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Mistborn Mafia: The Hemalurgic Spike


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Does noone else think claiming finder and saying someone is innocent is totally scum?

How do you mean? Do you doubt that there is a finder role in this game that cannot be stolen? Please explain. My entire unvoting of Songstress is dependent on Razen's claim.


The reason I didn't vote Smiley earlier in the day? Well, I had no idea why everyone was voting him, having never seen what scummy play is like, and I didn't want to bandwagon.

It's called a vote count, which even if you had wool eyes you should be able to see. Newbs don't act like they are new to the planet. Is there some competition where the player who has the best newbie claim gets a stuffed Brandon Sanderson doll?


And I didn't KNOW I would miss the deadline. Swim practice ran long that day.

How long did it run? Hours? Days?! I'm not as much concerned with why you didn't vote Smiley as I am with why you and Aiel Heart didn't vote at all. A scum-hunting townie would have at least placed a vote somewhere, even if they didn't anticipate missing the deadline, of which you were well aware of. It was your choice not to vote Smiley or anyone at all.


But then again, I'm new to this game called Mafia. Is it like the Sopranos or something? How do I tie my shoes in the morning? Can anyone PM me that info? Or just tell me here because I am new and probably don't know how to PM. What is PM anyways? Is it later than AM? A Newbie like me wouldn't know these things that are strange to Newbs like me myself who is New.

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I don't think Razen could have used the role the same night he stole it (if he even stole it)


I didn't steal it - it was my original role to begin with. So I don't know if it would be possible to use it the same night that it was stolen.

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Mynd, read the post again. I said I didn't know WHY they were voting Smiley, not that I didn't know they WERE. How come you get to tell EP off for bandwaggoning, then yell at me for not doing it? Rather inconsistent, I think. And for your information, practice ran by one hour, and it ended precicely one hour before the voting deadline. By the time I got home, it was too late.

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Mynd, read the post again. I said I didn't know WHY they were voting Smiley, not that I didn't know they WERE. How come you get to tell EP off for bandwaggoning, then yell at me for not doing it? Rather inconsistent, I think. And for your information, practice ran by one hour, and it ended precicely one hour before the voting deadline. By the time I got home, it was too late.


Cutting it pretty close then, even if your practice ended on time. It doesn't make any sense that you wouldn't have a vote on anyone prior to leaving if there was the remote chance you wouldn't make it home in time to vote. You were leaving it to others because you couldn't be the one to hammer your own mafia player, but you couldn't be seen voting anyone else when he flipped scum.


EP hammered Smiley likely for the same reasons you and Aiel Heart didn't vote at all. By your own admission, you were indesposed, likely when the decision came down on the mafia team to cut Smiley loose. It would look incredibly suspicious if all three of you were not voting anyone when Smiley flipped scum. But then again, you are new and your newness makes this fact new and therefore news to your newness.

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I'm at work right now, checking in on my phone... probably will not be home before deadline. I will check in again in a couple of hours and see how the voting is going. I'm good with either EP or Hoof today, but since EP has been pinging harder today, I'll go ahead and switch my vote to Unvote, Vote EP

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I'm not really comfortable with an EP lynch. I don't think he is scum, but I could be wrong. Just like Mynd says he thinks ep is scum, but could be wrong *rolls eyes* That being said, it doesn't look like it's going to be anyone else, I still like the hoof lynch, but I probably won't be back online until after deadline, so UNVOTE, VOTE EP

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