WIN.

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do you have marshmellows for me?

Now she does! Hi, my name's Marsh. I'll be replacing Myndrunner. Good to see you all!

Hello, and welcome.

How do you get Marsh out of Ironeyes, pray tell?

They are the alternate names of the character from Mistborn whose name I borrowed. His real name's Marsh, but everyone calls him Ironeyes because his eyes are gray and hard like iron. I decided to use his name because I have grey eyes and it sounds cool.

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do you have marshmellows for me?

Now she does! Hi, my name's Marsh. I'll be replacing Myndrunner. Good to see you all!

Hello, and welcome.

How do you get Marsh out of Ironeyes, pray tell?

They are the alternate names of the character from Mistborn whose name I borrowed. His real name's Marsh, but everyone calls him Ironeyes because his eyes are gray and hard like iron. I decided to use his name because I have grey eyes and it sounds cool.


*facepalm x10000* I've read those books...I forgot about him.

He's just not called that in most of the books (2 & 3).

Jon Snow knows nothing. It is known.

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Right now I'm leaning somewhat toward believing Lily, although I must say if that was directly copy/pasted from something EP posted in their QT, the word choice, spelling and punctuation in parts doesn't read like him. Some of it does, though, especially toward the end.


I can't wrap my head around why EP's coroner's report would not have indicated he was a mason if that were the case, though. That's the one thing that keeps nagging me.


Oh, and welcome Marsh... you have a very big hat to fill here. :wink:

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Right now I'm leaning somewhat toward believing Lily, although I must say if that was directly copy/pasted from something EP posted in their QT, the word choice, spelling and punctuation in parts doesn't read like him. Some of it does, though, especially toward the end.


I can't wrap my head around why EP's coroner's report would not have indicated he was a mason if that were the case, though. That's the one thing that keeps nagging me.


Oh, and welcome Marsh... you have a very big hat to fill here. :wink:


For the lack of flip, my thoughts are that these are non-standard role names (and so might have more powers than what we gather from just the name). Just a guess.

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see when you C/P something it retains the background color unless you paste as plain text


I think it's obvious Lily C/P'd those quotes from somewhere and they don't sound like her.

I actually think she's telling the truth.

It's possible it was just a mafia partner that wrote that but I don't see the motive if so.


This seems like a town move and a town blunder.

See how the words are sort of highlighted?

That was a very good spot Nol. But does it prove anything?

I'm sober now and yes I think so

It maybe doesn't prove her innocence per sey but I honestly don't believe this is something mafia would do

She's putting herself in the limelight and as far as I can tell there's no way to confirm she's EPs partner now that he's dead

She might be some sort of third party with a weird role or agenda but as mafia this move makes zero sense imo

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Maybe she's a survivor and she tried to tie herself to EP to gain credibility?

She could have just edited an old post with the things EP "said" and copy/pasted them as quotes...

In fact I think things copied from quick topic might have a different color than if they're copied from DM


copied from QT

test test 123?


copied from DM

It maybe doesn't prove her innocence per sey but I honestly don't believe this is something mafia would do
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Maybe she's a survivor and she tried to tie herself to EP to gain credibility?

She could have just edited an old post with the things EP "said" and copy/pasted them as quotes...

In fact I think things copied from quick topic might have a different color than if they're copied from DM


copied from QT

test test 123?


copied from DM

It maybe doesn't prove her innocence per sey but I honestly don't believe this is something mafia would do


Yep, looks like QT things have shading

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I honestly don't know what to think


Lily if EP can talk to you in your QT still can you relay some sort of message from him that we can take as 100% sure as him at least?


She said something to the effects of BG said she can't comment on what he says after he dies, I think

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I honestly don't know what to think


Lily if EP can talk to you in your QT still can you relay some sort of message from him that we can take as 100% sure as him at least?


Hypothetically: If a player has access to a QT, no thoughts from dead players given after thier death can be conveyed. They are dead, and no new thoughts are allowed in the game. Anything they may have said before death however can be conveyed.

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