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Just finished "Fool's Errand" by Robin Hobb, the first book in "The Tawny Man" trilogy. After finishing this trilogy I intend to read "The Liveship Traders" and then "Rain Wild Chronicles". After that I might have a look at "Soldier's son".


Hallow: I see your siggy, I'm reading 1984 now (three months late from when it was due for school). Great book. :)


Big Brother is watching you.


I'm reading The Hero of Ages.  Mistborn was pretty good, The Well of Ascension was kind of a let down.  I'm hoping tHoA finishes well so that I can change my opinion of tWoA.  I enjoy clever plot twists, but too many give me a stomach ache.  It's like the author can't make up his mind...or he's going out of his way to keep you in the dark...either way it's annoying.


Just finished Mistborn and started The Well of Ascension.  I really liked Mistborn.  I could see those action scenes being done by Hollywood.  Several people have said book two is a let down.  I hope you are all wrong.  We'll see.  I'm only 30 pages in so it is a little early to decide.


The lynching mob is probably going to start circling me, but I am currently reading Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind as part of my SoT re-read, after finishing Daggerspell by Katherine Kerr.


doing a re-read of Dresden Files by Jim Butcher atm, while getting in some chapters of Graham Hancock's Supernatural inbetween books. plan on checking out Butcher's other series afterwards.


Currently reading (deep breath) Berlin by Antony Beevor, A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin, Broken Angels by Richard Morgan, Doctor Who: War Games by Malcolm Hulke, Wolfblade by Jennifer Fallon, The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, Heroes Die by Matthew Woodring Stover and Seasons of War by Daniel Abraham.


I'm reading Brave New World by huxley.

I have ever read a book which was written by camus (I had to read it for school )but not The Plague  ;)



I am reading A Short HIstory of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson... I dont really remember the last book I read, its been a while. The next book I will read is deffenitly the Gathering Storm I bought it the day it came out and just been procrastinating about it ever since, thanks to discovering I can watch netflix on my tv I have been catching up on all the movies I wanted to see but didnt get the chance...


doing a re-read of Dresden Files by Jim Butcher atm, while getting in some chapters of Graham Hancock's Supernatural inbetween books. plan on checking out Butcher's other series afterwards.


Just finished reading Storm Front, I enjoyed it.  Dresden has a droll sense of humor.   I'm usually not a fan of first-person narrative, but Butcher did a good job with this one. I'm now starting a re-read of the WOT, and plan on interspersing Dresden File books between each WOT book.


I finished my re-red of the WoT series a few weeks ago. I am currently re-reading The Death Gate Cycle by Margearet Weis & Tracy Hickman. And next I am gonna start on A game of Thrones


Currently reading *deeper breath than ever before* A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin, The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon, Vampyrrhic Rites by Simon Clark, Wolfblade by Jennifer Fallon, Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation by Ian Marter, Seasons of War by Daniel Abraham, Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind, Berlin by Antony Beevor, Lies of Locke lamora by Scott Lynch, Heroes Die by Matthew Stover, Chimera by Stephen Gallagher, The Island by Tim Lebbon and Broken Angels by Richard Morgan. That's right, 13 books. I've had the Martin re-read and the Morgan in particular on the go for quite some time, but I put most of my reading on hold while I went through a load of Doctor Who novelisations, but now I need a break from them. Mostly I'm reading the Abraham and Fallon books at the moment, with the others less frequently. An Autumn War (the first book in the Seasons of War omnibus, which collects the last two books of the Long Price quartet) is a very impressive work, and I urge all of you to give the series a try (start with A Shadow in Summer). If that guy doesn't have a bright future ahead of him in the fantasy field, there's something very wrong with the world.


I'm reading The Gone Away World by Nick Harkaway. Post-apocalyptic scifi where most of humanity is strung along something called the Pipe, which provides for a safety zone. Everything else is a wasteland. Like a Stephen King The Waste Lands wasteland. The story includes truckers, ninjas, cannibal hounds, and desert-pig generators. Pretty damn funny in a Neal Stephenson or Joseph Heller sort of way. Quite enjoyable.


storm of swords by g.r.r.martin, really good series, the death of some characters were regrettable but still enjoyable read. The constant change of pov's with each chapter is a tad annoying.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Browne - Just finished it and it is a fascinating read. Really shows what people do for greed.

Millennium by Tom Holland - Just finishing this as well but has taken by a while. Stopped reading it for like two months just recently picked it back up. Much preferred Persian Fire and Rubicon by him.

Search for El Dorado by J.Hemming - Again another book that been on hiatus for a long while again just started reading it again. Only okay, recently read another book that kinda deals with the same era and it was far better cannot think of what it was called.

The Gates by John Connolly - Just started it. Hopefully its as good as his other book for younger readers. His new novel 'the Whisperers' wasn't the greatest though. The Parker series keeps building up to a big climax and doesn't seem to be getting any closer to it.

Travels in the Interior of Africa by Mungo Park - Again just started it.

Darkness that comes before by R.Scott Barkker - Two and a half chapters gone and getting through it at a snails pace.


I ran into a series by Tad Williams the other weekend at Half Priced Books I hadn't seen and decided to try it out.  It is the Shadowmarch series, with 3 of 4 books published, and the 4th on its way.  Per his work it takes a while to really understand what is going on, as he seems to prefer to slowly reveal his world and structures to you over the course of the books, but having just finished the 3rd book last night I think it is worth the read.  I always enjoy his characters (I read Memory, Sorrow and Thorn what seems like a decade ago, it might have actually been a decade) he does a great job of fleshing out people who aren't even major players, so you get a feel of how they are as people.  My only issue with his writing style is that I tend to feel really lost and have to reread sections when I start one of his series to keep up with who/what is doing things.


Finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and am now reading the sequel, The Girl who Played with Fire.


Finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and am now reading the sequel, The Girl who Played with Fire.


Any good? Keep on seeing them advertised and have heard about the film so may look into them.


Finished reading Joe Abercrombies series. Good characters and storyline. Wound me up a little with everyone saying "Huh?" all the time, but tiny complaint for a good series (sorry cant remember the name of it but I was a bit drunk last night and am trying to pull myself together) and I'd recommend it to anyone. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch was also a good read. What the Artful Dodger would have been had he grown up.


currently im re-reading WoT from the very start, i picked up EoTW last monday but read new spring before it.

i hope i will reach "the Gathering storm" by the time of "Towers of Midnight" release.


i have to admit, i didnt read any Fantasy after reading the gathering storm, and started reading Regency romance since the beginning of the year, i read 42 books by Mary Balogh (she is very good by the way) ..



very recently i read "Love in the Time of Cholera", some stories from "1001 nights" i think in english it is known as "Arabian nights", i read it in Arabic anyway, plus some other Arabic books. :) but here i am back to WoT again :)



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