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The Great Hunt 2011


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Also tried:


Andoran succession

succession war

Aes Sedai testing

Tower law

Main armies

family tree


(that last one was before I saw your post, Random Man, but arguably there's a one letter difference so it *could* have worked)

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What happened to the google spreadsheet that was tracking the guesses? The link can no longer be found on the Great Hunt 2011 website (Great Hunt 2011 Website)


Update - I found the spreadsheet, it must have been locked when I was looking at the failed guesses link on the website above (it is inside that link which takes you to another to the spreadsheet). Spreadsheet

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Whoever is in charge of the failed guesses document through the Great Hunt 2011 website should add the following instructions at the top of the failed guesses document.


In order to search to see if your guess has been used, use your "find" feature in your internet browser and then type the word/phrase and the search for the word. If it does not show up, then it has not been guessed.

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First thoughts as to content:


Who's this, I wonder:


### ##### ##### 5'5" ####



Page numbers?


(#### ####### 890 ## ## 900 ##)



King and Queen?


K### ## #### D#### ### # Q####


# k### ## # q#####





D##k######## ####k### ## ######### ##### ## D##k####### ######## ######## ### ###### ### #x###### ## ######## D##k#######



Far Madding?

F## ########



(PS: CTRL-F? Wot's dat den? It's F4 over here.. :wink: )

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@FSM - the first sentence reads, "Cadsuane Melaidhrin was born in 705 NE in the city-state of Far Madding."


Now, coming from one who had a very minor role in "decoding" the 2010 Great Hunt, I've got to say, THAT's a true Moment of Awesome. Don't know how you pulled that out but it fits. Sweet. We get some goods on Cads.


I'm so pumped to crack this one wide open. I also a)wish that I had any logical sense of organization so to make some good guesses and b)that RJ's logical sense of organization of his own notes corresponded to any conception I might have of how WOT notes should be organized, had I any logical sense of organization to begin with.


And cue my assistants rolling their eyes at any suggestion that I'm organized.

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Tam has a POV in AMOL...awesome!!!


Whaaaaaa????! All I can say is SWEEEEEET!


On the hunt topic - i'm not sure I can do this again. Last one was def intense as hell (and I only follow it online smile.gif). BS needs to stop being so cruel dry.gif


Cady going to WT at 13/14 - impressive!

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