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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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So Des and Lenlo. If you guys are so convinced that people cannot be

Really? Way to come up with a BS explanation out of where the sun dont shine. You cant just admit that he was scum to start with? He even told us why he wanted to get rid of niel!


Nolder flipped scum. Anything he said should be dismissed.

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Fixed your list Wombat. Town = People who have been recently viewed or who I know to be town.


Most likely town = Has an ability that deters recruitment if they were not originally mafia


Scum list = Nya and Marsh.


Not sure about Darthe I couldnt remember last time he had been viewed.

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If you guys are so convinced that people cannot be somewhat vetted based on their partner's alignment, then why are you so unwilling to vote each other? And don't give me any BS about how I'm going to use my vig kill. I decided that I'm holstering tonight. TIme to put up or shut up.

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Simple. I know im town Wombat and Despo has used the Mirror almost every night since this game started. The chances of a recruit getting through if one was aimed at him is slim.


Doesn't fly. You just finished arguing that Nolder was original scum. If Nolder was original scum, then why can't Des be one? Or are you willing to concede that Nolder started town and people can be vetted based on their partners :baalzamon:

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We have about 20 hours until deadline. Everyone needs to vote Lenlo ASAP.


I can pull this to Wombat. This your grand plan? Force people to vote me based on deadline? Well watch this.


We have about 20 hours until deadline. Everyone needs to vote Nya ASAP.

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I really don't have anything that I can respond to that with. Whether or not you think it would be a scum role, I KNOW we started out as town from our original role pm, and I've said multiple times our role would discourage mafia from trying to recruit us.


Besides that, I don't really have anything, and tbh it's getting irritating how often my advice and posts are disregarded. People supposedly think of me as a good mafia player, yet my thoughts are constantly ignored as the town moves in favor of someone else, and that...




Grrrrr now I'M the one having an emo meltdown. F this. I'm in too crappy of a mood to try and convince yall of anything. And I want to kill our damn dog.


Okay let's try this again.


Wombat, of course I've considered the possibility that Lenlo could be scum. I just don't think there's that much evidence to support that. I wish you and Nya had been vetted a long time ago. My vote on her is essentially there because she HASN'T been vetted, and I could easily see there being a Vig/SK team. Darthe pinged to me earlier, but the scenes kind of indicate he might be town. Marsh is the only one left I think could be scum really, but imo it kind of has to be out of those three

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Official Vote Count


Lenlo(3): Lily, Wombat, Nyanna

Nyanna(2): Lenlo, Despo,

Ironeyes(1): Darthe


Not Voting(1): Ironeyes, David


With 8 alive and active it takes 5 to Lynch.




It is now Day 8.

Deadline Sunday @ 9 PM CT


Pokes have been sent to Darthe and Ironeyes.

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Remember Lenlo Niel was never told in his PM that Nolder has to get him lynched to win. So, some information can be hidden from the town partner of the mason pairs.


And Wombat I have already said that it would be unlikely that lenlo and despo were recruited because of their mirror ability, so therefore we have to argue that they were scum to begin with, which I can accept. I can also accept that they are a town/scum mason team where despo is town and lenlo is scum.


And lenlo, you've kind of shot yourself in the foot: If you used the mirror only twice out of 7 nights, and despo used it 5 times, then you have been the more vulnerable of the two of you. You are more likely than despo to have been recruited if you both started as town, and I feel that if your team was mixed you, lenlo, are the more likely scum.


Secondly I've just realised that if there were separate teams of mafia then the mafia recruiters have a chance to recruit an opposing mafia player as well as towns. Although this could be what happened, I don't think it is as complicated as that, basically it's one big mafia team who all know each other and who know who the town are. (but they probably don't know who the symps were.)


Anyway, vote Lenlo. A good way to balance this mirror power would be to make the mirror team mixed, imo.

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Conversely, since Razen only flipped SK later in the game, the vig team could also be mixed vig/SK.


SK is a 3rd party, so it would be in Nya's interest(I suspect her to be the SK if she isn't town) to kill mafia, so this way her play looks completely town. Also as SK is a 3rd party, Nya wouldn't have any knowledge of who the mafia are so she could play the ignorant townie very easily.


Basically from where I'm standing I'm going for Nya tomorrow whether Lenlo flips town or scum, because I believe there are 2 scum left and they are in mixed mason teams: the vig and the mirror team.


Wombat, don't you think that this is possible? I remember in my very first mafia game, I was vanilla and the town were lynching all the mafia. At night there were 2 NKs, one form the mafia and one from the SK. I think we lynched all the mafia but obviously the game wasn't finished because of that SK. Aemon and I managed to lynch the SK in the end, thereby winning for town.


So what I'm saying wombat is that Nya may not be scum but 3rd party SK. Just consider this.


If I survive this night, I will be voting for Nya on Day 9.

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Oh yes I wanted to mention this. The SK being in a mason team would not be able to use their power independently. So for example the vig team get a shot and the SK of the vig team also gets a shot.


Actually what is happening I think is that Nya is behaving as town for the most part and so is happy to use the vig shot of their team on mafia, as well as townies.

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Nya what can you say in your defence?


Don't say"we've been catching scum at night" because as I've just explained you as a AK would want to catch mafia as well.

This: I Am Town.


And to my certain knowledge I haven't been killing people at night except working with Womby when we used our vig power.


That is all.

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unvotw vote Lenlo


Okay, I have been gone ( two year anniversary yesterday) and just got back. I am the second most recently viewed player. I have read through and am highly interested in testing the mirror team though due to the nature of their powers they cannot exactly be vetted like the rest of us. I feel confident that one of them is mafia. The entire big train stinks. What good would it do fr one of them to be town and the other mafia?!

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Official Vote Count


Lenlo(5): Lily, Wombat, Nyanna, David, Darthe

Nyanna(2): Lenlo, Despo,


Not Voting(1): Ironeyes,


With 8 alive and active it takes 5 to Lynch.




Scene if a few hours.

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