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Charmed mafia - Game over - congrats Charmed Ones, innocents, and Mottlee


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Vote Count:


Boopsy (9) – Dragon, Minuet, Cairos, Jade, Ellianora, Wolfie

No lynch (1) – Red


Not voting: Mottlee, Boopsy, Alanna, Charis, Naeann


Day One ends on Monday at 10:00 PM MST



Lilly, who are the 9 ppl voting for Boopsy??


And I agree with Naeann - voting for Boopsy while he's frozen seems a terrible thing to do. I'm gonna need some more clearing of confusion first before I vote for him.


OKAY!!! I'm going to reveal and what happened with my ability.


I'm Piper. I have the ability to freeze 2 people and all the night actions on the two people will switch to the other person. So the 2 players I froze was Jade and Boopsy. So when Dragon viewed Boopsy he showed up as Paige and whoever Boopsy was showed up whoever. So all the night action on Jade went to Boopsy and all the night action on Boopsy went to Jade.


So Jade is the real Paige! So please don't for her. Also Dragon if you are the real Phoebe we need to stick together. And I think Boopsy is mafia.


Cairos says he has the ability to freeze 2 people, thus causing the night actions to switch. I took this to mean this is why Boopsy is still frozen. I don't know why Jade isn't... maybe because she's also a Charmed one. Then agan, maybe I'm misunderstanding this.


Naeann I see your idea, but at the same time I suspected Boopsy since day one. How do we not know that he caused it and it backfired because of Cairos's action? I suppose anyone could had done it. Now I am confused. It does seem wrong to lynch someone who can not defend themselves, but at the same time a mafia member would could lie and say they aren't mafia. So, really what difference does it really make? Other then just feeling weird and not knowing what was done to him.


I agree with Alanna's statement. I watched the show since it first aired. Charmed Ones cant be frozen unless they arent charmed ones. But it could be that someone has a ability to have him frozen. But what do we have to lose right.




Ok... that's very odd. 9 names, but 6 votes. That means someone has double or triple voting rights?  ??? I think it means the lynch on Boopsy is almost assured. I dont like it b/c it's all too confusing and I would like to hear Boopsy's defense. I dont think my vote will count either way b/c majority rules on this. I'd rather have a vote than not, but at this point, I think I'll abstain from voting and just see what happens.


Side note -- my husband and I found Charmed seasons 1 & 2 for $11.99 today! We got it and I'm surprised/pleased to say that my husband actually wants to watch it as much as I do!!  ;D


My hubby liked Charmed until I started watching it over and over and over again. *giggle* Same thing happened with StarGate SG-1.


Okay, my guess is that the Charmed Ones have a double vote. Which goes with the claims Dragon, Jade and Cairos have made. I suspect that when they vote on the same person or once they know who each other is they get a double vote. That is my best guess.


Charis we aren't going to get Boospy's say at least my thought is he is frozen until someone unfreezes him or night comes. That is my best guess there too. Maybe someone who is still on LoA froze him for a reason or he could have tried to freeze Jade and it backfired because Cairos intervened. Just because Cairos could switch night actions doesn't mean the night action didn't come from one of the targets. If we do lynch him and he is innocent I will of course feel horrible. However, at this point I am not trusting he is innocent just because he is frozen.


Min, I'm not saying he's innocent b/c he's frozen, either. I'm just saying b/c I cant hear his defense, I dont want to go ahead and vote against him.


It's makes sense now about the Charmed Ones having double votes if they know each other (or just for being Charmed Ones maybe?).


I understand your point. If someone can unfreeze him can you please do it. It would be nice to hear from Boopsy.


Just a warning I work tomorrow and then we are going into Phoenix to rescue 3 cute, adorable ferrets. So, after bathing them, cleaning their cage and their stuff I doubt I will be on before the deadline. I just wanted to let you know that I probably won't be on at all. Well, unless I cheat and get on at work. Which is hard with the dr there all day. We were bad when he left the other day.


hmmmm  after reading all of that, i have to tell you dragon is seeming relaly suspicous to me....  he doesn't seem to have a straight story and is constantly changing it.  like with the random veiwing and claiming he's pheobe in a few posts and then changing chracter in another ...



it just seems to me that if he had the actual finder character, he would have one set story and would stick to it and not change.  unless ofcourse his aim is to cause confusion, which he certaintly accomplished for a good 10 pages worth....



while i'm not doubting you Cairos, something is just flaging my radar on dragon.






Red, Dragon has been in Disney World and I think he got confused on the names there. I actually am believing their story. Especially with 9 votes when only 6 of us voted. I means the Charmed Ones have assembled or something.


Okay, have to get back to work. Blah...


Red, why don't you believe Dragon?


If Dragon is a Charmed One and it seems that he is Phoebe. Dragon went and used his power on Boopsy. Since I froze Boopsy and Jade all night actions switched. So when Dragon used his power on Boopsy he got who Jade's character was instead of Boopsy. It makes perfect sense. But to be honest I really don't know who Boopsy is but I'm guessing he's bad.


i understand that he is in Disney, btw hope yer enjoying your time there, ride lots of roller coasters for me :) and epcot isn't worth the trouble unless you want a beer *snickers*  


but i still would like to say, that if he had a role and character, no matter what was going on, or where he was at, he should be able to keep his story stright.  right now, the only striaght part of his story is his claim on being a finder.  though he flip flops on what his abilities as a finder are.  like saying the mod random veiwed one for him, then he backs off that claim when multi people say it's not possible or fishy....



these two posts are why i suspect him.  sorry dragon, nothing against you ;)  but my vote still stands until proven otherwise


Also I'm Phoebe I get premonitions by touching peoples clothes. Need anymore specifics?


here he claims to be Phoebe


This is my last post in defense of myself. I typed up the thing about the random viewing to give details on my claim and solidify it. I viewed someone that I had a good reason to and it came up Phoebe. What can I say I, I must be lucky. I admit my claim may look shakey from outside point of views. I just would hate for the town to lose their finder. As I said before the finder is way more important than the healer. I could reveal the real Phoebe but that woud make things easy for the mafia. I will to save myself but I would rather not.


then he claims that he knows who the real phoebe is and could reveal that person....



to me this just seems as another attemtp at confusing people and making others reveal their roles to untangle the mess.


as i've gathered so far, the object of the game from a mafia veiw is to confuse people and eliminate as many innocents and protectors as possible.  this to me, seems like what dragon is trying to do


also, i don't like the idea of voting for a person who can't speak up and defend theirselves; unless i know for certain they are mafia, then i'd have no problem voting for that person.



unless boopsy has a different handle, i con't say i remember seeing that person post at all.  then again, my memory is rather hazey right now, with the long drive to and from Maryland, being at work and doing 3 things at once ;)


Piper can freeze demons. Piper can't freeze her sisters.


Piper's initial ability, inherited from her mother, was to freeze objects; this was initially interpretted as freezing time, however it later became clear she was slowing down molecules to the point of stasis. The ability causes all persons (except good witches) and objects to freeze in motion. Despite appearances and descriptions of this power, Piper does not truly stop time, only all movement in her vicinity. Initially, Piper's power was triggered by fear, panic, and surprise, but she eventually learned to freeze things at will. Once she learned to deliberately freeze things, this power was activated by an act of will accompanied by gestures, and couldn't be used if her hands were restrained.


I got this off of wiki. Only good witches can't be frozen.


ahhh.  i've only watched a few epi's of charmed, so i'm only going by reactions and posts here :)  i guess i should check out wiki's explination of characters from season 5 though to make it a bit easier :)



so piper can freeze both innocents with no powers and daemons right??? 



i'm curious as to why wayward is called boopsy ...  does it have anything to do with the snes game??  lol


Thats a good way to play mafia because you can go by reactions but peoples reaction tend to look scummy. lolz. Its always the quiet ones that are mafia or not.  ;)


Remember that some mafia are quiet and some mafia are constantly loud with their reactions.


*nods* Cairos is right. On night one I protected myself as I didn't know who else to protect. That saved me from being nked. Cairos froze boopsy and because our roles were switched Boopsy came up as Paige and I came up as Boopsy which I think means I came up as Mafia and that's why dragonsworn was so set on lynching me the next day. Not totally sure on that and hopefully he can get back to us on it. I am sure of one thing though, the power of three must be in action or something because why are there three extra votes if it's not?


I took that to mean he just ASSUMED you were mafia because his reading said whoever he viewed was Paige and that would mean that you weren't Paige.  Cairos saying he switched all actions on you two means you really are Paige.  We have absolutely no idea what so ever what Boopsy is.  Pete's viewing of him, if that's who he viewed.. was actually of YOU.  No where in that was anyone viewed as mafia.  That only came up because Pete thought you were lying, and therefore mafia.


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