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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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Checking in for Day 1. :)


First things first. You will notice that I'm less chatty this game. This is because I'm modifying my playstyle. I'll try to create more quality and less quantity. It's a work in progress, I've already tried to adjust my play in the DideHard game and I liked the results.

Several people have pointed out that I just post too much, to the point of being distracting. I place a high value on the opinion of most of those players. Also, I have seen some other players posting a lot in my recent games and I saw how distracting that could be indeed.


vote Moon


It seems that I don't like any of Moon's actions so far. First the unvote, then the confusion, then she gets all defensive and starts explaining her meta.


Cloud just seems to be Cloud for me. Strange ideas and/or at strange times. I don't find him scummy. I lean town on him.


Some things that stand out for me:

  • RTE's meta-defense on Moon in this post. What's the point of bringing that up?
  • This post of Tress pings. Nudging Moon's train, mentions Cloud as if she found him scummy too, but no voting.
  • Pralaya's exchange with Cloud around here. See, he says Cloud is exploiting the Moon move by pushing her. But he doesn't vote Cloud or Moon (both would be logical from that point of view.
  • NotBob, what do you fin scummy about Aemon's post here?
I like Leelou's and Yates' play so far. AJ is weird, I'm leaning town on him because his meta-based nonsense on me is just too bad.



Already making excuses for scummy laying low behavior.  Recommend we lynch this guy after _Cloud.

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I don't see how I'm contradicting myself. I'm saying your "meta" read on him is crap going off N0 spam, when he spams every single game he is in regardless of alignment. I'm more worried that he is not around in this game because that is not like him at all and giving us nothing to go on. And I'm not sheeping, Cloud's posts of defense are more trying to push focus elsewhere and he can't really defend his positions.




Also, RE this post:

Do it!



Other thoughts: The Mish v. Pral thing is funny how they keep throwing accusations at one another but no votes. Wasn't that the whole basis of your argument in the first place Mish? Hallia is spamming a lot. I like Yates in this game although I think Darthe's bromo attempts are pretty blatant. I'm also curious as to the result of the dark green house's trigger being sprung. I thought there'd be blood :sad:






It almost seems like you are upset scum didn't get the trigger, and it's not very townie to want blood so early in a game.



Yeah, I misread one of your posts earlier. It was like 3:40am and I had no business being awake :tongue: I thought in one post you said it worried you he hadn't been around and in another said you didn't care. Your argument about his meta is fine from your perspective. It's interesting that you're trying to bully the fact to me though. Why are you defending him so strongly? But like I said, from MY personal experiences with him it's different. Literally in the last game we played in (the Die Hard game he mentioned) he was the Doc and played an extremely town game. There really was no early game spam when there wasn't much to go on. In my previous game with him (Peace's Poker game) we were scummates together and early on that's all he did until someone finally called him on it.


I have no idea what or who got the trigger. And sure it is. Coroner reports are the only true way of seeing alignments, I personally base a lot of my piecing together of games around them. People have to die, it's just the name of the game.





Other thoughts: The Mish v. Pral thing is funny how they keep throwing accusations at one another but no votes. Wasn't that the whole basis of your argument in the first place Mish? Hallia is spamming a lot. I like Yates in this game although I think Darthe's bromo attempts are pretty blatant. I'm also curious as to the result of the dark green house's trigger being sprung. I thought there'd be blood :sad:



Because I still found Moon way more scummy. Did nobody else notice how she tried to use the fact that Darthe hadn't checked in yet as a scum tell? I was poking at Pral to see how he reacted, and he did not impress me, so he's up on my radar right under Moon.



Lol call it what you'd like and thanks for the tip :wink: I'm going off personal experience that I've had playing with him. It's fine that you don't agree, you can sheep your vote onto Cloud. Also, you say that you're not worried about him not showing up when you literally just talked about how him being gone from the game and posting elsewhere was troublesome. Why the contradiction? Distancing and then defending? That doesn't make much sense.


Speaking of prodding, you deserve some. Throwing around buzzwords on D1 already? Trying to discourage people from voting Cloud? Leelou explained her vote, she didn't just vote with no reason. By using words like "sheeping" for her vote, it makes it look like you're trying to make people think twice about voting Cloud more; if Leelo's vote was a sheep vote... Trying to protect a teammate? Or just buddying? Hmmm. You are more interesteting than either Pral or Moon even.


unvote Vote AJ



What do you mean by buzzwords? And I'm not discouraging anyone from voting Cloud. Sheeping is a generic term. Cloud got piled on with 2 or 3 votes that page if I remember. 


Checking in for Day 1. :)


First things first. You will notice that I'm less chatty this game. This is because I'm modifying my playstyle. I'll try to create more quality and less quantity. It's a work in progress, I've already tried to adjust my play in the DieHard game and I liked the results.

Several people have pointed out that I just post too much, to the point of being distracting. I place a high value on the opinion of most of those players. Also, I have seen some other players posting a lot in my recent games and I saw how distracting that could be indeed.


vote Moon


It seems that I don't like any of Moon's actions so far. First the unvote, then the confusion, then she gets all defensive and starts explaining her meta.


Cloud just seems to be Cloud for me. Strange ideas and/or at strange times. I don't find him scummy. I lean town on him.


Some things that stand out for me:

  • RTE's meta-defense on Moon in this post. What's the point of bringing that up?
  • This post of Tress pings. Nudging Moon's train, mentions Cloud as if she found him scummy too, but no voting.
  • Pralaya's exchange with Cloud around here. See, he says Cloud is exploiting the Moon move by pushing her. But he doesn't vote Cloud or Moon (both would be logical from that point of view.
  • NotBob, what do you fin scummy about Aemon's post here?
I like Leelou's and Yates' play so far. AJ is weird, I'm leaning town on him because his meta-based nonsense on me is just too bad.





That is literally what I'm talking about. Playstyle, meta. Tomato, tomahto. The nonsense (as you call it) I'm talking about comes from the two games we've played together. In one you were mafia and the other you were town. In one you spammed a ton and the other you didn't at all.

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Buzzwords are negative words associated with mafia, that's very to use against someone to make their action seem worse than it is. Like with you accusing Leelou of "sheeping", when she didn't really do that, she added her vote on a train and cared enough to give a reason. And thus you also imply that anyone else that places votes on Cloud now are also sheeping and sheeping is never a good thing, so people shouldn't do that.

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


Dap (1) – Kat

Moon (2) – Cloud, Salami

Hallia (1) – Lenlo

Lenlo (2) – Hallia, Yates

Cloud (7) – Des, Verb, Aemon, Leelou, Dap, Not Bob, Pral

Andrej (2) – Darthe, Mish


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch

Deadline – none given yet


Not voting – Ishy, RTE, Tress, Moon, Andrej

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Buzzwords are negative words associated with mafia, that's very to use against someone to make their action seem worse than it is. Like with you accusing Leelou of "sheeping", when she didn't really do that, she added her vote on a train and cared enough to give a reason. And thus you also imply that anyone else that places votes on Cloud now are also sheeping and sheeping is never a good thing, so people shouldn't do that.

See I agree Buzzwords can be negative, but that doesnt mean they arent appropriate at some points.

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I used the word sheeping in the context that he had multiple votes for him on one page.


That's not sheeping; that's a train. Sheeping is mindlessly following.




Buzzwords are negative words associated with mafia, that's very to use against someone to make their action seem worse than it is. Like with you accusing Leelou of "sheeping", when she didn't really do that, she added her vote on a train and cared enough to give a reason. And thus you also imply that anyone else that places votes on Cloud now are also sheeping and sheeping is never a good thing, so people shouldn't do that.

See I agree Buzzwords can be negative, but that doesnt mean they arent appropriate at some points.



Of course, but when used incorrectly, or without grounds, they become buzzwords.

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Well it seems the Game Hex is still intact. As soon as the game started I came down with the friggin cold. I ended up falling asleep on the couch last night right after i got home from school and then I did again today. I'm still pretty out of it, but I'm here.


I don't recall specifics and I missed everything between last night and now, but I remember my thoughts were on Cloud, Moon and Aemon..though I'm pretty sure my only issue with aemon was the second vote on Player, happening just after mine, and that could have been coincidence. 


I'm sorry if this post is a little messed up for formatting, but as I'm still very sick I'm just gonna go through the game in another window and write my thoughts in this one as I go. 


1. Aemon votes for yellow house, one minute later Moon posts saying she's here,  less than 10 mins later Moon votes yellow too. Others at the time were all going Green. - odd timing, but also seems too obvious for mafia to pair up like that out of the gate going against the grain.  Note: Csmari comes in a few posts later with another yellow vote...everyone else has gone for the green in between..


2. three posts after Lily says if we have questions PM her Cloud asks her a question in post (he also makes comments about 'members of houses' which i'm not gonna parrot the troubles of which others called out. Aj asks a question on game setup a few posts later. These things aren't too concerning though cause it was early game and this set up is not standard. 


3. Aj says Player is town, but gives no reason..curious how he knows before its even day one and player hasn't really said much. Though a few posts later when Player says no one should be playing yet, and claims some people may not have pms (even though lily already said pms were sent) seems a little like mafia trying to discourage start of scum hunting and prolong the spam time. Again, still night 0 so he does kind of have a point though.


4. Cloud gets pushy to start and tries to force votes for a house. However it has been a full day at this point and he could just be excited to get started.


5. AJ says he thinks Player is town for the same reason he thinks Cloud is, but doesn't say what the reason is. There is only one way I could be confident enough on N0 to say I think these people are town would be if I had some inside information on the game..If cloud or player go out I may be looking back at AJ.. 


6. - Darthe being sure AJ and Casmari are mafia..same kinda issue with someone being 'sure' of alignment at this early stage of the game.


7. Yates coming late and claiming a costume someone else already has - late is easily excused as the game was advertised as starting on the 7th and did start early...costume thing is a bit of a question mark, but not overly outstanding at this moment. As soon as he's questioned on the costumes he changes his story to say he is actually something different...kinda sketchy again...


8.  Moon votes Aemon for being quiet (when many others were quiet too) - could be distancing after the similar voting thing earlier?


9  one minute after I vote Player with my prod to get banners for the ACW, Aemon votes player without a reason. because of how close they were  and it being a new page, Aemon may not have seen my vote, but I did pick up on it and this post was making a showing 2 hours after being called out for being quiet. Would have liked to see reasoning, even if it was a joke vote.


10 - Ishy asks if we should kill darthe (not sure why this was brought up), Yates says no and votes Ishy..not sure why Yates is standing up for Darthe like that..


11 - Moon's unvote and sketchy reply to being called out for the Aemon vote is probably the most damning thing I've seen (and retained). I would think that Moon's played too many games to make such a reaction.


12 - once again Yates backs Darthe saying they are in it together...I'm not sure if there is some meta for this, some inside joke i'm missing or something.


13 - I get the whole being eager to get the game going, but I really don't like Cloud's fall back on the costume thing so much..even though he only tends to talk about it as a responce to being called out on it as the game goes on..


14 - Mish and Cloud both vote Moon. Prayla comes after Cloud and Mish comes after Prayla...curious. Makes me wonder if Moon did just over react and Cloud and Mish are teamed up and trying to sway for a Moon lynch...


15 - Too many quiet people (including me, yes I know) making me forget people are playing..not liking only spam comments from people, understand completely its Day one


16 - Aemon leans Cloud and Moon..(like it seems everyone else is, cause nothing else is going on in the game). voting for Cloud is coming off to me as protecting Moon...


17 - right after this Moon makes an appearance to say she has lost track of the game and she'll be back...i find it really odd how close Moon and Aemon's posts get (but at the same time I'm focusing on them so i see it more than i do with others, who i'm sure are being conveniently close too)


18 - Darthe seems sure of a lot of people too....with no reasoning for it....


19, AJ says Cloud is looking like a good day one vote due to behaviour in game, however he then votes Cas due to Meta?? Sketchy...


20 - Leelou said AJ saying he thought blood would be spilled meant that he was upset that mafia didn't get the trigger...how does Leelou know if the mafia got the trigger or not unless she's mafia? Blood shed could come from either side, town could just as easily have randomly triggered a kill or something..maybe i'm reading that wrong..I am getting sleepy and probably missing a lot as i analyse.. 




So, this was meant to narrow things down in my mind..its just made me question more people..Cloud, Moon, Aj, Aemon, Darthe and Leelou


At this point I think we'll get the most info from a Cloud lynch. Again, sorry for the crappily written post...i'mma go die in a pool of my own snot now...

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20 - Leelou said AJ saying he thought blood would be spilled meant that he was upset that mafia didn't get the trigger...how does Leelou know if the mafia got the trigger or not unless she's mafia? Blood shed could come from either side, town could just as easily have randomly triggered a kill or something..maybe i'm reading that wrong..I am getting sleepy and probably missing a lot as i analyse.. 




So, this was meant to narrow things down in my mind..its just made me question more people..Cloud, Moon, Aj, Aemon, Darthe and Leelou.


Or I hit the trigger and know what I have hidden in my costume. I'll discuss it more once night falls. 

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


Dap (1) – Kat

Moon (2) – Cloud, Salami

Hallia (1) – Lenlo

Lenlo (2) – Hallia, Yates

Cloud (7) – Des, Verb, Aemon, Leelou, Dap, Not Bob, Pral

Andrej (2) – Darthe, Mish


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch

Deadline – none given yet


Not voting – Ishy, RTE, Tress, Moon, Andrej

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Right...yes, that does explain it too Leelou....I'd have gotten there when my brain comes back to me..


Also, thanks for the vote count lily...Unvote, Vote Cloud....for the reasons above, or behind since its on the other page...now to go die in a pool of my own snot? 

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Kat i wasn't saying people didnt have PMs, I was saying the phase could of been done without people receiving PMs

No one needed to know roles or alignments to Choose a house.

I was trying to show how inconsequential the phase was in the scheme of the game.


The rest of your post was good though

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Well it seems the Game Hex is still intact. As soon as the game started I came down with the friggin cold. I ended up falling asleep on the couch last night right after i got home from school and then I did again today. I'm still pretty out of it, but I'm here.


I don't recall specifics and I missed everything between last night and now, but I remember my thoughts were on Cloud, Moon and Aemon..though I'm pretty sure my only issue with aemon was the second vote on Player, happening just after mine, and that could have been coincidence. 


I'm sorry if this post is a little messed up for formatting, but as I'm still very sick I'm just gonna go through the game in another window and write my thoughts in this one as I go. 


1. Aemon votes for yellow house, one minute later Moon posts saying she's here,  less than 10 mins later Moon votes yellow too. Others at the time were all going Green. - odd timing, but also seems too obvious for mafia to pair up like that out of the gate going against the grain.  Note: Csmari comes in a few posts later with another yellow vote...everyone else has gone for the green in between..


2. three posts after Lily says if we have questions PM her Cloud asks her a question in post (he also makes comments about 'members of houses' which i'm not gonna parrot the troubles of which others called out. Aj asks a question on game setup a few posts later. These things aren't too concerning though cause it was early game and this set up is not standard. 


3. Aj says Player is town, but gives no reason..curious how he knows before its even day one and player hasn't really said much. Though a few posts later when Player says no one should be playing yet, and claims some people may not have pms (even though lily already said pms were sent) seems a little like mafia trying to discourage start of scum hunting and prolong the spam time. Again, still night 0 so he does kind of have a point though.


4. Cloud gets pushy to start and tries to force votes for a house. However it has been a full day at this point and he could just be excited to get started.


5. AJ says he thinks Player is town for the same reason he thinks Cloud is, but doesn't say what the reason is. There is only one way I could be confident enough on N0 to say I think these people are town would be if I had some inside information on the game..If cloud or player go out I may be looking back at AJ.. 


6. - Darthe being sure AJ and Casmari are mafia..same kinda issue with someone being 'sure' of alignment at this early stage of the game.


7. Yates coming late and claiming a costume someone else already has - late is easily excused as the game was advertised as starting on the 7th and did start early...costume thing is a bit of a question mark, but not overly outstanding at this moment. As soon as he's questioned on the costumes he changes his story to say he is actually something different...kinda sketchy again...


8.  Moon votes Aemon for being quiet (when many others were quiet too) - could be distancing after the similar voting thing earlier?


9  one minute after I vote Player with my prod to get banners for the ACW, Aemon votes player without a reason. because of how close they were  and it being a new page, Aemon may not have seen my vote, but I did pick up on it and this post was making a showing 2 hours after being called out for being quiet. Would have liked to see reasoning, even if it was a joke vote.


10 - Ishy asks if we should kill darthe (not sure why this was brought up), Yates says no and votes Ishy..not sure why Yates is standing up for Darthe like that..


11 - Moon's unvote and sketchy reply to being called out for the Aemon vote is probably the most damning thing I've seen (and retained). I would think that Moon's played too many games to make such a reaction.


12 - once again Yates backs Darthe saying they are in it together...I'm not sure if there is some meta for this, some inside joke i'm missing or something.


13 - I get the whole being eager to get the game going, but I really don't like Cloud's fall back on the costume thing so much..even though he only tends to talk about it as a responce to being called out on it as the game goes on..


14 - Mish and Cloud both vote Moon. Prayla comes after Cloud and Mish comes after Prayla...curious. Makes me wonder if Moon did just over react and Cloud and Mish are teamed up and trying to sway for a Moon lynch...


15 - Too many quiet people (including me, yes I know) making me forget people are playing..not liking only spam comments from people, understand completely its Day one


16 - Aemon leans Cloud and Moon..(like it seems everyone else is, cause nothing else is going on in the game). voting for Cloud is coming off to me as protecting Moon...


17 - right after this Moon makes an appearance to say she has lost track of the game and she'll be back...i find it really odd how close Moon and Aemon's posts get (but at the same time I'm focusing on them so i see it more than i do with others, who i'm sure are being conveniently close too)


18 - Darthe seems sure of a lot of people too....with no reasoning for it....


19, AJ says Cloud is looking like a good day one vote due to behaviour in game, however he then votes Cas due to Meta?? Sketchy...


20 - Leelou said AJ saying he thought blood would be spilled meant that he was upset that mafia didn't get the trigger...how does Leelou know if the mafia got the trigger or not unless she's mafia? Blood shed could come from either side, town could just as easily have randomly triggered a kill or something..maybe i'm reading that wrong..I am getting sleepy and probably missing a lot as i analyse.. 




So, this was meant to narrow things down in my mind..its just made me question more people..Cloud, Moon, Aj, Aemon, Darthe and Leelou


At this point I think we'll get the most info from a Cloud lynch. Again, sorry for the crappily written post...i'mma go die in a pool of my own snot now...




Refuse to be on a train with her.




Vote Salami

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20 - Leelou said AJ saying he thought blood would be spilled meant that he was upset that mafia didn't get the trigger...how does Leelou know if the mafia got the trigger or not unless she's mafia? Blood shed could come from either side, town could just as easily have randomly triggered a kill or something..maybe i'm reading that wrong..I am getting sleepy and probably missing a lot as i analyse.. 




So, this was meant to narrow things down in my mind..its just made me question more people..Cloud, Moon, Aj, Aemon, Darthe and Leelou.


Or I hit the trigger and know what I have hidden in my costume. I'll discuss it more once night falls. 



Is this a joke?


What have you hidden in your costume you dirty girl?

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So, Not Bob doesn't read the case then unvotes because he refuses to be on he same train as Kat? Whether you are distancing yourself from Kat or trying to delay a Cloud lynch, you just hit the top of my list, Not Bob. I'm happy with a Cloud lynch today because I lean more toward you protecting than distancing.

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3. Aj says Player is town, but gives no reason..curious how he knows before its even day one and player hasn't really said much. Though a few posts later when Player says no one should be playing yet, and claims some people may not have pms (even though lily already said pms were sent) seems a little like mafia trying to discourage start of scum hunting and prolong the spam time. Again, still night 0 so he does kind of have a point though.


5. AJ says he thinks Player is town for the same reason he thinks Cloud is, but doesn't say what the reason is. There is only one way I could be confident enough on N0 to say I think these people are town would be if I had some inside information on the game..If cloud or player go out I may be looking back at AJ.. 


19, AJ says Cloud is looking like a good day one vote due to behaviour in game, however he then votes Cas due to Meta?? Sketchy...


@3&5 - My read on Dap wasn't based on any kind of pre-game information. Him encouraging others to vote on the same house was what gave me the read. I didn't particularly like his reaction though. I get that it was N0 but everyone already knew their alignments by then. With Cloud it was a little bit different. I liked that he was also prompting others for solidarity and was asking questions about the set-up. Him questioning me about Dap was another thing. I didn't give a lengthy explanation because I felt that it was fairly obvious how I saw their actions as town play.


@19 - The comment about Cloud was more of a joke because he is often on the chopping block early in games. Hence the :tongue: afterwards.

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Refuse to be on a train with her.




Vote Salami


Why CS?


So, Not Bob doesn't read the case then unvotes because he refuses to be on he same train as Kat? Whether you are distancing yourself from Kat or trying to delay a Cloud lynch, you just hit the top of my list, Not Bob. I'm happy with a Cloud lynch today because I lean more toward you protecting than distancing.


Sounds like it's competing train time.


vote NotBob

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3. Aj says Player is town, but gives no reason..curious how he knows before its even day one and player hasn't really said much. Though a few posts later when Player says no one should be playing yet, and claims some people may not have pms (even though lily already said pms were sent) seems a little like mafia trying to discourage start of scum hunting and prolong the spam time. Again, still night 0 so he does kind of have a point though.


5. AJ says he thinks Player is town for the same reason he thinks Cloud is, but doesn't say what the reason is. There is only one way I could be confident enough on N0 to say I think these people are town would be if I had some inside information on the game..If cloud or player go out I may be looking back at AJ.. 


19, AJ says Cloud is looking like a good day one vote due to behaviour in game, however he then votes Cas due to Meta?? Sketchy...



@3&5 - My read on Dap wasn't based on any kind of pre-game information. Him encouraging others to vote on the same house was what gave me the read. I didn't particularly like his reaction though. I get that it was N0 but everyone already knew their alignments by then. With Cloud it was a little bit different. I liked that he was also prompting others for solidarity and was asking questions about the set-up. Him questioning me about Dap was another thing. I didn't give a lengthy explanation because I felt that it was fairly obvious how I saw their actions as town play.


@19 - The comment about Cloud was more of a joke because he is often on the chopping block early in games. Hence the :tongue: afterwards.

I didn't think anyone would be that stupid to try use N0 in a way that could put them at any form of weakened position. It's a phase that exists purely to set the scene.
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I understand the purpose of N0 Dap. But with role PMs having already been issued, players would still react a certain way based on their alignments.


Psychology and stuff.


React a certain way to picking a house color?  Seems like a stretch.


I personally don't consider voting on a house color real gameplay.  There were comments made during N0 that would be considered gameplay to be sure, but the house color stuff is as arbitrary as the costumes.   There are different triggers in each house, but nobody knows what they are and who they'll favor, so there's no reason not to pick whatever color suits your fancy. 

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