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I really don't know where anyone gets this idea that I have an ego. Honestly ... It's not about that at all. It's just about making fun things for people to do, but if you think it's all about ego fair enough. I'm a little tired of people making out I do all this stuff just for myself.


I quit.


Dice can be Stormleader. Me and Turin are gonna find an nice house in Ghealdan and elope.

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Ghealdan? Why not a nice house near the Blight? Nice weather this time of the year. Or any time of the year. Or maybe, if you want to be alone, you could build your own place on Tremalking. Might have to bury some people there first though.

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Somehow this felt like a good thing to do today. I don't know why. Or Maybe I do.


Making Ithi SL could bery well be true but I could never fire Turin. Never! *hugs Ithi and Turin*


Turin - you can have your job back. Ithi still have some points to give out though.


*feels weird, like someone is watching me* No, get away!

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No, wait! Look, I've been trying to retire for months now, but everyone just keeps smiling and nodding. What I need is a replacement... *eyes Turin*


Also, btw, the Lightie FL has access to a secrete storage room of infinite yummies.

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