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Ask A Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (No AMoL Spoilers)

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My thinking is Justice belonged to LTT, Lans sword belonged to Be'lal.....soldiers in the AoL didn't need swords, a sword on the hip would have been an inconvenience, they had Shocklances and weapons that could kill over thousands of miles.... the Generals were presented with Heron mark blades....nothing rong with that Generals don't usually take part in the actual fighting, but any modern soldier will tell you a sword is of little use to them and would only get in the way.

those regular swords would have been like a medal of honour (purely guessing) and most of them would have been lost during battles and such, thats why few of them still exist


A super sharp Medal that never needs to be sharpened , uses, digging fox holes, cutting wood, weight for unrolled maps & a back scratcher(scabbard not sword) & tooth pick.


My thinking is Justice belonged to LTT, Lans sword belonged to Be'lal.....soldiers in the AoL didn't need swords, a sword on the hip would have been an inconvenience, they had Shocklances and weapons that could kill over thousands of miles.... the Generals were presented with Heron mark blades....nothing rong with that Generals don't usually take part in the actual fighting, but any modern soldier will tell you a sword is of little use to them and would only get in the way.

all those extremely technological things where lost early in the war since the factories to create those things would be destroyed early on in the war


technological? it would only require someone channeling..... heat and fold 1000 times, an something to make it so it never needs to be sharpened.


you wouldn't need an industry for that, the swords were made during the War of Power, before the Breaking.


technological? it would only require someone channeling..... heat and fold 1000 times, an something to make it so it never needs to be sharpened.


you wouldn't need an industry for that, the swords were made during the War of Power, before the Breaking.


Jordan explicitly stated that as the First War entered its later phases, the industrial base necessary for the previously advanced armaments had seriously degraded.


In particular, the fact that every single aspect of society was subordinated to the war effort meant that the Power-based infrastructure (ie. the energy for factories, the transportation grid, and pretty much, well, everything) was effectively destroyed, since the Alliance couldn't spare the resources, and the Horde, if you haven't been paying attention, actually gained from allowing everything to disintegrate.


Simpler weapons, like swords, utilized in construction far less manpower, One Power, and most important of all, rapidly decreasing industrial base.


Remember, metallurgical skill in the Power is extraordinarily rare as established in the series, but sword manufacture, while complicated requires far less capital investment than First War analogs for energy-based weapons, armored fighting vehicles, and combat aircraft.


Here's an excellent example of a situation comparable to the Lightforces:


During the American Civil War, the South did not produce a single rail. Not one. Single. Rail. Iron and manufacturing capacity was required for far more pressing things like ordnance.


What this meant was that every time any new railroad was laid to support military operations, and every time the Rebels repaired damaged lines, the Confederates were forced to take rails from an existing railroad.


By the end of the war, the South had, in effect, deindustrialized itself, because it was never able to reinvest in its infrastructure base because it was forced to meet wartime demands. Meanwhile, every Southern territory taken by Federal troops was laid to waste, as part of a concerted, and brilliant, policy both to destroy the Rebellion's will to resist and to ensure that, even when the South managed to recapture lost areas, it could not undo the damage done by Union troops.


This is what total war *means* and frankly, it's how the Shadow fought the First War.


Was Ilyena a channeler?


I can't remember if RJ said so or not, but her full name was

Ilyena Moerelle Dalisar

before she got married. As a result, it's probably safe to conclude that she was a channeler for several reasons. First, they got married not later than half way through the Collapse (Mierin goes berserk at their wedding, which is indicative of the process by which she joined The Big Guy), meaning well over half a century before her death as an absolute minimum.


At the time of her death, she's still described as a beautiful, fairly youngish woman.


Second, she had the three names - which were, relatively, easier for channelers to obtain.


This combined with the time between her marriage and her death suggest that she was, even in the absence of RJ directly saying so, which, again, I'm pretty sure he did.


how do you guys know all this haha. I always wondered why Lanfear got dumped? Where did you get the info about their wedding as I am really interested to read up on the hostory?




how do you guys know all this haha. I always wondered why Lanfear got dumped? Where did you get the info about their wedding as I am really interested to read up on the hostory?




Alot of the extra stuff is from the Guide as well as various things RJ/BS have said online. The Guide is a bit hard to find now but its an extremely interesting read - at least from what I found. Really fleshes out the world and history.


It's also worth remembering that the TP doesn't actually equal the CK for power. It merely feels that much more addictive. Brandon was making a point.

I think it was more than that.  Rand seems to think that the amount of power he held when channeling the True Power unaided is comparable to the amount of Power he held when channeling through the Choedan Kal.

Ah, I hoped I wouldn't need to look up that quote.

On the subject of the Choedan Kal, Brandon said that the True Power was not as strong as someone with the Choedan Kal.  Just it felt as tempting and as addictive as the One Power through the Choedan Kal.

So, there you go.


Using the True Power requires the Dark One's specific approval for each use, so, in a sense, it is the Dark One himself acting in the world through an agent.  As such, it is unlikely that there are any limits to it, in the same sense that there are limits to what a person can channel with the One Power.  The One Power is all about rules; the True Power is all about breaking them.

Where do you get that from? In fact, we know for certain that it is possible, albeit very difficult, to channel TP WITHOUT the DO's permission.


If anyone can offer a link to the guide or where to find it that would be great as I have had issues tracking it down ;D

Enjoy: http://www.amazon.com/World-Robert-Jordans-Wheel-Time/dp/0312862199


On the subject of the Choedan Kal, Brandon said that the True Power was not as strong as someone with the Choedan Kal.  Just it felt as tempting and as addictive as the One Power through the Choedan Kal.

So, there you go.


I stand corrected.  :)  Although that does seem to contradict the wording in the book ...


Where do you get that from? In fact, we know for certain that it is possible, albeit very difficult, to channel TP WITHOUT the DO's permission.


Um ... I got mine from the comments of multiple Forsaken (specifically Moghedien in ACoS ch 25 and later Demandred in WH ch 13) that access to the True Power is specifically restricted by the Dark One's will.  Where do find out "for certain that it is possible, albeit very difficult, to channel TP WITHOUT the DO's permission"?


Simple!  All you (as a saidin channeler) have to do is go against Egon's wise warning and cross streams (of balefire) with someone who has the DO's permission to tap into him, thusly creating a link, and a way for you to tap it with his permission.  Kinda like forcing another Magic player to tap their land, only you get to use their mana.


Re-reading Lord of Chaso and something hit me:


Have we ever had an explanation to where Perrin's nose ability to tell one emotion from another just by the smell of it (a concept hard to visualize to me) come from ?

I mean I know it's the wolf thing, but even if that explains for the enhanced senses, I don't get it for the emotion things.



May it be the but? (I sure don't think so, but it's worth the try)


Re-reading Lord of Chaso and something hit me:


Have we ever had an explanation to where Perrin's nose ability to tell one emotion from another just by the smell of it (a concept hard to visualize to me) come from ?

I mean I know it's the wolf thing, but even if that explains for the enhanced senses, I don't get it for the emotion things.



May it be the but? (I sure don't think so, but it's worth the try)


It's just a higher form of wolves/canines being able to "sense" people's emotions most likely.


On the subject of the Choedan Kal, Brandon said that the True Power was not as strong as someone with the Choedan Kal.  Just it felt as tempting and as addictive as the One Power through the Choedan Kal.

So, there you go.

I stand corrected.  :)  Although that does seem to contradict the wording in the book ...


Well you have to think about the TP as a drug. And not like Pot, but like Meth. It might make you feel faster and more alert blah blah, but that's just the side effect of the high. He was riding the euphoria of it and thus he mistakenly, because he was loaded, felt like he could channel as much with the TP as with the CK. Simple power of addiction. I can attest personally.


Where do find out "for certain that it is possible, albeit very difficult, to channel TP WITHOUT the DO's permission"?

This was the subject of some confusion, due to Brandon seemingly giving contradicting answers to different people. These following quotes should give you the whole story:

Q: Is Rand's access to the True Power via his link with Moridin, created at Shadar Logoth?

A: No one may channel the True Power without the Dark One's permission. Rand doesn't have that. [Note:  This last bit - 'Rand doesn't have that' - has been challenged by another person who was present at the signing. See quote immediately below. It was also clarified by Brandon later. - Terez]

Q: Did Rand directly have the Dark Ones permission to channel the True Power?

A: Its very difficult (but not impossible) to channel the True Power without the Dark Ones direct permission.

Matt: There was some confusion about Rand and the Dark Ones permission, so for clarifications sake, did Rand have the Dark Ones permission to use the True Power?

Brandon: I have not answered that. If anyone says that I have, I have not. What I have said specifically is, this is recording : generally one must have the Dark Ones permission to use the True Power. Semirhage believed that the Dark One had betrayed her by letting Rand use it.  It is good that you have asked this so I can make sure on the record that is the answer I have given. [Meaning that Matt has audio of this conversation - Terez]

So you see, take Brandon's comment that Rand doesn't have permission, add to it that he went from 'no one may' to 'very difficult (but not impossible)', to 'generally one needs', and I think this paints a fairly clear picture. But I guess you're right, I shouldn't have said 'for certain'.


EDIT: I've noticed that you probably won't understand those quotes fully without the following, so bear with me for two more:


I was at that signing, I was literally right next to Brandon as he answered this question, and that is far from his exact wording.

The response was more accurately something like: So far as we know, no one may channel the True Power without the Dark One's permission. Semirhage certainly seemed to think she was betrayed.

There was never a comment about Rand not having permission. [see counter-dispute by Freelancer immediately below. - Terez]

Brandon's later answer [he's referring to Brandon's conversation with Matt - yoniy0] has to take precedence. He says that he didn't specify directly whether Rand did or did not have the Dark One's permission. That is what everyone must operate by, as his word is now canon. That does not change what I wrote down as my questions were being answered.

As to Writo's comments, I can only offer this. The comment by Brandon about Semirhage believing she had been betrayed was definitely in response to someone else's question. It did not come up with mine, but I do remember hearing it.


Thanks, I hadn't read those book signing answers.


It is very odd though, since what we've read in the books seems to be in line with his first, seemingly conclusive "No one may channel the True Power without the Dark One's permission."  Given his second answer and third answers, it seems that what Rand did when he killed Semirhage may have been done without the Dark One's approval ... although in my defense, EVERY indication that is actually in the books says that one must have his permission.  ;)  Thanks for expanding my reference base.


Yes, though I think the Forsaken are referring to their own experience. A way might exist even if they're unaware of it. Even if you don't consider the obvious (that Rand's link to someone who has permission enables him to use it). In any event, I believe the DO grants certain people permissions for select periods, rather than approve each access separately.


By the way, you might want to sift through Theoryland's Interview Database on http://www.theoryland.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=372 if you ever get the time. It has many more where these came from.

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