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The One Scene You Are Looking Forward To In AMOL

Mighty Chin

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It has to be for me without a doubt the reunion scene between the three lads from The Two Rivers. They have not actually been together since the end of The Great Hunt. Even though they were all in Tear together at the end of The Dragon Reborn and at the start Fires Of Heaven. That is a long time ago for us not to see them all at once. I can only surmise that we will see some major Taveren sparks flying when the three of them are all together again. Since now they are all fully developed and at the height of their PULL I think we will see everything come together real quick with everyone else playing catch up.


That and Rand and Tam.

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RJ said that he has known the ending to this series since before he began EotW so the thing I'm most looking forward to is finally seeing what this ending is.  But a few other moments I'm looking forward to are:


1. The return of Moiraine

2. Logain/Taim showdown

3. The Seachan attack on The White Tower

4. Egwene facing down Elaida

5. Rand/Tam reunion (assuming that that happens)

6. Moiraine meeting up with Cadsuane because in "New Spring" Cadsuane said that the next time she saw Moiraine she would pattle her bottom and I want to see if she holds to that promise.


I think one of the best things has to be how the Whitecloaks are going to ride to TG.


That and our 3 boys meeting up while being the 3 leaders of the known world (rand the aiel and the east, perrin the middle [aka new manetheren] and mat the west)


When Moridin dies without any bodyswapping having taken place, so I can say HA! to Luckers ;D


I'm with Luckers on the body swap. It will be an interesting day when we figure out which side has it right =p


I'm waiting for Mat to lose his eye though, and to find out if Bashere is a DF


When Moridin dies without any bodyswapping having taken place, so I can say HA! to Luckers ;D


I'm with Luckers on the body swap. It will be an interesting day when we figure out which side has it right =p



I'm with Majsju.  There has been NO indication a body swap will happen.


Wow! Very nice of you to point out my poor selection of words. Give yourself a pat on the back and report back to the Grammer Police that you corrected someone on a Forum.


Let's not start to bicker now... :P


Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the whole rescue of Moiraine thing. Also, I want to see the scene where Rand meets Tuon, and the has a long conversation with Mat..

Also, I want to see the scene where Rand meets Tuon, and the has a long conversation with Mat..


Good point Celdiruen...I hadn't even thought about the idea of them meeting, I would also like to see what happens when Egwene has to take control of the WT because Elaida isn't up to the task.


I agree with Rand and Moiraine, I think that will be the scene where he will learn to cry again.

I agree, but isn't it supposed to be Cadsuane and Sorilia that teach him laughter and tears again?

Also I want to see the three guys together again. Not to mention what the Whitecloaks will become.

Not to mention how Tuon will figure into the entire ending. I'm not so high on the Egwene facing down Elaida deal, because I think it's forgone that it'll happen.

Most of all I can't wait until Mioraine returns, and how that effects Lan and others. I think her return will do wonders for Rand, and some of the others, but it will be interesting to say the least.


That said I have read and reread ever book in the series, and can't wait too much longer or I'll keel over from the anticipation.


I'm not so high on the Egwene facing down Elaida deal, because I think it's forgone that it'll happen.


I agree here - it will be a very predictable scene with a very predictable outcome.


Elaida: Bow beneath the Amyrlin Seat you deluded child


Egwene: No


Elaida: HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME!! RAWR ARGH GUH *insert more incoherent yelling* I WILL SHOW YOU!! *slapping, punching, other physical violence, Egwene calmly stands and takes it*




*Egwene goes to the dungeons, the Seanchan attack and she is thus saved, then every sister recognizes that Egwene's warning was correct, that Egwene is awesome and great and magnificent, Elaida is pulled down and Egwene becomes the lord of everything*


Or something along these lines. Egwene doesn't deserve to be put under such a good light in aMoL. Not to mention the part about Rand "knowing her wrath". What the hell? Rand is a far better character than Egwene, and he is already "feeling the wrath" of about every female character in the books. Not fair.


...he is already "feeling the wrath" of about every female character in the books. Not fair.


Hasn't every man?


I'm looking forward to Tam/Rand. Rand's alliance with Tuon, hopefully Mat's there and when Rand finally finds out Elaynes pregnant. I just see that as being a good time for Rand. I wonder how Nynaeve's going to react aswell. If Egwene was rather prim about it Nynaeve should be ten times as bad.


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