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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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Your Highness


Crude juvenile humor at its finest... I guess. I laughed at some points but mostly found myself cringing as the cast tried its hardest (at times to hard) to get a laugh.


Something Borrowed


Basically follows the plot of a romantic comedy spot on... except this one has Kate Hudson. I spent most of the movie wanting to throw something at the screen.


Season of the Witch


I decided to continue my misery by watching a movie with Nic Cage. I began wondering what a movie with Nic Cage and Kate Hudson would look like. I began drinking to kill those brain cells.





You sir must have HBO..because I myself just recently watched these movies as well...and came to pretty much the same conclusion as you did. Being able to look at Natalie Portman was the only reprieve =)

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Unicorn City


It's an indie comedy about gamers. Seriously, if y'all aren't gamers you certainly know people who are. It's been gaining accolades at various comedy film festivals all over, and it was just theatrically released in Utah (where it was filmed). Depending on how it does there it may go to other markets as well. Anyway if you get a chance you should for sure see this film. Jon Gries is excellent. The leading lady Jaclyn Hales does an amazing job (won best actress at LA comedy film festival).

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tower heist, good for an eddie murphy movie. but then h was barly in it


a history of scotland, irland, and britton. three diferent shows by the bbc on the history of the brittish iles. the one on scotland was the best of the three. as someone who is not from the united kingdom, but whos family hails from there they were verry intresting and informitive.


waterloo. the classic movie about the battle of waterloo. have watched several times, but is still good, if not the most acurate.

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The Woman in Black.


I screamed three times, I won't even lie. Don't judge me, I'm a girl and I HATE anything vaguely horror-esque. But I kind of enjoyed it. And Radcliffe was better than expected i.e. he wasn't Harry Potter. But it wasn't amazing and I probably wouldn't see it again.

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Act of Valor.


I'm pretty sure there's going to be a lot of people out there that either hated or loved this movie, I guess it really depends on what you're expecting from it. The acting wasn't exactly great, as to be expected since it wasn't real actors it was actual Navy Seals. That being said, I think they did quite well all things considered. The action sequences were a little bit video gamey at times, with the whole first person look. But the choreography was obviously well done as they used actual tactics and stances and whatnot that are used in the military. The dialogue may seem a bit dull at times, but again, it was accurate.


Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it =) Even with the Hollywood style explosions. I think they did a very good job with the SWCC teams also. (I am a Navy Vet and while obviously I wasn't a Seal, I have put in time on SCAT teams and on RHIB boats)

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Watched "Devil Inside" a couple of days ago. Was an okay horror flick until the gd end... wow. If I knew that I wouldn´t have wasted... 7 bucks lol.

I do look forward to the Hunger Games though, it´s gonna be epic (two more weeks and then it shows in Sweden =))

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Wanderlust...it was decent, about what you would expect.


I'm looking forward to The Hunger Games too. Unfortunately, the friends I want to see it with are leaving for India for two weeks the friday it opens.


You read the books?

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Just watched an interesting one. In the line of fire, its an italion movie about a company of the 10th italion army at el alamin, the battle that was the turnning point in wwii in north africa. If you like history, or war movies I would recumend it. Its in italion with english subtitals. I would put it up there with letters from iwo jima. Bout a 9

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Wanderlust...it was decent, about what you would expect.


I'm looking forward to The Hunger Games too. Unfortunately, the friends I want to see it with are leaving for India for two weeks the friday it opens.


You read the books?



i did. A friend's wife tried convincing me to give them a try for about six months but i was very skeptical. i finally said ok in late december and was pleasantly surprised.

Yeah they are YA ..I think but I liked the books too. Haven´t read the last one though, but Im going too. I just hope they don´t make the movie too kidfriendly

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It is really rare when I go into a movie and know nothing about the story. From the trailers I thought this was totally CGI ala Polar Express. I must admit I really liked this movie and will be putting it in my top 10 for 2011. I can see why it was nominated for best picture and won so many oscars.


In Time


JT (thats what I call my boy Timberlake) actually does a pretty good job in this movie. I was very much intrigued by the plot and up until about 2/3 of the way through the movie was quite enjoying myself. Then the plot took a bad turn and I could no longer lose myself in the movie.


30 minutes or less


I felt dumber by watching this. It took me two sittings to get through the whole thing. Classic case of "if you saw the trailer you saw the funniest bits".


The Thing


A remake/prequel to the 80's version. I love the original... ok... the 80's remake. This movie basically stole most of the ideas and reused them. I began to wonder why the alien didn't learn the second time around.




The trailer and reviews turned me off from watching this but eventually I ran out of stuff on netflix and it arrived. I was actually kind of surprised. I mean it was on par with a Jason Statham movie but pretty good for a assassin film.

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The Three Musketeers

Garbage. I would never recommend this movie to anyone. I watched this movie the same weekend I saw Drive Crazy (Nic Cage) and really wonder which was the worst movie.


Drive Crazy

Oh Nic Cage.... you try so hard. I often wonder if he reads the scripts he signs up for. One of my favorite parts is when he kills all the people coming after him WHILE having sex... what!!!! Really this movie is almost bad enough to be good.


Young Adult

The trailers billed this as a comedy and while it does have it's comedic moments it is mostly a drama. Great film.


The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

I read the book and saw the original film. This was a good adaptation of both.... meaning it basically copied the already great original film. So for Americans that don't realize movies are made outside the States this will seem like a masterpiece.


Another Earth

You guys have probably never heard of this film but I love a good drama with slight sci fi elements. Premise: A young high school student has just been accepted into MIT and goes out to party. She drives home and hears on the radio about a strange new planet just found that can support life... so close you can see it in the sky. Looking into the heavens and driving drunk don't mix.... she crashes into a car killing a mom and son, leaving the father alive. 4 years later she is out of prison and the new planet can be seen in our sky like another moon, it looks exactly like our earth. The rest of the movie is about her trying to piece her life back together and deciding if she wants to escape it by going to this new planet to start anew.


Like Crazy

My favorite on this list. Two people meet in college a few weeks before summer break in the states. However one is on a student visa and must return home. She decides to stay over the summer so they can keep exploring this new found love. However when she returns home for a funeral she finds herself trapped unable to return. The film is basically a study on long term relationships. Anyone that has been in one can really relate to this movie. I thought the acting was top notch as well as the plot.

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  • Community Administrator

I actually heard of Another Earth (saw a preview for it) But haven't decided if it was worth 2 hours of my life or not.


Johnny English Reborn

Is actually pretty darned funny.I can honestly say the 'chase' scenes are pretty unique, and was insanely funny, but plot wise, its nothing that hasn't already been down before.

Just to toss this in here, i was practically raised on Rowan Atkinson's Mr. Bean, So I'm probably biased on his being funny.

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I actually heard of Another Earth (saw a preview for it) But haven't decided if it was worth 2 hours of my life or not.


Johnny English Reborn

Is actually pretty darned funny.I can honestly say the 'chase' scenes are pretty unique, and was insanely funny, but plot wise, its nothing that hasn't already been down before.

Just to toss this in here, i was practically raised on Rowan Atkinson's Mr. Bean, So I'm probably biased on his being funny.



I loved the first Johnny English, and the fact that you liked it so much is making me very excited to see 'Reborn.'

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Drive Crazy

One of my favorite parts is when he kills all the people coming after him WHILE having sex... what!!!!


Ever seen Shoot 'Em Up?


You know whats funny?

I raved about how awesome Shoot 'Em up was; and that scene from drive crazy? Stolen right from it.


And, I believe empy hated that movie 'shoot 'em up'. :P



Had to, you know, cause I loved that movie so much. (hey, it released on my bday! it was my Bday movie! and it rocked!)


Krakalakachkn, check out the trailers for Johnny English Reborn; Watch em? Those aren't the funniest scenes in the movie. Unlike the adam sandler trailers, where what you see... is the funniest thing in the movie. :P

Edited by SinisterDeath
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