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Asking for assistance for website upgrade

Jason Denzel

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Hello Dragonmount family,


I started a giant forum post here but it sorta eveolved into a full-blown GoFundMe campaign. Please follow the link below and consider helping out if you can. You guys mean the world to me and it's difficult for me to ask this. 





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I am new but if you ever need any graphics help for DM feel free to contact me or if you have a planning board for that type of thing you can add me. 


Now I am even more excited about going to JordanCon next year after reading the gofundme page. Let me know if you need DM members to help at the event.

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That is simply amazing. Nothing beats WoT fans from all over for their willingness to team up and spread generosity.


Yes. I just wanted to say that you have added a lot to our site and I'm really happy you are here. :)

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Thank you Jason.


Yay upgrades! Special request - what would it take to kill cloudflare?


Also, small suggestion - ppl might consider donating in not so round numbers. I.e., let the total not end in a 0 or 5 maybe because a lot of ppl see a round number they're not as likely to mess with it. Might maybe change the goal too, so ppl will understand at a glance that there's still a use for more donations?


Kk I'll shush now.

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I was wondering how it was going to be told who donated on DM for the badges? Email address? 


"For anybody interested in the forum badge or for those of you interested in beta reading MSYTIC DRAGON, I will setup a Google web form for you to fill out in the coming weeks once the upgrade is further along."

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My guess is Cloudflare's a necessary security measure.

Humbly requesting that the coding editor remain--would be a pretty harsh blow to the Mafia community to lose it. From what I can gather the IP Board's newest version doesn't include it by default, but it can be added?

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  • Administrator

Thanks for your donations and support, everyone. Some quick replies:


- I've not investigated the coding editor, but if there's a way to keep it, we will. 


- Yes, Cloudflare is needed for both performance and security. Is there a specific thing it's doing which limits you in in some way? If so, I can investigate. 


- Killashandra: JordanCon is always looking for volunteers to help out. They would love your assistance. Check out their webpage for more info. If you can't find details, send them an email. 



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Lol, not objectively very limited by cloudflare except that some extra sensory oddness causes me to load dm or worse, try to post, at exactly the stroke of cloudflare... 10:00 PM EST ATM. And that leads to triple posting at worst.


I was a little concerned by the recent cloudflare data breach, but my data has been breached so many times it hardly matters.


Sorry, thank you.

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