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Egwene dies, Long Live the Amyrlin?


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So I was wondering...... 'Should' Egwene die during the Last Battle, who do you think would be the best replacement in these times to assume the Seat? Assuming they don't go for Rand if he lives.


that would be pretty cool, I like Logain a lot. But I doubt that's realistic though.


I fear it isn't...but than, he already knows the place from back when he's been severed though.


well, so do Kings and Queens, Gaidar, but I doubt they'd be allowed the Seat if they suddenly ended up being able to channel. I really don't think Logain stands a chance to be accepted as the next Amyrlin.


So I was wondering...... 'Should' Egwene die during the Last Battle, who do you think would be the best replacement in these times to assume the Seat?

Sharina. She's only a novice and already has some Aes Sedai taking orders suggestions from her. And she's the strongest woman in the Tower.


Interesting choice and one I personally like a lot too. I can also see her as Mistress of Novices or Keeper, she has that keen ability to disarm people, make them dismiss her and at the same time manipulating the lot of them in to doing what she wants. As Amyrlin she'd be in direct spotlight which may interfere with that a little.


While I doubt this will happen, I hope the White Tower ceases to exist. I am tired of the Aes Sedai controlling society and failing miserably at it.


Hopefully Egwene will die of apeplexy when the Seanchan arrive just in time to man the tower's defenses against the Trollocs that just smashed through the borderlands then Logain can become Amarlyn.


Wouldn't whats-her-name, Egwene's Keeper, take over? While I don't want to be accused of suggesting that the Aes Sedai have some sort of competent decision-making capabilities, something as basic as a line of succession seems to be a thing that even they'd be able to manage.


^Pretty sure the hall takes over until someone else is raised to the seat.


at which point i think Rand should take over, he is the oldest living Aes Sedai after all :)


^Pretty sure the hall takes over until someone else is raised to the seat.


at which point i think Rand should take over, he is the oldest living Aes Sedai after all :)


Based on Date-of-Birth, yes. Based on years in existence, no. What's-her-face of the Kin is somewhere around 600. LTT was somewhere 300-400 years old when he offed himself, and Rand is only 20-21.



As to Line-of-Succession, I imagine it would go much as the Roman Catholic Church handles the death of a Pope.


Hmm - Egwene will be spanked to death by the Aiel chiefs to whom she still owes Toh.

Gawyn will then go totally nuts and put on the three bloodrings at once and rush off to do Rand.

Fain will get into action and whack Gawyn with his patent mist to prevent Gawyn doing Rand because only Fain is allowed to off Rand

Moridin will intervene to protect himself.

This will result in a hopeless mix up of souls and corpses, spread across the landscape of TAR and SG.

At the end of this, the GLoD will be free but He'll be confused enough to resurrect various folks in the wrong bodies.

This will result in such sensory overload for the GLoD that He will reSeal Himself in disgust rather than try to sort it all out.


Interesting question. I think the best candidates would either not want the job (Moiraine, Cadsuane) or have no chance of being chosen (Nynaeve, Siuan) or aren't technically Aes Sedai at all (Logain, Amys).


Elayne with her political savvy would be good, but she already has a job.


Who does that leave? Silviana could give the Reds something to be proud of, or Pevara. Saerin might be a good choice.


Interesting question. I think the best candidates would either not want the job (Moiraine, Cadsuane) or have no chance of being chosen (Nynaeve, Siuan) or aren't technically Aes Sedai at all (Logain, Amys).


Elayne with her political savvy would be good, but she already has a job.


Who does that leave? Silviana could give the Reds something to be proud of, or Pevara. Saerin might be a good choice.


One thing i'm pretty sure we can count on is that Tarmon Gai'don will not change human nature in general nor the nature of any Aes Sedai in particular. Jordan has given us a history for those people where every time they have a choice to make they almost invariably choose wrongly. Ergo, if Egwene should die, it's about 90% certain that they will choose precisely the wrong person to replace her.


Given the ends the Salidar Aes Sedai had in mind, Egwene was precisely the wrong choice there, as well.


Hmm - Egwene will be spanked to death by the Aiel chiefs to whom she still owes Toh.

Gawyn will then go totally nuts and put on the three bloodrings at once and rush off to do Rand.

Fain will get into action and whack Gawyn with his patent mist to prevent Gawyn doing Rand because only Fain is allowed to off Rand

Moridin will intervene to protect himself.

This will result in a hopeless mix up of souls and corpses, spread across the landscape of TAR and SG.

At the end of this, the GLoD will be free but He'll be confused enough to resurrect various folks in the wrong bodies.

This will result in such sensory overload for the GLoD that He will reSeal Himself in disgust rather than try to sort it all out.


THIS would be awesome. Although I am fairly positive it won't play out in this manner, I would love to see someone make a flash video of this happening.


Anyways I would hope that Egwene does not die and I do not think she would. I did not like her much the first couple books but after her training with the Aiel and ascension as Amyrlin I see her as a strong character. Personally I think she is too stubborn to die. Stubborness seems to be an attribute common with the Two Rivers folk; after all she broke the will of Mesana through sheer force of will. I do not see her as being a character that would die from anything short of balefire. From my recollection there hasn't been any foreshadowing or prophecies suggesting that her death is going to happen or is necessary


WHat's with all the hate on Aes Sedai? You mean you actually want them to all become damane? Or for Logain to take over? I think Logain should become the head of the BT, but to want him to rule an all-women's organisation is horrifying. Patriarchal domination of a group of self-assertive women. It makes me sick! The WT and the BT should exist with equal powers and influence - and then Logain as M'Hael could balance the Amyrlin.


And to suggest that "the Aes Sedai have no competant decision making capabilites" is utter rubbish and laughable in the extreme. Certainly, the WT became corrupted, but that could be said of every government - or of the UN. However, clearly the Aes Sedai have for three thousand years been of invaluable service in fighting against the Shadow, mediating between kingdom disputes and trying to prevent wars. If you have read the 14 books and come away thinking that the Aes Sedai are utterly worthless (which is what you are implying) you must either have consistently read wrong or be misogynist in the extreme.

  • 3 weeks later...

One does not need to hate women to know that the Aes Sedai have been a study in failure, stupidity, and stagnation. Luckers wrote a BRILLIANT essay on just this topic, showing exactly how the organization that claimed to be a servant to all ended up really serving no one. Its not mysogenistic at all to realize the vast legacy of FAIL that is the Aes Sedai organization.


Their complicity in letting hundreds of women die...those women who manifest the spark of chanelling but have no one to guide them through the dangerous parts, merely cause tradition said women seek the tower and not the other way round, is more than enough to damn them.


Edited to add the link to Luckers great essay: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/50876-the-life-and-times-of-an-aes-sedai/page__hl__%20life%20%20times%20%20sedai


One does not need to hate women to know that the Aes Sedai have been a study in failure, stupidity, and stagnation. Luckers wrote a BRILLIANT essay on just this topic, showing exactly how the organization that claimed to be a servant to all ended up really serving no one. Its not mysogenistic at all to realize the vast legacy of FAIL that is the Aes Sedai organization.


Their complicity in letting hundreds of women die...those women who manifest the spark of chanelling but have no one to guide them through the dangerous parts, merely cause tradition said women seek the tower and not the other way round, is more than enough to damn them.


Edited to add the link to Luckers great essay: http://www.dragonmou...imes%20%20sedai


The WT as an institution has failed that is correct. It has fallen far from it's heights in the same way that this is a fallen world. Having said that just like any other group their are both good and bad ones, to say they have served no one is patently false. Overall however they have been a force for the light and have saved the world enough times over to gain some leeway with their mistakes.


They've been a force for balance at most or else the blight wouldn't be advancing. They may have stopped some wars but while they fiddled, a foresaken ran the world. Stopping human wars doesn't matter if the shadow wins. See Luckers essay for further evidence


They've been a force for balance at most or else the blight wouldn't be advancing. They may have stopped some wars but while they fiddled, a foresaken ran the world. Stopping human wars doesn't matter if the shadow wins. See Luckers essay for further evidence


I read it long ago and it has some good points but misses on some as well. You will not get any argument that their institution has failed but they have saved the world a few times, the Trolloc Wars is one example in which all would have been lost without them. More recently where would everyone be without Gitara Sedai. She set the wheels in motion for the DR's birth.


Hmm - Egwene will be spanked to death by the Aiel chiefs to whom she still owes Toh.

Gawyn will then go totally nuts and put on the three bloodrings at once and rush off to do Rand.

Fain will get into action and whack Gawyn with his patent mist to prevent Gawyn doing Rand because only Fain is allowed to off Rand

Moridin will intervene to protect himself.

This will result in a hopeless mix up of souls and corpses, spread across the landscape of TAR and SG.

At the end of this, the GLoD will be free but He'll be confused enough to resurrect various folks in the wrong bodies.

This will result in such sensory overload for the GLoD that He will reSeal Himself in disgust rather than try to sort it all out.





"DO breaks seals and frees him self in a today world environment 'I AM FRE.....' *glances at the world* 'MY WORKS HERE IS DONE' *nods to self and goes back to sleep*.





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