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[Game thread]: WoT Kids Mafia


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I guess ok to say. Sooh. So, am I tainted? Thought she did a good start with me.

Nah you're fine. Pretty sure i mentored sooh once too. But i didnt really rub off on her much.


How can you say that!? Have you forgotten all those times when... uh... nvm.. I'll continue in private.

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I would switch him with infinti except I haven't liked what infiniti has said. Or maybe lessa except I don't fully understand what lessa is saying. So... Who would've thought that doing nothing is good for your health. Effort does not indicate alignment. So like ironeyes I will wait. Unless you think ironeyes is evil. Do you know something I don't?

First, I probably should have also quoted the first thing you asked me, but I forgot to. You asked me if I agree with Rand that town has no benefit in claiming, and therefore the person making the claim has nefaroius intentions. I would say to this that as far as I can see, there is no benefit for either side to make a claim, and I've tried getting an explanation once or twice on this, but no one has adequately addressed for me why he would claim and/or why you would CC. With my limited understanding of the game, no, it doesn't benefit the town to make the claim, but that doesn't necessarily mean his reasons are nefarious. He could have done it just to be chaotic and see what would happen, or he might have hoped it would produce a particular reaction from players of both alignments that would help him discern it. It reminds me of my first game when Leyrann threw out a vote near the beginning of the game, then unvoted 30 minutes later before anyone had even commented on it, and said that he learned what he wanted to. Then he kept refusing to explain and looked pretty scummy for a little while, but in the end, it made sense, although in a convoluted way that really mostly made sense to Leyrann, but i understood where he was coming from, and this might be the same type of thing here. The thing is, I don't see any benefit to town or scum by making a character claim, and I don't see any to the CC either, especially if LZM ends up dying before you and actually flips as Sammael: VT. That almost automatically would put you on the lead wagon, so unless this is some sort of mad scientist style brilliant move, I assume that you are actually Sammael, and LZM is lying because...I don't know. It's just a stupid thing to say, much less to open up with. It seems more scummy than town, but it seems more stupid than scummy. :unsure:


Lessa and Infiniti are similar right now, as is DJ after she quieted down yesterday. Marsh has only checked in once, and then he hasn't been back, so I think he's on a different level than them, in that there is nothing to go on at all, which I suppose in itself could be construed as something. If he pops in at the last minute and hammers a townie, then that would certainly say something, but for now, I don't think anyone could really get a read on Marsh.


BTW - PR = post restriction. 

Go ahead. See if I care. I'll just carry on my own forum conversation in Notepad. The voices will read my posts and reply to me, oh yes they will..



Dunno I'm more interested in the actual claim. If LZM claims a random character he can hit a character of a townie or scum. So the the cc is null. Town would cc and a smart scum would too. Ie... i dont think the cc is a lie. Just that the root of it is... why would lzm claim a character that isn't his?

Because that is my character.

My claim was my way of getting into the game with a splash. I figured a bit of reaction would get the ball rolling, however the direct CC has me wondering what SK's game is. I'm not gonna jump to him being scum yet, because I've noticed once I do my mind stays on that person until their slot is resolved.

Also, football discussions don't belong here. It's a nice way to keep everyone trudging through your WoT's and not seeing much. (Looking at you Rand) lol.

So, I think that's all I got on my brain at this point.
C'ya at lunch


Your "splash" was more of a "plop." The ball was already rolling; there is a lot of content from the ones who have been active these past ten pages or so, thus I really see no point in making your claim. The only good that has come of it is that even stranger still, someone has countered it.


This is a social game, for fun, friendship, and conversation as well as deceit, teamwork, detective work and psychological analysis. I'm sorry if your team isn't as good as the Broncos, but most teams aren't, so you have plenty of company. We have kept all of the football talk in separate paragraphs from the game solving content, so feel free to skip ahead to the next paragraph whenever you see a reminder of your favorite team's inferiority.


You read enough of this thread to see that Rand and I are having a football discussion alongside our game talk, but you missed all of the game solving that has already gone on and therefore decided to make a weird post in order to "get the ball rolling," and you have nothing to say at all about anything that has gone on in the game so far beyond football talk and SK's equally-bizarre counterclaim? :unsure:


Why is voting on LZM listed twice above, instead of as (2)?

And why does Lessa think I'm "scummy"? Because of yesterday morning's conversation?

Oh well. Think I'm scummy all you want, but I promise you that I am very clean and am town. But the thing about this game is every statement can be scrutinized and dissected.

If I vote Lessa, it would be viewed, likely as retaliation, and honestly, I don't have a good feel on her.

Not sure about Nyn, but I get that she is experienced and talented at the game.

I believe that LZM did do a reveal for the sake of conversation, so trying to determine how I want to take that.

Random talking football could be conversation, or an attempt to distract, but haven't decided how I feel about it yet.

Infiniti is new and trying to get started. Good luck by the way.

Ben. Feeling more town than mafia to me, but could be that he conversed with me.

Ironeyes. Brief time. Not much opinion.

Shitsure. Thinking there. Thinking they made same claim as LZM? Will have to look back for that. If so why? Could be truth. But way lie about being the same character this early? Unless to cause concussion? (Scratches head in confusion.) Good job. But I need to double check that, and see who I'm missing.

This is exactly the type of post you had in the last game when you were scum. Lots of "everything could mean anything," and then you would pop back in later with a vote. So here's where I lean for now (and thank you  first of all for wishing me a nice day at work yesterday--I missed it until I skimmed through the thread again this morning, and I'm doing great today so far, and i hope you are too, and I hope that headache has gone away):


DJ: Started out asking for pointers on her game after Nyn's random vote on her at the start. Sounded like a newbie wolf asking how not to howl in front of the villagers. It could have been town asking how not to get mislynched, but the reaction overall to my mild pushes on her and Nyn's gentler questioning seemed more distressing to her than if she really had nothing to hide and was a townie hoping to appear more town instead of a wolf hoping to appear less wolf. Then all of a sudden, after a lot of activity, she disappears and out of nowhere, SK comes in and starts pushing me to the exclusion of everything else. It felt like a tap out in the mafia QT from the rookie to the vet, who came in and unsuccessfully tried to flip the scum narrative onto me before moving on to LZM, but now she is back after her breather and is posting reads that don't really read anything, like maybe, "I'm not sure who's scum. I'm just waiting for some townies to start a mislynch, and then I'll know that their mislynch is scum when I cast my vote on them." I have a moderate scum read on DJ right now, although part of that is contingent upon SK being scum, too. Otherwise, the read is light, because I have had the same struggles (See: Ben vs SK, this game) as a newbie townie to not be seen as a wolf, so I understand how a townie could ask those same questions, and work and life and kids happen to make activity fluctuate. 


SK: Pops in and starts pushing me over a tongue-in-cheek comment designed to keep light pressure on DJ because it was generating content from both DJ and Nyn, and that was what I needed, since they were the only other ones playing at the moment, and that was fine (pushing me for it), except that he was laser-focused on it and didn't seem to acknowledge anything else that I said, hammering at me until my focus was entirely off of DJ before suddenly letting up and switching to LZM after his bizarre claim entrance to the game. He gave what I thought was a goofy reason (seeing if I would OMGUS vote him or not) for his push on me, but it was at least as reasonable as Leyrann's reason for the vote/unvote in the previous game I mentioned, and Leyrann was town, so I can see some plausibility here, although it seems to follow a logic of "town will always do this, and scum will always do that, so if I do this, they will give a tell," when realistically, people seem to do all kinds of weird or stupid stuff in this game, like the claim/counterclaim we have now, which takes me to the counterclaim. I do not understand it. SK seems to be playing from a position of chaos, which is opposite to how he played last game as scum, so that could mean that he is town this time, or that he is scum and trying to change his limited meta, but because DJ was already pinging me, and it felt to me like he was rescuing her without having to defend her (an awesome way for scum to rescue each other, because they keep their distance without having to distance themselves), and because the CC is bizarre, and because he went from tunneling on me with a hard vote ("Gentled Ben for death") to "Haha Just messing with you to see if you'd vote for me, but the real scum is LZM," and switching his vote while still leaving me at the top of his scum read list gives me a hard scum read on SK, so here's your vote at the bottom of the post.


Marsh: Has only checked in


Lessa: Similar to DJ with some "everything could mean anything" analysis and a vote on SK to provoke a response from him. After his response, she switched her vote to DJ for one of the reasons that DJ pinged me. I would say town, but just like my vote for SK could actually be an OMGUS, I might lean town on Lessa because she pushed SK on points that were relevant to me and then confirmed one of my pings on DJ. Still, with limited posts, she is poking at the same two people that are pinging me the most, so I will say light town read here.


LZM: This is just bizarre. In the other games I played with him, he asked a lot of questions. He didn't ask anything this time outside of what we thought of his claim. I think I don't understand it, and I think that he was town every time I played with him before (three games total now, I think), and this is not how I remember him playing, so moderate scum read.


Rand: This is exactly how Rand played last time, and he was town then. This is also how I would expect town to play, asking questions, being flexible, looking for both town and scum, giving reads, and voting to back them up. I don't know if he plays scum like this too though, and it is similar to how SK played last round as scum, but there are never any guarantees that someone is one alignment or the other, so I will go with hard town read for now.


Nyn: Is not at all playing the way she played in the last two games (the only games I've played with her), when she was town both times. However, this is exactly how she has been trying to teach me to play (she mentored me two games ago and had a long teaching conversation with me a few days ago on Facebook), by being observant and asking pointed questions. A couple of people, when told that Nyn was mentoring me, complimented her game, and I didn't hear qualifiers like, "She sucks at playing scum, but she's good as town," whereas I have heard that type of qualifier with other players. That does not mean that she is good at playing scum, but if her scum game was as opposite her town game as her play this game has been from the last two games, they surely would have mentioned it. Instead, there were some remarks, like "Nyn seems pretty agitated this game," which makes me think those games were  an aberration, so moderate town read here for now.


Infiniti: Only has one post after the check in, and it's light scum on most people without detailed reasoning beyond "seems squinty" or "ehhh." Implied she'd be back after putting together a case against me. :dry: Light scum read.


Ben: Town AF. Asks good questions, is flexible in his reads, looks for both town with whom to form a core and scum to lynch while juggling an entertaining football discussion and fending off brutal scum attacks at work without his boss catching him on his phone one time all day.


[unvote] [v]SK[/v]





I like this post for Ben. Spoilered it since it's absurdly long.


So far I have Ben, SK and LZM town.

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Oh, I am intrigued, Sooh.


And I do believe you did a good job with me.


Still trying to learn how to do reads on my own is taking time to learn. Feel at a disadvantage when folks have played together for a while and they have an idea what to watch for and I'm having to consider everything for a possible indicator.

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Oh, I am intrigued, Sooh.


And I do believe you did a good job with me.


Still trying to learn how to do reads on my own is taking time to learn. Feel at a disadvantage when folks have played together for a while and they have an idea what to watch for and I'm having to consider everything for a possible indicator.

I understand that, believe me. All you can do is try to see if you believe people are genuine or not though. I haven't really played at length with neither Rand, Ben or SK, and I wouldn't say I'm great at reading most of the rest of the people in this game. I might be able to read Nyn, but YOU NIGHT KILLED HER YOU SAVAGES! so I don't feel too confident, especially with the low post count this game. 

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Why, if he is not Sammael, would he cc if he is town?

To see who hops on and gives him support. Then he could see who hops on the wagon, and then use that info to try and narrow down suspects. Since there was no support, I'm tempted to think scum didn't fall for the ruse.


I could be off base here by a mile though. For now I'm thinking SK to be town.



I don't think I agree with this.  To do this accurately, he would have to know if the other Sammael (you) was town or scum.  Otherwise he'd get no info.


Wut? Explain please, Rand.

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Stupid computer. This should be correct.



Vote count



Dar´Jen (1) - Lessa


Shitsure (2) - Ben, Rand


Lessa (4) - Nyn, Marsh, LZM, Dar`Jen


Not voting - everyone else 



With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch. 


Dl is Friday 9 PM CET. 





Count down





Lotta vote hopping there DJ.........

Yeah but i'm conflicted on whether it means anything. Her first game she subbed in towards the end. Second game she was scum. She never really had to develop reads from D1 through the build up content. So I can sort of buy her having no idea what she's doing. I guess time will tell.

Looks like self pres to me. Probably NIA



This makes no sense, Marsh. Given that SK and Lessa were 3-3 and DJ was at 1 vote you can't call it self pres. 

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At the time it looked like it. Can't remember the math but I think her vote changed a tie. But it was all confused cause everyone was moving votes

Currently I'm looking at Rand as probably my most likely scum, but I wish people would come talk to me about it. 


Why should or shouldn't I be voting for Rand? 

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At the time it looked like it. Can't remember the math but I think her vote changed a tie. But it was all confused cause everyone was moving votes

Currently I'm looking at Rand as probably my most likely scum, but I wish people would come talk to me about it.


Why should or shouldn't I be voting for Rand?

Do you have time to iso Nyn? One of her last posts was a breakdown of her opinion on him. I'm on mobile so I can't iso
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And yeah, I did hammer Lessa reluctantly, because I didn't see much of a case on her, and I liked SK more as a lynch (and he's still my top scum candidate).  Doesn't necessarily mean I'm bad though, more like a null tell given how strongly I felt on SK.



Ok, ngl, I look realllly bad here haha.  Same thing as above though, I just didn't feel sure about Lessa, and did feel sure about SK, so I felt like the Lessa train was a distraction.


There is so much I don't like about this post.

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Off the hip reads... DJ, LZM, Ben, Marsh prolly town. Deepwolf option prolly ben. Though i think he might be clean this game.


Lynch of the remaining. Out of them i think sk is less likely to be scum but you never know.

I agree a lot with this post.

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Personally I have found his tone towny, but that's all I have on Rand.

Can you point at exactly what has been good about his tone? 


He got stuck on SK scum because he counter claimed a character claim early on and retracted, which there is absolutely no reason in the world for scum to do. 

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Personally I have found his tone towny, but that's all I have on Rand.

Can you point at exactly what has been good about his tone?


He got stuck on SK scum because he counter claimed a character claim early on and retracted, which there is absolutely no reason in the world for scum to do.

No, I can't point out anything specific. Now that you point that out I'm realizing that my reasoning for town reading him was pretty thin.



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I voted lzm to see his reaction/ how others would react.

I find it so weird that the moment Niniel pings you saying you have to pick up activity, you come in with the most general restatement of what LZM and Nyn said you might be doing.


I think ben is most suspicious now. has self proclaimed confusion. I am not sure about rand. I would be okay lynching infiniti's slot.

Is self proclaimed confusion a scumtell, and why?  And infiniti because of  inactivity? Because there hasn't been much there.


Wow. That was a lot easier than I expected. Nothing has happened... I'm still reticent to lynch SK, but I don't know if lynching rand is any better. Well, they say you only live once.



I'm about to only live once if you continue this nonsense. Keep in mind that both trains only have 2 votes, so its not like you can't start a train you prefer.  This seems very bandwagony to me, scum lean here.


I wish I knew SK and Rand better. The multiquote loooooooong posts from Rand are making my eyes run over and I can't concentrate. On the other hand SK is playing in an interesting way, but I have no idea how to interpret the attitude I sense from him.

Sorry about that :/ That's like most of my posts, I literally just catch up, multiquote as I go, and then respond.  I feel like I'm one of the few now who'll still do long posts like this.  It used to be more common, and people were crazier than I was about walls of text.


SK is definitely playing more open, or was at least.  However him right now is very conservative.





Why, if he is not Sammael, would he cc if he is town?

To see who hops on and gives him support. Then he could see who hops on the wagon, and then use that info to try and narrow down suspects. Since there was no support, I'm tempted to think scum didn't fall for the ruse.


I could be off base here by a mile though. For now I'm thinking SK to be town.



I don't think I agree with this.  To do this accurately, he would have to know if the other Sammael (you) was town or scum.  Otherwise he'd get no info.


Wut? Explain please, Rand.


If he was trying to analyze the people who were voting/arguing for or against LZM, it'd be very hard for him to figure out what was happening if he didn't know whether LZM was telling the truth or lying (town or mafia).  If he didn't know LZM's role, then seeing people who hopped onto him, or stayed off, wouldn't give too much certain information.



At the time it looked like it. Can't remember the math but I think her vote changed a tie. But it was all confused cause everyone was moving votes

Currently I'm looking at Rand as probably my most likely scum, but I wish people would come talk to me about it. 


Why should or shouldn't I be voting for Rand? 







And yeah, I did hammer Lessa reluctantly, because I didn't see much of a case on her, and I liked SK more as a lynch (and he's still my top scum candidate).  Doesn't necessarily mean I'm bad though, more like a null tell given how strongly I felt on SK.



Ok, ngl, I look realllly bad here haha.  Same thing as above though, I just didn't feel sure about Lessa, and did feel sure about SK, so I felt like the Lessa train was a distraction.


There is so much I don't like about this post.


:/ I'm just trying to be honest about what happened and why i did it.


Also, there's 26 minutes left till DL, and I'm tied for the vote lead, so I guess I might as well claim, but I'm my namesake, Rand al'Thor.  I'm well aware that so far it looks like the bad guys and good guys have switched sides at this point (bad guys are good guys in WoT and vice versa), but based on my role, I'm guessing that Niniel just threw in the characters and chose their alignment randomly.

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Personally I have found his tone towny, but that's all I have on Rand.

Can you point at exactly what has been good about his tone?


He got stuck on SK scum because he counter claimed a character claim early on and retracted, which there is absolutely no reason in the world for scum to do.

No, I can't point out anything specific. Now that you point that out I'm realizing that my reasoning for town reading him was pretty thin.




He has generated a bunch of content. He has quoted many many posts, and on the first glance, his posts look like he's doing the work. The analysis is lacking though, and even in his first post of D2 where he's touching on the whole LZM/SK situation he concludes that there's no reason for scum to counter claim where SK did, but he's then talking himself back into voting for SK. It reads hollow.

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Rand, you yourself said that there was no reason for SK to cc LZM when he did as scum. There was every reason to as town. He could see how LZM responded. He could see how others responded, not only to the initial cc, but also to his retraction.

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Personally I have found his tone towny, but that's all I have on Rand.

Can you point at exactly what has been good about his tone? 


He got stuck on SK scum because he counter claimed a character claim early on and retracted, which there is absolutely no reason in the world for scum to do. 



First of all, the fact that "scum would never do this" is exactly a good reason for scum to do something.


Second of all, it was a way to cast doubt on someone that he might've known that was town, and I'm not going to argue it was a good strategy, and I personally believe that it could've been a mistake as well that he had to back off from.


Third of all, his complete inability to follow up on his move makes me feel like he was told to lay low and let things blow over.






Personally I have found his tone towny, but that's all I have on Rand.

Can you point at exactly what has been good about his tone?


He got stuck on SK scum because he counter claimed a character claim early on and retracted, which there is absolutely no reason in the world for scum to do.

No, I can't point out anything specific. Now that you point that out I'm realizing that my reasoning for town reading him was pretty thin.




He has generated a bunch of content. He has quoted many many posts, and on the first glance, his posts look like he's doing the work. The analysis is lacking though, and even in his first post of D2 where he's touching on the whole LZM/SK situation he concludes that there's no reason for scum to counter claim where SK did, but he's then talking himself back into voting for SK. It reads hollow.



There's no basic reason for town to do what SK did either.  By necessity, we have to look at what unlikely things that may have gone through Sk's mind.

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Rand, you yourself said that there was no reason for SK to cc LZM when he did as scum. There was every reason to as town. He could see how LZM responded. He could see how others responded, not only to the initial cc, but also to his retraction.

But he didn't.  He disappeared after retracting his claim.  How do you explain that?

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