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How did you find your way to Dragonmount?

Guest Egwene

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In my case, I was looking for information about the next book. I followed the link from the Tor site and had a look at some of the boards. There where a few items on the Debates and Discussion boards that I was just itching to comment on. First one I commented as 'guest' (this was on the temp boards and guests could post on D&D)... at which point, I decided to register and put in my two cents worht on a few other topics *g*


... I think I have spend a fortune since...lol




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Guest Segurant

I just finished reading Eye of the World and wanted to find more information about the books and maybe discuss the books some.


I came across Dragonmount. I joined the Children of the Light. However that Org went away so I officially joined the Warders and been there ever since.


I found it through a search engine when searching for information on the Wheel of Time. I don'tknow what book I was on. Only thing I remember was it was the weekend after Martin Luther King's Day and I'd spend the first three day weekend alone after having broken up with my boyfriend a few days before christmas.




I had joined the wheel of time association early on in my online adventuring (yeah, I started late, but what can I say, there was no internet in my home town and we didn't get it until 1998, so it wasn't until I left for school that I could give it a whirl).


The next year (fall 1998) I think wota went bust, I found the Tor message boards, and also dragonmount... and then netland. I stuck with DM 'cause I could jump right to Aes Sedai. And the first BeSeen chat I attended (Jan 1999) confirmed that I'd found a quirky, crazy, but wonderful group of people to hang out with.


I don't think I can even remember. I was googling for something and just came across the site. It was December 2002 and I'd just turned 14 ... oh the memories. ;)


I used to hang out on Wotmania back in the days, but decided to leave. Thanks to the interview Jason did together with Wotmania-Mike I knew about Dragonmount, so I decided to check it out. And since then I haven't been able to leave.


i was surfing the internet during high school my junoir year and found it so wow... i just realized i have been around off and on for some 4 odd years


Being Ta'veren the Pattern pulled me to DM. *grins*


Ok like many others I did a search to find out more about Randland and the next bok and landed here. Hard. And always come back.


Personally I think Mazzie found a way to make this site cyber-crack.

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I had went to Norfolk Virginia to visit my brother who was in the navy, and his daughter was born 3 months ago, and its was the first time he'd seen his daughter.

Anyways we went to the local barnsandnobles. *first time I'd ever been there.

He then bought me Eye of the World.

I started reading it on the airplane on the way home.. But through a multitude of distractions I didn't get to far..

About 3 months later, I picked it up again and never put it down again. Coincidently One of the reasons I failed my math class was because of wot. :P


Anyways, around book 4 or 5, I was on the net going "hmmm I wonder if there are any plans to making a wheel of time movie/game. I found the game played the demo, was going 'meh that sucks' Then I saw a trailer for a wot movie that never came to be. Then I found Jasons WoT prologue 3d movie. I then lurked in the shadows for about 3-6 months, until I saw a post that was sooooo increadibly wrong/stupid/ect I just had to post. And thats how I came to DM. :P


This was in '00 and IRC was my life (pathetico, I know :P). I tried #whitetower on a whim and there I met Mandi (who used to be a Green and also a Warder) and some others. And she's the one who told me about it. Six years later here I am and I have no plans of leaving just yet =)


Well after Winter's Heart came out, and I finished reading the series for the first time, I REALLY wanted to know if there was a massive fan base for it, people I could chat with about it, was it really as big as I thought it was. So I googled and found RJ's Tor site, and found Theoryland, and wotmania, and this site. I would then basically use all of these sites to get news about upcoming installments.


Eventually I moved on and read other books, and kinda forgot most of WoT, until CoT came out, and then about a year later (2004) I decided to reread the entire series because New Spring had come out. At which point, after looking around this site for years, I decided to actually join.


Now I visit every day, and it takes up all of my time online. I'm CONSTANTLY coming on to check for new posts. It's become my home on the net.

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Eight years ago, some dude named "Jason" was spamming the board at www.wheeloftime.com with his new website. He said he needed an Amyrlin Seat too.


Don't you hate when people spam their websites at other sites? :P


I found it like a lot of others mentioned. Did a search for WoT stuff after I read the first six books or so.


I first showed up summer of '99, looking for information on a movie based on WoT. I'd been hooked on the series by a friend who didn't read past book 1 because he was afraid to get hooked. (He'd seen what had happened to his brother and a couple of friends.) I had just finished the last book that I could find, and I was thinking something along the lines of, You know, this would make a great movie. I wonder if there's one out there. DM just happened to be the first site I found.


Checking out the site, my eyes kept getting pulled towards the RP section, and I found myself thinking (again), Hmm... I wonder what this is... So I then made the third-biggest mistake in my career and checked it out. Instant hookage. My first character came into existance in November, and my second appeared in early March.

Eight years ago' date=' some dude named "Jason" was spamming the board at www.wheeloftime.com with his new website. He said he needed an Amyrlin Seat too.[/quote']


Hehe... Yeah, I'm with Kathana. *grins* I decided to check it out, and it looked interesting - there was a White Tower Org, and a Black Tower and Shayol Ghul as well, so I sent Jason an email asking if the Warders were part of the White Tower or if that was just for the Aes Sedai themselves. He answered that the Warders would be a seperate Org, and that a few others had also been asking about it - we discussed it, and decided to let Elrond Gaidin head the Org, and I've been a Warder ever since.


And then a while later, Jason decided to let Kathana be in charge of the White Tower. *grins*




*laughs* It was 6 years ago on the www.wheeloftime.com forums for me, Kath. Again, someone was pimping the forums, said I'd like it. I was barraged with "you've got to go there" in IRC in the Dancing Dragon Tavern *grins* and so I visited. At the time, it was all RP and I wasn't horribly interested in RP. SO, I didn't join.


Then, almost 3 years ago, I had a big fight with my (then) fiance' and decided I'd go hunting for a community I knew and loved. Since the book forums at wheeloftime.com weren't what they used to be, I wandered through the things I remember being talked about. DM was the one I remembered the most (I still have no idea why), so... I joined! I joined the forums on January 3rd and a few days later (after not getting an answer to my questions about the RP side), I wandered over to the community side to entertain myself. The rest is history! :D


I found it two and a half years ago. I'd just finished Winter's Heart and was searching for Information on New Spring and I found the Tor Website. There was a link for here, and the rest, as they say, is History ;)


good ole' google!


searchword: wheel of time




dont rememebr when it was.. but I registered with my rl name first, then forgot the password, so a few months later I decided to check it out again. so I browsed, and decided to register again.. I thougth I did it last september, but then I found out that I had my handle on a norwegian WoT site, and I know I only used ot for DM first, so it must have been at least in june/july last year.. and i've loved it here ever since!


letsee, it was about two years ago andI was doing a book report thingie on WoT for my gr10 English class and so I Googled Wheel of Time- Robert Jordan and came up with the Tor Site.


Well, got my info, and found out he had a new book coming out. 'Bout a month later I revisited the Tor site to find out more about the new book (New Spring) and the name Dragonmount kept popping up. So, I checked it out and heard about this WoT RPGame. Being the ignorant person I was, I a) didn't know what the heck RPing was b)didn't know how the hell to find the game.


So I abandoned the site only to come back another month later out of boredom. Finally I found the thing and started reading all these posts by people.


And I haven't been here long enough for anything to be history.


er..id visited afew times just being nosey really,as my computer knowledge is lacking somewhat, i was kinda apprehensive, :?


But then i thought gosh darn it all id make myself known, maybe make some friends *proceeds to get a case of the warm fuzzies* and learn a thing or two.


very much stoked that i did..oh and i wana be a real badazz asha'man too :twisted:

Black tower What! Black tower What!


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