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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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I do have a question though. For the following people:


Thorum(10): Mynd, Meesh, Verbal, Rose, Aust, Charis, Alanna, Tigs, Locke


If Thorum has proven himself to you (by confirming his role with Amadine)... and I'm assuming he did cause none of you tried to lynch him on the restart of day 1.... why did you keep your vote on him at the time? I can understand why Mynd did because he was going to be lynched and he probably thought himself more valuable alive..... but I can't see why the rest would keep their vote on Thorum.... unless.... you don't believe him?




I can answer that for myself. I dont unvote unless I know who to vote for and at that point I was still deciding. I did establish somewhere way back in one of my posts that I did take Thorum to be town. I just hate being wishy-washy with my votes. It's how I am. People who've played with me in any game may have already picked up on this. I would have later changed my vote to Som1 when Day restarted, but I got caught up with report cards for my 8th graders and a friend visiting from across the country, so I missed the deadline.


As to Som1's character hints, I am interested to know if everyone can confirm it. Any counter-claims? I have hinted at a character in a previous game that was not mine at all, and got away with it.  ;)

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I do have a question though. For the following people:


Thorum(10): Mynd, Meesh, Verbal, Rose, Aust, Charis, Alanna, Tigs, Locke


If Thorum has proven himself to you (by confirming his role with Amadine)... and I'm assuming he did cause none of you tried to lynch him on the restart of day 1.... why did you keep your vote on him at the time? I can understand why Mynd did because he was going to be lynched and he probably thought himself more valuable alive..... but I can't see why the rest would keep their vote on Thorum.... unless.... you don't believe him?


My reason is that I don't totally believe him, and it's dangerous if he's false claiming Miller with a teammate for support.  Yes, risky.  But doable, especially in a large game like this.  I would have rather lynched him to confirm Amadine.  Then the Healer can play WIFOM with the mafia on a NK attempt.  Highly unlikely the Healer is at risk tonight, so...


And for the record, the reason I voted for Boopsy was that he made a mistake with the post I quoted before.  Not gonna re-hash it, but it was a slip and some of us pounced on it.  Turns out, it was accidental, and we lynched a townie.  It happens.

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I do have a question though. For the following people:


Thorum(10): Mynd, Meesh, Verbal, Rose, Aust, Charis, Alanna, Tigs, Locke


If Thorum has proven himself to you (by confirming his role with Amadine)... and I'm assuming he did cause none of you tried to lynch him on the restart of day 1.... why did you keep your vote on him at the time? I can understand why Mynd did because he was going to be lynched and he probably thought himself more valuable alive..... but I can't see why the rest would keep their vote on Thorum.... unless.... you don't believe him?

I think this is actually kind of an irrelevant question.  Because, as you said, the end of the original Day 1, the votes were pretty different.  Maybe you meant to quote the end of the first Day 1 vote count, and if you did then your question makes sense.  But if you actually meant this one... 


Well, why, at that point during the Day, hadn't I unvoted Thorum?  Because I was still deciding whether to believe him or not, for one thing.  His claim would still have been relatively fresh, at the time.  Also, until I had decided who I wanted to vote for instead, I didn't really see the need to unvote.  We were far enough from the deadline that my vote wasn't going to do immediate harm, and I wasn't sure if there was going to even BE a better lynch candidate.

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No, you're right :)


I accidentally copied the wrong voting of my long post on the previous page. The right one is:


Thorum(8) Mynd, Verbal, Rose, Aust, Charis, Alanna, Tigs, Wolfie


You did change your vote later into the day.






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Oh, and sorry if I come across as grouchy at all during this game from here on out, guys.


I was recently suffering jaw pain and then on top of that one of my wisdom teeth decided to act up.  My jaw's better, but my wisdom tooth is not, and it's not going to get better until it's removed, because of the way it's growing in.  I'd get my wisdom teeth removed within the week, but unfortunately I'm going on a trip starting next Thursday (MODS, in regards to that, I'll have my phone with me so I'll have internet during the travel time, but I'll probably be less active. Just to let you guys know! ;)).  So I don't really have time to have surgery unless I want to be on my trip with cotton in my mouth and out of it from being put under. :D


So for the next 2.5 weeks I'm going to have a very sore mouth (I can't chew anything at all on the left side of my mouth) so if I seem a tad touchy, that's probably why...


I'll try not to be, though, since I'm going on the trip anyway, so I should be sufficiently excited about that, but just to warn you. :D  It hurts.

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my god i can relate to that.  wisdom teeth SUCK!  i have to get all 4 of miine cut out cause they were impacted beneath the surface.  meesh if i were you, i'd get them all removed at the same time (especailly since youll already be under)  it took about 2 days for me to recover enough to eat and about a year for the bottom holes to fill in and for my skin to grow over it; but its WELL WORTH IT!!!


thanks for the heads up on your semi LOA too :)




BTW, i just want to say all of you have been awesome with sending in your Actions (both night and day)  we're only waiting on about 3 before progressing onto Dawn Phase, which isn't bad at all considering the # of players :)


so thanks and you gusy are awesome

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A few things after re-reading...


]Unvote. Vote Mynd

Any particular reason?  Otherwise this is the very definition of a bandwagon vote.

rojano is now pinging.

rojano seems to have disappeared after this.  Guilty conscience or just inexperienced?


This stood out to me when re-reading but now I'm not so sure.  Kind of an odd vote since you don't trust anyone when you are town at the start of the game.


your style is cool but i dont trust you atm


Total bandwagon...

[glow=red,2,300]Mynd[/glow]  for lack of another option at the moment. 



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Ick Meesh I got all four of mine out around Thanksgiving last year and I was barely able to eat the holiday num nums! It really sucks, my face swelled up and I had some major hardcore bruising but it was still better than the alternative of losing all feeling in my entire jaw. I suggest getting them out ASAP sweetie and you will have good painkillers to help you feel better.


Red you say these holes will close eventually?! Woo!

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My sympathies about the wisdom teeth, Meesh! Kind of ironic, if you remember, you replaced me in Pete's Harry Potter game, and the reason I had to quit was because I'd just had my widsom teeth out and was all loopy on painkillers LOL.


You never know, it depends on the person how long you'll be sore afterwards. Usually the younger you are, the less pain there is. I didn't get mine out til I was almost 22, and I needed those painkillers for about a week. But my cousind just had his out (he's 17), and he was fine and eating normally after 2 days.

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UGH it's 8 pm and some AHOLE is playing his music SUPER LOUD outside my house. NOT HAPPY. Especially after having to do a hella long reread! I was gone because: my birthday was last week (as I believe I mentioned...somewhere), then I got sick, had another birthday party/family get together and then the holiday.


Anyways I'm going to be very interested to see what the results of the night are. I still find Dah to be suspicious, and of course Som1 is suspicious.

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Meesh - you have my sympathies, too! I had all 4 pulled with only a local anesthetic when I was about 26 yrs old. And I was swollen as a chipmunk and in PAIN b/c I was only taking Tylenol during the healing period. >_< But, it healed pretty quickly and like Red said - it's worth it! ^_^

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It depends on how your mouth is set up really. Mine would have grown in, except I got braces and it made my molars move back and be on top of the wisdom teeth, so the roots started to grow down into my nerves :/ I was 18? Something like that. I had pain for about a week, but I was able to move off of prescription drugs onto regular ibuprofine in like 4 or 5 days :)

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I was lucky, The dentist took my 4 back teeth out when i was about 10 (using gas and then had to walk home with a mouthful of blood - lovely) but it meant they came through and I have had no problems from them..


Mynd wears Panties!!!!

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