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Turin hasn´t been here for a long time now. I think he is stuck with work. Haven´t seen MCS in a while either.


MCS replaced out of two games at once while this game was still in signups. I don't think he will be showing up.






I'm just lost.

I suspected as much. (that you're lost, that is...)

Vote Berf. I found his list to not reveal very much as to his thought processes, and sheeped my own list of early thoughts. It's still D1, and there was still no deadline at the time, but I think I at least made more of an effort to at least say who I was going to be keeping my eyes on.

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actually I pointed out bobs post was dirty and offensive and that he meant it to be. there's a reason some ppl say mafia and not scum.


re defending him or darthe... or what's about to go on with you and darthe I'd guess... the baiting each other thing y'all have been doing lately in games makes me think you guys should get a room. and is a null tell.


you not going out of your way to act scummy I have learned is not a null tell.


Ah. Some people get it.  Almost dropped the S but thought it could appear crude to the refined folks here at DM.  Thought he get it with the Towel comment.  Such is life.  I'm bound to be misunderstood.



I got it FWIW.  And dropping the S would have ruined it.




That's going to be a big bummer if Turin and MCS don't show up :/


Thanks Len, I found that picture randomly on the web.





I LOL'd.



Just give it a few posts. It'll come back to you. Darthe brings out the best in everyone.


That's because Darthe is the best.



so much Freud, so little time...


Try cocaine?  It worked for Freud.


Also, for Locke:


The issue I had with SC2 wasn't that it wasn't fun, just that it could have been a lot better.  I think a lot of SC and War3 fans felt the same way.  I can PM you a link to a couple paragraphs I wrote about it a while back if you want.


Wombat, you know you make days better don't you man?


Game related: This fluff convo is beginning to look forced. I also expected a lot more activity of a BT game. I qiestion that vote from Basel. Looks too much like blending in.

Notbob seems to have disappeared when I called him on his junk as well.


Wombat, you know you make days better don't you man?


Game related: This fluff convo is beginning to look forced. I also expected a lot more activity of a BT game. I qiestion that vote from Basel. Looks too much like blending in.

Notbob seems to have disappeared when I called him on his junk as well.


Highly qualified points. 


I did notice the lull in the game, but I figured that it simply could be because no one was on?


But, people could be biding there time because of the rather relaxed deadline?


I don't know. Either way all this fluff doesn't give much to talk about...


My opinions regarding Berth still apply though....



Basel'd. And Neil'd.


Not Bob/Darthe - Distancing or the standard pre-drinks entertainment

Cindy - Blending. Pointing out the Darthe/NB show. Motives a-plenty for that one and the Pizza game still haunts me. 

Wombat - Time will tell. Too good at being Wombat to give anything away to my eyes at this stage but making the right moves but that means nothing. See what I mean?

Basel - Trying to get peeps modkilled early for posting prior to the game starting? :wink:

Halli - Standard Halli - swings in, a few words, swings back out. The Mafia Ninja of San Fran.

Niel - Post full of pings. PFOP. Time will tell. *Update* 3 games played and that's the opening post you choose to go with? Indeed.

RTE - Rule skimming. Don't think mafia would be that cavalier but we'll see.



Null on everyone else/peeps not checked in. I want to think Tina is town this game so I don't get punched in the face :biggrin:


I don't like this post at all. Don't like parroting what others have said, but there's actually not any real reads on this list, pretty much all null stuff or jokey fluff stuff. Seems a bit early for a list of reads anyways. Also you coattail things others have recently said. Cindy soft-defended NotBob and Darthe, you say roughly the same thing as her, and then you essentially repeat Basel's comment about Wombat being hard to read. You buddy Cindy, and defend Hally's meta for.... what reason? Your jokey fos on Basel stinks, and you seem to be floating out the fos on Niel to see if more people vote him before you feel safe doing so. Lastly your reasoning on RTE is pretty poor. It wouldn't really be cavalier to miss something on the rules, cavalier would imply that they purposefully disregarded the rules instead of skimmed them. Seems like a lame attempt at defending RTE to me.


Seems like you tried following Basel's lead with the list of reads, but didn't end up actually giving any true reads, perhaps out of fear of connecting yourself to teammates.


Vote Berf



I agree with what you say about Berf, but it seems to me that you're also a bit guilty of what you're accusing Berf of in that a couple parts of your post are addressing things that aren't suspicious at all. 








snuggles Basel


(bolded emphasis NOT mine)


Cindy softclaims Snuggler


I actually have no clue what you mean here.


Vote Lenlo


For Nostalgia  :wink:


This looked like a possible distancing vote to me, coming right after Wombat voted RTE. RTE declines to comment on Wombat's vote, and instead lobs a "joke" vote right after. Perhaps was trying to bury real votes amongst "joke" votes. Joke votes that came after this kinda make me think I'm onto something here...


Reading way too much into a joke vote.



I know its gonna cause the "voting darthe is best lynch" movement but this looks bad. Joke votes aside this is agreeing with supoort for an unmade vote.


unvote vote bob


Just throw in the towel already.  You couldn't find scum if it hit you in the face.



Underlined: Possible scumslip?


Again, obvious joke. There's no way that's some slip.




And just like that this game is already annoying ).)


A bit arrogant?


ordinarily I'd think you guys were putting on a show... but you seem to do this a lot, so... carry on.



Twice now you soft-defend NotBob... hrmmmm.


Possibly just interpreting it differently, but I didn't get that impression.




Hm, I really wish I was familiar with more people's playstyles besides Wombat.




Vote Cindy


Because she doesn't play enough :wub:

I could vote Cindy as well. She doesn't play enough.


I know its gonna cause the "voting darthe is best lynch" movement but this looks bad. Joke votes aside this is agreeing with supoort for an unmade vote.


unvote vote bob


Especially you Darthe because this seems to be quite the curious post. You start with a martyr statement and then narrow in quite seriously on a post that seems to me like a clear joke post?



Vote Darthe



This guy got it.  Must be something in my delivery.  :biggrin:



might have misinterpreted it had it been standalone, but the previous post being in the same format made it obvious.


*sigh* Locke, it makes sense for me to want to deal with. @Des you have been in all of the games.. you've seen me ignore it and your change of attitude here looks like you're trying to use it.


These berf votes are happening too quickly for my liking.

I'm sorry, but I still don't understand your initial post. 

I know how to spice things up


I have a Vig shot that will be used in the lowest poster come nightfall



Also, for Locke:


The issue I had with SC2 wasn't that it wasn't fun, just that it could have been a lot better.  I think a lot of SC and War3 fans felt the same way.  I can PM you a link to a couple paragraphs I wrote about it a while back if you want.

Sure, I'd be interested. I think I have a fair idea of what it is, though, since I've read some articles on it on Teamliquid forums.


Basel'd. And Neil'd.


Not Bob/Darthe - Distancing or the standard pre-drinks entertainment

Cindy - Blending. Pointing out the Darthe/NB show. Motives a-plenty for that one and the Pizza game still haunts me. 

Wombat - Time will tell. Too good at being Wombat to give anything away to my eyes at this stage but making the right moves but that means nothing. See what I mean?

Basel - Trying to get peeps modkilled early for posting prior to the game starting? :wink:

Halli - Standard Halli - swings in, a few words, swings back out. The Mafia Ninja of San Fran.

Niel - Post full of pings. PFOP. Time will tell. *Update* 3 games played and that's the opening post you choose to go with? Indeed.

RTE - Rule skimming. Don't think mafia would be that cavalier but we'll see.



Null on everyone else/peeps not checked in. I want to think Tina is town this game so I don't get punched in the face :biggrin:


Just for reference, this is what I'm getting votes on.


The people listed with some info are peeps that I feel have put something into the game that is worthy of comment. That doesn't make them my mafia list at this point, and you'll note I never said as such, just they have made some moves. Granted the Null on everyone else comment may seem confusing, and maybe should have said "nothing on anyone else" instead.


But at any rate some of you are entirely correct in that it doesn't contain much info. It's Page 5. On Day 1. It's more an organizing and summary tool than any massive declaration of mafia.




And now let's look at the votes. After this from Cindy...



lol, berf... it haunts you?



@CINDY - Yes. Spun me right out. Took me a good several reads back and forth to actually get at what you were saying at the end, and the huge blind spot you hid in all game has since been eradicated :biggrin:



Both Basel and Berf pushing possible distancing with NotBob/Darthe and mentioning that Hallia is on meta stink to high heaven.


As for Niel, I'm not sure I buy his argument. Half the time I try to type Stargate, I type StarCraft instead, but not knowing the difference between StarCraft and Stargate and not bothering to google the theme are both lynchable offenses imo.


WOMBATS's actual Vote was a post previous after quoting mine and Basel's and used my post to qualify Niel/Cindy as joking town also. Or maybe not joking who knows.


Either way, I'm ok with this vote. I can see how it would look stinky, and it's called on the right reasons. 


Leaning Town.




Both Basel and Berf pushing possible distancing with NotBob/Darthe and mentioning that Hallia is on meta stink to high heaven.


As for Niel, I'm not sure I buy his argument. Half the time I try to type Stargate, I type StarCraft instead, but not knowing the difference between StarCraft and Stargate and not bothering to google the theme are both lynchable offenses imo.



Last post and I'm signing off. :sleepy:


My only excuse for that is my age... I wasn't even born when those movies came out, and as for StarCraft I've never played it, only heard of it ... xD You just posted what I'm saying here Wombat. :smile:


Anyways... I'd like to vote Berf


I never understood the origins of Cindy's minitrain, she just seemed to be moving along conversation.

Berf on the other hand had flimsy responses/evaluation of the other players (me included) and seemed almost eager to Vote for me...


Yes, Yes, nothing concrete, but I have a hunch that either Berf (since I've had no experience playing with him before) is either reckless or is Mafia. 



I'll go for reckless. 


"Flimsy" evaluation... I'd call it thin. Not flimsy. And if I was eager to vote you Niel, you'd be voted.


I'm getting Eager Town vibes here with a touch of OMGUS.



Basel'd. And Neil'd.


Not Bob/Darthe - Distancing or the standard pre-drinks entertainment

Cindy - Blending. Pointing out the Darthe/NB show. Motives a-plenty for that one and the Pizza game still haunts me. 

Wombat - Time will tell. Too good at being Wombat to give anything away to my eyes at this stage but making the right moves but that means nothing. See what I mean?

Basel - Trying to get peeps modkilled early for posting prior to the game starting? :wink:

Halli - Standard Halli - swings in, a few words, swings back out. The Mafia Ninja of San Fran.

Niel - Post full of pings. PFOP. Time will tell. *Update* 3 games played and that's the opening post you choose to go with? Indeed.

RTE - Rule skimming. Don't think mafia would be that cavalier but we'll see.



Null on everyone else/peeps not checked in. I want to think Tina is town this game so I don't get punched in the face :biggrin:


Isn´t all on your list null reads? Hallia is standard Hallia, time will tell about Niel, NotBob is either or... Why mention some and not others? 


I don´t hold grudges in mafia. Well, except for Song... 


Both Basel and Berf pushing possible distancing with NotBob/Darthe and mentioning that Hallia is on meta stink to high heaven.


As for Niel, I'm not sure I buy his argument. Half the time I try to type Stargate, I type StarCraft instead, but not knowing the difference between StarCraft and Stargate and not bothering to google the theme are both lynchable offenses imo.


I don´t think it´s weird that there will be comments about NotBob and Darthe. Don´t like the Hallia comments though. 




I will unvote and vote Berf.  I feel like that list was meant to make it look that he is scumhunting when in fact most of it was fluff. 



Not fluff. But not jammed full of mafia reads and slips, as I said, was only 5 pages in. 

Refer to top of post for the brief write up I did about mine - it should pretty much say Null for everyone and I phrased it poorly. 


What was it about the Halli comments? Halli Herself didn't seem to mind when she posted after me.


Null read here.


Oblivious. Saw the movie when I was younger but the series never grabbed me.


Even WITH MacGuyver.


Pretty much this. Loved the movie, couldn't ever really get into the series. Strange too, usually it's fairly easy for me to get into a sci-fi series (I miss Farscape and Babylon 5 :sad:)




Basel'd. And Neil'd.


Not Bob/Darthe - Distancing or the standard pre-drinks entertainment

Cindy - Blending. Pointing out the Darthe/NB show. Motives a-plenty for that one and the Pizza game still haunts me. 

Wombat - Time will tell. Too good at being Wombat to give anything away to my eyes at this stage but making the right moves but that means nothing. See what I mean?

Basel - Trying to get peeps modkilled early for posting prior to the game starting? :wink:

Halli - Standard Halli - swings in, a few words, swings back out. The Mafia Ninja of San Fran.

Niel - Post full of pings. PFOP. Time will tell. *Update* 3 games played and that's the opening post you choose to go with? Indeed.

RTE - Rule skimming. Don't think mafia would be that cavalier but we'll see.



Null on everyone else/peeps not checked in. I want to think Tina is town this game so I don't get punched in the face :biggrin:


I don't like this post at all. Don't like parroting what others have said, but there's actually not any real reads on this list, pretty much all null stuff or jokey fluff stuff. Seems a bit early for a list of reads anyways. Also you coattail things others have recently said. Cindy soft-defended NotBob and Darthe, you say roughly the same thing as her, and then you essentially repeat Basel's comment about Wombat being hard to read. You buddy Cindy, and defend Hally's meta for.... what reason? Your jokey fos on Basel stinks, and you seem to be floating out the fos on Niel to see if more people vote him before you feel safe doing so. Lastly your reasoning on RTE is pretty poor. It wouldn't really be cavalier to miss something on the rules, cavalier would imply that they purposefully disregarded the rules instead of skimmed them. Seems like a lame attempt at defending RTE to me.


Seems like you tried following Basel's lead with the list of reads, but didn't end up actually giving any true reads, perhaps out of fear of connecting yourself to teammates.


Vote Berf




And Despo's vote with the obligatory WOT.


Parroting what others have said  -  Commenting on events. Apparently there are only so many ways a thing can be seen.

Again with the no reads as said above top of the post - day 1 etc. And it's too early for reads? :S


How am I buddying cindy?

How am I defending Halli?

And I'll throw FOS on everyone, that's kinda my game. See who nibbles, see who bites, see who blows up.





Turin hasn´t been here for a long time now. I think he is stuck with work. Haven´t seen MCS in a while either.


MCS replaced out of two games at once while this game was still in signups. I don't think he will be showing up.






I'm just lost.

I suspected as much. (that you're lost, that is...)

Vote Berf. I found his list to not reveal very much as to his thought processes, and sheeped my own list of early thoughts. It's still D1, and there was still no deadline at the time, but I think I at least made more of an effort to at least say who I was going to be keeping my eyes on.




I keep my eyes on everyone Basel. And if I didn't reveal much but sheeped you, then what were YOU revealing?

As for more effort, I don't know how you want to quantify that. We pretty much had the same post?




Of those who voted me:


TOWN: Wombat, Niel,

MEH: Tina, Desp,

MAFIA: Basel


Of the others: (also known as everyone)



MEH: Darthe, NotBob, RTE, Halli, Cindy, DAP, Locke, Lenlo, Dice, Praya,





No read whatsover: Turin, MCS






- My list is not revealing enough for him despite being a sheeped version of his.

- If my list is a copy of your list why isn't your list also poor?

- If my list isn't a copy of yours (it isn't), I'm displaying the same behaviors as you, Basel, and yet I am voteworthy. 


Logic lapse on the vote I feel. Mafia trying to get in whilst parroting the logic of others and trying to dress it up as his own.



I know how to spice things up


I have a Vig shot that will be used in the lowest poster come nightfall



Also, for Locke:


The issue I had with SC2 wasn't that it wasn't fun, just that it could have been a lot better. I think a lot of SC and War3 fans felt the same way. I can PM you a link to a couple paragraphs I wrote about it a while back if you want.

Sure, I'd be interested. I think I have a fair idea of what it is, though, since I've read some articles on it on Teamliquid forums.

Meh. I don't agree much with the TL crowd. I think they're largely responsible for some of the worst design choices in the game. I used to use Liquipedia to study builds and metagame, but beyond that I stayed away from there.




Not a great deal. There was one post after I did my write up that was basically a dismissal of my er... 'eyebrow raised' level of fos regarding the game start, but largely nothing.


And I've just had a look and there's 15 posts worth of null read apparently. He's posting and ergo keeping up with play, but not offering opinions... Joke vote parked on Lenlo with no real sense of looking for a more likely candidate...


I'll land again on Meh. But not a lot of actual useful noise coming from that corner. I'd be happy to vote there.



Thoughts on Basel?


I don't like Basel at all this game, but I hardly ever play a game with him where I town read him, so it's kinda par for the course atm. I'll be interested to see his next few posts.




Vote Count:


Darthe(2): Not Bob, Locke
cindy (1):  Hally
Lenlo (1): RTE
(Not) Bob (1): Darthe
Dap (1): cindy
Berf (4):  Niel, Tina, Des, Basel
With 18 players it takes 10 to lynch, 2 1/2 days left...
Dap has given me an idea...I could always MOD kill the lowest poster each day haha.
I shall be looking for replacements for MCS and Turin

I suspected as much. (that you're lost, that is...)

Vote Berf. I found his list to not reveal very much as to his thought processes, and sheeped my own list of early thoughts. It's still D1, and there was still no deadline at the time, but I think I at least made more of an effort to at least say who I was going to be keeping my eyes on.



I don't get this vote. SO, because you disagree with the "thought process", you find him scummy?

That seems to be a contrived reasoning  in order to force-vote someone.


@Berf - I have seen it in many games, Hallia (and others) just post fluff and then others says that it´s a null tell or, often, a town tell. I must admit that I´m not sure if I have ever played with Hallia when she was mafia but how exactely would she change her play if she was scum? Start making long cases? I just don´t think it´s wise to comment on her meta as a null tell or town tell. 


I know how to spice things up

I have a Vig shot that will be used in the lowest poster come nightfall


Really? I´m not sure if you are making this up or not. 






Comp restarted while I was gone, so my wot got deleted. Eating some delicious curry right now, gonna decide whether or not to re-fetch all those quotes or not.


Don't have any solid reads yet.


Some people put up crappy reads lists. They got criticized for it. Then those people who criticized the others put up their own crappy reads list. Then the two parties criticized each other. And now we are trying to revive the game,




So I decided to refetch the quotes.
Before I go any further however, I wanted to clear up a misunderstanding:
When I quoted NotBob's post and underlined the possible scumslip, I wasn't referring to any hidden innuendo. I was referring to the fact that the post implied that NotBob assumed Darthe to be town, since mafia wouldn't have any need to find scum. In my opinion, Darthe hadn't done near enough to prove his towniness, so there didn't seem to be any reason for anyone to have a strong town read on him at that point. Ergo, NotBob seemingly assuming Darthe to be town set off red flags for me.
On to other stuff:


Checking in, just got back from Disney World! I had a blast, and Princess Darla did indeed as well :biggrin:
Will catchup later after audit

I can see you milking this to justify your activity level.


Eh? How would I be able to use this to justify any change in activity level? I'm back now, so nothing is preventing me from posting. Also, just because I know how to use the multiquote button doesn't mean I'm any less active than you. I just happen to sleep during the day.

*sigh* Locke, it makes sense for me to want to deal with. @Des you have been in all of the games.. you've seen me ignore it and your change of attitude here looks like you're trying to use it.

These berf votes are happening too quickly for my liking.

That's exactly my point tho Darthe! Every other game you've ignored NotBob's trolling, yet this game you seem to suddenly care.


Yeh, I wonder why people disappeared. :(

work and school mostly I'd guess.

but ppl who are posting a lot in other games and riding silent here have me curious.


Who do you mean specifically? I say lurkers should be identified as quickly as possible.

What are we congratulating me for? I've known him longer than he has known me.


I meant her...


I know how to spice things up

I have a Vig shot that will be used in the lowest poster come nightfall

Assuming you're telling the truth about the Vig shot, I wholeheartedly support this idea.




Locke, your freaking color code thing completely screwed up the quotes in my response I don't know how many times, I give up trying to fix it for now. Gonna finish the rest of this in a sec.


And people. PLEASE stop doing the "my replies in blue" thing for a big multiquote. It's almost impossible to respond to without butchering the whole quote system. Try bullet points, or else break up the quote into several smaller quotes or something. Bleurgh.


Kk, and to attempt to reply to the rest:

I agree with what you say about Berf, but it seems to me that you're also a bit guilty of what you're accusing Berf of in that a couple parts of your post are addressing things that aren't suspicious at all.

I was deconstructing the entire list to show the oddness of it all; some parts of it may not seem all that suspicious on their own, but altogether in my eyes they paint the picture of someone trying to look like they're scumhunting.





snuggles Basel

(bolded emphasis NOT mine)
Cindy softclaims Snuggler
I actually have no clue what you mean here.

This was a joke, cause I found it kinda funny Cindy bolded the snuggle to make it all official like. I don't think there is a role called the Snuggler, but I'm sure if there is then somewhere, Verbal has already made a mockery of it.


Vote Lenlo
For Nostalgia  :wink:

This looked like a possible distancing vote to me, coming right after Wombat voted RTE. RTE declines to comment on Wombat's vote, and instead lobs a "joke" vote right after. Perhaps was trying to bury real votes amongst "joke" votes. Joke votes that came after this kinda make me think I'm onto something here...
Reading way too much into a joke vote.

Then you completely missed the point I was trying to make. I was postulating that RTE's "joke" vote wasn't a joke vote at all, and was designed to lessen the impact of Wombat's real vote on RTE, which came a couple of posts prior to his.



I know its gonna cause the "voting darthe is best lynch" movement but this looks bad. Joke votes aside this is agreeing with supoort for an unmade vote.

unvote vote bob

Just throw in the towel already.  You couldn't find scum if it hit you in the face.


Underlined: Possible scumslip?
Again, obvious joke. There's no way that's some slip.

I explained this in my previous post. The slip would have been NotBob assuming Darthe to be town, since mafia don't have any reason to try and find scum. It was meant to be a sleight at Darthe, but I think in doing so NotBob may have slipped up. Not concrete mind you, but a possibility nonetheless.

I will say I find the reaction to me pointing out this potential slip to be very interesting.




And just like that this game is already annoying ).)

A bit arrogant?


ordinarily I'd think you guys were putting on a show... but you seem to do this a lot, so... carry on.


Twice now you soft-defend NotBob... hrmmmm.
Possibly just interpreting it differently, but I didn't get that impression.


1. I thought she first dismissed NotBob's "slip", when it turns out she was referring to the innuendo not being accidental, which I agree with.

2. This time she def soft-defends him however. She consecutively brings up that it looks like the two are possibly executing a gambit, then summarily dismisses it.

So really it can only be said that Cindy soft-defended NotBob once.



I know how to spice things up

I have a Vig shot that will be used in the lowest poster come nightfall


Also, for Locke:
The issue I had with SC2 wasn't that it wasn't fun, just that it could have been a lot better.  I think a lot of SC and War3 fans felt the same way.  I can PM you a link to a couple paragraphs I wrote about it a while back if you want.

Sure, I'd be interested. I think I have a fair idea of what it is, though, since I've read some articles on it on Teamliquid forums.


Might be me looking too deeply into stuff, but I find it somewhat interesting that when you saw Dap's post threatening against the lowest poster, you not only make a separate post to emote to it, but also continue an outside the game conversation with Wombat. Hrmmm...



Basel'd. And Neil'd.
Not Bob/Darthe - Distancing or the standard pre-drinks entertainment
Cindy - Blending. Pointing out the Darthe/NB show. Motives a-plenty for that one and the Pizza game still haunts me. 
Wombat - Time will tell. Too good at being Wombat to give anything away to my eyes at this stage but making the right moves but that means nothing. See what I mean?
Basel - Trying to get peeps modkilled early for posting prior to the game starting? :wink:
Halli - Standard Halli - swings in, a few words, swings back out. The Mafia Ninja of San Fran.
Niel - Post full of pings. PFOP. Time will tell. *Update* 3 games played and that's the opening post you choose to go with? Indeed.
RTE - Rule skimming. Don't think mafia would be that cavalier but we'll see.
Null on everyone else/peeps not checked in. I want to think Tina is town this game so I don't get punched in the face :biggrin:

I don't like this post at all. Don't like parroting what others have said, but there's actually not any real reads on this list, pretty much all null stuff or jokey fluff stuff. Seems a bit early for a list of reads anyways. Also you coattail things others have recently said. Cindy soft-defended NotBob and Darthe, you say roughly the same thing as her, and then you essentially repeat Basel's comment about Wombat being hard to read. You buddy Cindy, and defend Hally's meta for.... what reason? Your jokey fos on Basel stinks, and you seem to be floating out the fos on Niel to see if more people vote him before you feel safe doing so. Lastly your reasoning on RTE is pretty poor. It wouldn't really be cavalier to miss something on the rules, cavalier would imply that they purposefully disregarded the rules instead of skimmed them. Seems like a lame attempt at defending RTE to me.
Seems like you tried following Basel's lead with the list of reads, but didn't end up actually giving any true reads, perhaps out of fear of connecting yourself to teammates.
Vote Berf


And Despo's vote with the obligatory WOT.
Parroting what others have said  -  Commenting on events. Apparently there are only so many ways a thing can be seen.
Again with the no reads as said above top of the post - day 1 etc. And it's too early for reads? :S
How am I buddying cindy?
How am I defending Halli?
And I'll throw FOS on everyone, that's kinda my game. See who nibbles, see who bites, see who blows up.
- My list is not revealing enough for him despite being a sheeped version of his.
- If my list is a copy of your list why isn't your list also poor?
- If my list isn't a copy of yours (it isn't), I'm displaying the same behaviors as you, Basel, and yet I am voteworthy. 
Logic lapse on the vote I feel. Mafia trying to get in whilst parroting the logic of others and trying to dress it up as his own.


You yourself admit to sheeping his own list, so why are you trying to act like you weren't parroting?


It's not too early for reads, never said that. It did seem a bit early for the list-type format of reads.


Buddying Cindy- when you brought up the Pizza game and how devious she was in that game. You're trying to flatter her. Def looks like buddying to me.


You were defending Hallia's meta. There was no point. If someone's meta is a nulltell, and not a lot of people are commenting on it anyways, why even bring it up?


I think part of the problem is you DIDN'T throw out a lot of fos's. You put out this list... yet there are almost no solid scum reads at all on it.


Your reasons for voting Basel are just awful. Of COURSE there is a difference between someone doing something, and then someone else sheeping them. The first person didn't sheep! A huge part of why you look mafia to me is that you were essentially copying Basel's list thing, only yours was dreadful and didn't seem to be sincerely scumhunting.


@pral... now that's some parroting. and your second post of the game.


@dap... interesting idea, interesting claim or joke. and that was our 5th post, and 1 of those was a .gif. so... I guess your safe from your own shot by a couple of posts.


@des you can see who's lurking same as me. you click on the number of replies to the topic on the main board, and there ya go, nice and neat. to the above I'd add dice, who's a sneaky quiet bugger as maf from what I've seen.


also @des... asking ppl not to use color coding within posts cause it's a PITA to read (and it is) is throwing stones from a glass WoT.


try to explain... no, that takes too long. just sum up?


uh, fwiw, referencing a game in which I humiliated myself by blowing it like a complete moron, to the point where I withdrew from another game I was playing at the same time, and sat out afterwards from at least one I wanted to play until I got over being mortified at being publicly stupid... isn't flattering.


if it's meant to be it's way the hell off.


what I learned from that one is you can't really die of shame.


so. yeah.


carry on.


@Berf - I have seen it in many games, Hallia (and others) just post fluff and then others says that it´s a null tell or, often, a town tell. I must admit that I´m not sure if I have ever played with Hallia when she was mafia but how exactely would she change her play if she was scum? Start making long cases? I just don´t think it´s wise to comment on her meta as a null tell or town tell. 



I know how to spice things up

I have a Vig shot that will be used in the lowest poster come nightfall



Really? I´m not sure if you are making this up or not.

Wanna try me on it Tina?



@Cindy. I know I'm a low count ATM. Just had an essay due and got another due next week so I've been busy. Plus work

I should be back in full swing soon. Still

I could always shoot myself


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