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So I finally have been able to gather my thoughts - here's my reaction:


I love every single part of this. The establishing shot is great I love the juxtaposition between the ominous weather and the inviting warmth of the Winespring Inn with laughter and music drifting out of the windows.


We get Egwene serving drinks like a good Innkeeper's daughter and we see lots of folks puffing Two Rivers tabac - including the women. I think the ubiquity of pipes is a nice touch.


When we cut to Rand, he looks haunted and uncomfortable. You can tell from his look that he knows something is off with Egwene. While everyone else in the Inn is laughing, Rand stands alone. A nice bit of foreshadowing and a demonstration of Josha's skills as an actor.


Egwene's return look is thoughtful and a little cold. Another solid bit of foreshadowing. Her hair is braided - she's become a woman by this point in the episode. When Perrin approaches Rand, he doesn't just jump right into the conversation - he pauses a beat and lines his gaze up with Rand's. He pauses to think about what he's going to say before he speaks to Rand. This is a great way of conveying Perrin's caution and thoughtfulness visually. The subsequent conversation makes it clear that both of the boys know something is different with Egwene. Perrin's offered excuse is lame, Rand knows it's lame. But they run with it.


When Lan enters, Nynaeve immediately whips her head around to assess the situation. Her response has an instinctual feel to it like she's sensing a change in the weather. Again, perfect visual representation of her character. (Lan's entrance is also a good example of how easily we can be deceived by well-cut teasers. Admit it, when we watched the teaser, we all thought the scene of the boots coming through the door followed by Moiraine taking down her hood was all part of the same shot. None of us guessed it was two different people) [EDIT: Some folks have messaged me, reminding me that they DID in fact identify the boots as Lan's. Props to WotSeries.com and the Dusty Wheel!]


I love the look on Rand's face after Lan comes in, but before he pulls down the hood of his cloak. He stands up straight and there's a little fear in his eyes. This makes me think that we are going to see the scene on the quarry road where Rand first sees the Fade. To me, Rand looks like he's seeing it again. (Also, the hood on Lan's cloak is pulled down like that for a reason. He doesn't look just like the Fade on accident - that's clearly purposeful.)


Rosamund is Moiraine. That completely cold stare, the calculating way she takes in the room. The absolute commanding of attention. (I know there have been some comments - not necessarily on this forum - that the scene feels unnecessarily dramatic - but here's an example of them not deviating from the source material. Moiraine 100% commanded this kind of attention from the Emond's Field folk.)


I love the way, Moiraine looks at Nynaeve and then just dismisses her. And I like the tension we see in Nynaeve afterward. A little glimpse of temper.


A little change from the books as Marin recognizes the great serpent ring. But this is a change that serves a purpose. Instead of exposition about Aes Sedai, we get a brief interaction that shows us that Moiraine is important. Marin sees the ring, she's obviously impressed by it. Immediately after seeing it, she uses the "Sedai" honorific, which sets the rest of the Inn twittering. And now we've connected great serpent rings with "Sedai" and with being important and feared/respected. The audience now draws the conclusion that the ring = respect and awe. And in this way, they've put down a little building block for establishing the importance of the White Tower.


I love how Moiraine pretends to warm herself by the fire as a pretext for scanning the room. 


I love that Mat actually checks Moiraine out. Another subtle example of character building. 


This is 10/10. 




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11 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

To me Lan was a non-issue. He walked in and before revealing himself he scanned the room as a warder is supposed to. Then revealed himself, as well as Moiraine, who then displays her serpent ring as Aes Sedai. 

Do you think it would be easier to scan the room with his hood down?

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2 minutes ago, DojoToad said:

Do you think it would be easier to scan the room with his hood down?

No but it would give him the freedom to stay anonymous had they not questioned him. Their questions and overall demeanor drove his next decision likely. At least that is how I saw it. 

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9 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

So I finally have been able to gather my thoughts - here's my reaction:


I love every single part of this. The establishing shot is great I love the juxtaposition between the ominous weather and the inviting warmth of the Winespring Inn with laughter and music drifting out of the windows.


We get Egwene serving drinks like a good Innkeeper's daughter and we see lots of folks puffing Two Rivers tabac - including the women. I think the ubiquity of pipes is a nice touch.


When we cut to Rand, he looks haunted and uncomfortable. You can tell from his look that he knows something is off with Egwene. While everyone else in the Inn is laughing, Rand stands alone. A nice bit of foreshadowing and a demonstration of Josha's skills as an actor.


Egwene's return look is thoughtful and a little cold. Another solid bit of foreshadowing. Her hair is braided - she's become a woman by this point in the episode. When Perrin approaches Rand, he doesn't just jump right into the conversation - he pauses a beat and lines his gaze up with Rand's. He pauses to think about what he's going to say before he speaks to Rand. This is a great way of conveying Perrin's caution and thoughtfulness visually. The subsequent conversation makes it clear that both of the boys know something is different with Egwene. Perrin's offered excuse is lame, Rand knows it's lame. But they run with it.


When Lan enters, Nynaeve immediately whips her head around to assess the situation. Her response has an instinctual feel to it like she's sensing a change in the weather. Again, perfect visual representation of her character. (Lan's entrance is also a good example of how easily we can be deceived by well-cut teasers. Admit it, when we watched the teaser, we all thought the scene of the boots coming through the door followed by Moiraine taking down her hood was all part of the same shot. None of us guessed it was two different people)


I love the look on Rand's face after Lan comes in, but before he pulls down the hood of his cloak. He stands up straight and there's a little fear in his eyes. This makes me think that we are going to see the scene on the quarry road where Rand first sees the Fade. To me, Rand looks like he's seeing it again. (Also, the hood on Lan's cloak is pulled down like that for a reason. He doesn't look just like the Fade on accident - that's clearly purposeful.)


Rosamund is Moiraine. That completely cold stare, the calculating way she takes in the room. The absolute commanding of attention. (I know there have been some comments - not necessarily on this forum - that the scene feels unnecessarily dramatic - but here's an example of them not deviating from the source material. Moiraine 100% commanded this kind of attention from the Emond's Field folk.)


I love the way, Moiraine looks at Nynaeve and then just dismisses her. And I like the tension we see in Nynaeve afterward. A little glimpse of temper.


A little change from the books as Marin recognizes the great serpent ring. But this is a change that serves a purpose. Instead of exposition about Aes Sedai, we get a brief interaction that shows us that Moiraine is important. Marin sees the ring, she's obviously impressed by it. Immediately after seeing it, she uses the "Sedai" honorific, which sets the rest of the Inn twittering. And now we've connected great serpent rings with "Sedai" and with being important and feared/respected. The audience now draws the conclusion that the ring = respect and awe. And in this way, they've put down a little building block for establishing the importance of the White Tower.


I love how Moiraine pretends to warm herself by the fire as a pretext for scanning the room. 


I love that Mat actually checks Moiraine out. Another subtle example of character building. 


This is 10/10. 




Very well put together. This clip raised my expectations so much

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I also thought the entrance was over the top dramatic, but I think that was also a product of the editing with the ominous music and the way the camera panned to show everyone staring. From Lan's POV he probably just walked in, was greeted with a whole lot of unexpected wariness, and was understandably cautious. But yeah. A little over the top still lol

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Just now, Elder_Haman said:

I think the hood thing is entirely meant so the audience thinks of the Fade. In terms of whether it serves a purpose - well, it's pretty darn intimidating.

Daniel Greene said on his video that what if someone sees Lan on the village with his hood down and goes to talk to him/touches his shoulder and it's the fade. ? Would be a nice jumpscare + death scene ?

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2 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

I think the hood thing is entirely meant so the audience thinks of the Fade. In terms of whether it serves a purpose - well, it's pretty darn intimidating.

Could be as you say - if Rand had already seen a Fade then I get the reason for Lan's extended pose with the hood up. Intimidating for sure - I'm just hoping the purpose is there.  95% love this scene!

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That is the second interpretation I had, the intimidation bit. Confident and calm intimidation, followed by him moving to the speed of his liking.  Not the demands of those around him. This displays how he and Moiraine maintain authority to everyone else, not the other way around. 

Edited by JaimAybara
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11 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

No but it would give him the freedom to stay anonymous had they not questioned him. Their questions and overall demeanor drove his next decision likely. At least that is how I saw it. 

If he hadn't stood there in that challenging stance with his hood up and the door open despite the weather, he may not have been questioned...

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10 minutes ago, DojoToad said:

No?  I always thought peripheral vision was important...

Right, im agreeing with you. Potential anonymity is also important if it is allowed. It wasn’t allowed, thus he removed his hood.  He also may have been considering giving their alter egos but decided to give their true name. Moiraine could have indicated for him to be at ease as well through the bond. 

*It also doesn’t help when the entire town already knows you are a stranger even with a hood up. 

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26 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

Rosamund is Moiraine.


To me Mo is always gonna be the lady on the cover EOTW. Pike isn’t that. Pike is the coked-up hippy girl Endor Leia when I want her to look like the dapper Episode IV Leia. 


26 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:


I love how Moiraine pretends to warm herself by the fire as a pretext for scanning the room.

If she’s “scanning the room” while she warms her hands, then she’s got better eyes in the back of her head than my third grade teacher.

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2 minutes ago, Beidomon said:

If she’s “scanning the room” while she “warms her hands,” then she’s got better eyes in the back of her head than my third grade teacher.

She pretends to warm her hands as an excuse to get into a position from which she can easily scan the whole room. Perhaps I wasn't precise enough. 


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What I like the most about this conversation is it is likely the exact emotions going through all of the stubborn Emond’s Field townsfolk, hahaha. 

“Who’s this dangerous looking stranger?” 

“Pfft…self aggrandizing outlanders.” 

“Mysterious looking fellow.” 

“Aes Sedai!? Blood and bloody ashes!…”

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i appreciated that the aes sedai ring was recognized because that part of the book never felt true to me. moiraine, in incognito, shows up with her great serpent ring. Ok, you're in the middle of nowhere, but still there are stories. somebody may recognize a great serpent ring.

and what do you lose by taking it off anyway?


moiraine not trying to hide works better.

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Just now, king of nowhere said:

i appreciated that the aes sedai ring was recognized because that part of the book never felt true to me. moiraine, in incognito, shows up with her great serpent ring. Ok, you're in the middle of nowhere, but still there are stories. somebody may recognize a great serpent ring.

and what do you lose by taking it off anyway?


moiraine not trying to hide works better.


That and even in the books it was the worst kept secret that she was Aes Sedai. lol


Really every adult seemed to know and it only took the young-ins time lol. Mostly due to the preoccupation of a peddler and gleeman being there. 

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22 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:


That and even in the books it was the worst kept secret that she was Aes Sedai. lol


Really every adult seemed to know and it only took the young-ins time lol. Mostly due to the preoccupation of a peddler and gleeman being there. 


I was going to say that in the books she makes more of an attempt at hiding who she is, but it hadn't occurred to me that that's because we're getting Rand's POV on it, and Rand doesn't know anything about Aes Sedai. That makes me feel better about the whole thing.

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5 minutes ago, Rose said:



I was going to say that in the books she makes more of an attempt at hiding who she is, but it hadn't occurred to me that that's because we're getting Rand's POV on it, and Rand doesn't know anything about Aes Sedai. That makes me feel better about the whole thing.




I mean its more of she wasn't flaunting it in the books. But thats far from hiding it. lol


Rand’s just kinda a lovable idiot. lol

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