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Please Welcome Miya


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Thank you for the welcome back here on the rp side Jade.  For those who didn't meet miya during her brief time as a novice in the tower in 2007, I also played Telcia, Ragan, Espara and an assortment of others from other divisions.  I hope I get a chance to get to know those of you who never met me and to all you oldbies: I look forward to rp'ing with you again soon!

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Thank you for all the welcomes everyone.  *special snuggle to Auntie Muir*


Lavinya, I do remember a small rp with you (I think when I was playing Espara) but I too look forward to more.


Mystica, I hear you're all sorts of "bacon-wrapped" goodness (Claire got me started on the bacon late last night... don't ask, it's a good thing!) so it's a real pleasure to "meet" you. 


If anyone wants to do an rp, please just drop me a line.  I really look forward to interacting with everyone.

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Brown?  I had a Brown Sister?  Yeesh... I don't recall that but then again maybe I did and it was just for such a short time I don't remember.  *blush*  Please pm me and we'll discuss the chances of it occurring.  If there isn't one, I may make a new novice with aspirations, sound good?


I will however be sending you a returning character bio for a freelander later today.  I apologize in advance for the amount of reading you'll want to do in order to be familiar with the backstory.



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oh no, my bad, I saw you saying you were brown over on the Org side, so I figured you had a brown character here too. No worries :) Looking forward to your background stories for FL. I might not be able to read it till tomorrow though, but I'll get to it asap. :)

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