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Hi! I'm a long time fan, started reading the books just about when KoD was out so I guess back in 2012? Recently started my second full read-through and just wanted to submerge myself even more than the first time haha... Also, since no one I know is a fan of the Fantasy genre, let alone WoT, I love the idea of discussing some of the going-ons in the book with likeminded people! Must say the site seems a bit overwelming now but I have experience with fora so I'll get the hang of it ;) I'm currently right in the middle of SR, having a (second) first look at Tanchico!

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Fantastic! We are happy to have you.


Yeah, it is overwhelming when you first get here. Along with discussion you just might like some of the social groups so please stop by.  If you need any help, ask.

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Guest Spyrothedragon

Hey everyone! Recently started listening to WOT audiobooks and got so hooked that I finished them all in about 3-4 months. Excited to talk about the series with everyone. I've actually been directed here a couple times with questions I've had throughout the series. I'm about to start over with book one again and I'm sure I'll have more to discuss this time around. :)

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Hey all :)  I just recently joined the community, & am so glad that I did. I only started reading, The Wheel of Time last month. Since then, I've devoured The Eye of the World, & I'm currently completely enjoying The Great Hunt. The story I feel just gets better & more exciting with each book. I recently purchased the Wheel of Time Companion, which I feel will be a great help. Although, I don't want to read much of the Companion for fear of spoilers. But, thankfully, at least I have this community to answer any question(s)  that may arise along the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, Jon!


You have much more. Not only will there be a place to discuss the books when you are finished but there are social groups based on the Wheel of Time. I'm in the Tower mostly (as Captain General of the Green Ajah.)

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Hey Guys!


Jumping back in after a long hiatus. I was never really active before, but I aim to change that this time around. 


I started reading the books when I was in elementary--right when The Great Hunt was released. I used to reread the entire series every time a new book came out, so I've read the series a few times but some of the earlier books a lot--which is just as well because the first 4 books are still, in my opinion, easily the best. Think I'll start on the audiobook journey soon...


I actually got back on here to try to find other Wheel of Time fans that play the app game Dominations, but I got sucked right back in. Jordan really set up a bottomless pit with his WOT world. It's impossible to simply dabble.


Glad to be back. I look forward to succumbing to my daydreamer tendencies here with everyone.



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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone!

Endlessly researching the Wheel of Time eventually led me to come across a website called Dragonmount, which sparked my curiosity. After a realised what it was, I bounced up and down with joy - I couldn't have dreamed of a better WoT website page.

Now that I'm here, I can't wait to meet all of you guys and make my long journey to becoming an Aes Sedai with the help of a myriad of friendly people...

So, a bit about me: I'm a mother of one with another baby on the way and I look after my child and two mischevious yet cute Cocker-Spaniel puppies every day. I love BBQ's, books, the Wheel of Time series (anyone heard of it?!!) and of course I love kids and puppies.

Can't wait to get involved! ☺

Hey, Lorava!


As you said we are very friendly around here. I share your love for dogs, and I also adore cats. There are lots of Social Groups for you to join, also; don't just assume you are bound to joining the White Tower. There are loads of groups you can choose from: Aiel, Ogier, tua'than (forgive my spelling :0), The Black Tower and many others. We also have Role Playing groups which are equally fun.


I'll tell you a bit about myself, then!

I'm 23 years old and love climbing poetry and reading. I currently live in London.

Edited by Aradin
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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome James Brown, looking forward to seeing you around the different forums, come see the social groups too, we have fun lightly pretending to copy said groups in the books. Or if a hard RP is what you're looking for, come join us in the Role Playing forum.

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome!!! We are very happy to have you. Good job on avoiding spoilers. You might want to check out the social groups. You can join as many as you wish. Just a heads up that you won't be able to see all that's going on until you choose to be a member.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for having me in this awesome community!


I may recently have joined DM, but my love for WoT goes back since 2005 when a friend recommended me 'Eye of the World' and never been the same since then.  I am ashamed to say that I have not read the entire series up to #6 'Lord of Chaos', but hopefully I can get the right encouragement to finish it properly.


My debut here on Dragonmount is really two-fold:

- Share ideas about WoT

- Join a Role-playing group


Quick Fact: I was introduced to MUD Role-playing and honed my emote skills over the years through the inspiration of the one and only Wheel of Time.


It's exciting to be here and thanks again! Take care!

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Welcome to DM !


Always happy to meet a fellow roleplayer :biggrin:


Don't hesitate to give a sign if you have questions ! ;)

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I’m new. I learned about this group from a Facebook acquaintance and look forward to meeting fellow WoT fans. Just recently I finished listening to the audiobooks including New Spring. It’s my hope to get involved in the role playing groups on Facebook, Instagram, and so on. The character development in WoT gave me so much joy.

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I stumbled across this one on facebook guiz.  :smile:


Welcome to the board!


Here you'll find both discussions on the books, role playing groups and social groups! I would encourage you to in addition to role playing get involved in some social groups, since we're quite a friendly bunch (I'm obviously not biased here at all!).

Join as many or few groups as you want to and have fun! :biggrin:

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