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April Fools, Dragonmount


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The big fight between all the staff and the test forums released today are all a fun joke that has left some people scrambling and others laughing. You may rest assured that I am not banned, Emperor did not quit, and nobody is angry with Kivam.


Now, DM 8.0 will be coming, just not for some months yet, todays incarnation is a mockup that I masterminded and Claire built for me. All of the staff were on board for this, and many even joined in.


The link to them, if you'd like to take a look at what we were fighting over is this: http://dragonmount8.musemarketing.net/index.php


April Fools everyone, and have a nice day!




Yes… The “DM 8.0” that has been posted and argued about all over the boards today is an April Fool’s trick.  Props should go primarily to Barm for organizing the whole thing.  Additional thanks go to the Admins and current staff for posting “guild info” over on the fake boardset and being so cooperative in posting links here (Especially Kivam, Jason, Emperor, and Kathana for their arguments on the boards here!)  I can take the blame for the graphics, advertisements for Robot Insurance and Westeros, and the layout and theme of the boards. 

All in all, it was a great example of cooperation, and we hope everybody enjoyed the prank!




PS:  DM 8.0 IS in development currently, and what you saw today was NOT it.  Those graphics, the “guild” system, the missing Fiddles and D&D…not the real DM 8.0.  That is still under development and will be for some time to come.  You will all get information on it from either Jason or Matalina when they are ready to share the details of it in the future.



I hope you will put a beta up a month or so before so we can all comment on it before making it final.


Btw, congratulations for the aprils' fool joke. I can't remember the last time I believed one :D


this was fun...and some stuff also went on over msn, so sorry to those i stringed along there personaly...hopefully no hard feelings



Boys, keep the kinky stuff to the private boards.  ;)


I'm glad that people appreciate the joke.  I wish I could've played a tiny bit more with it, but I've spent the past 24 hours dealing with a hacker elsewhere on the intarwebs. *sighs*


... Now I'm confused.  Which one should I be flying into a jealous rage over?



Boys, keep the kinky stuff to the private boards.  ;)



Too bad I'm not on any to go kinky on :(


Though ... ever checked Fiddles?


Aw, it was fun playing the police officer. I even had an outfit to go with it and some props.... >.>


Nice April's fools, guys ;)






See, this is why I never leave my stedding.  OK, so who gets my therapist's bill???


Oh, that's right, I saw somewhere in all of this who pays the bills around here.




  • Administrator

Oh, that's right, I saw somewhere in all of this who pays the bills around here.




This whole thing was Barm's idea. Send him the bill.


Ahahahah Classic!  You should definetly gather all the argument threads and put them in a special section for the epic April fools joke.


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