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Interesting choice of kill. And one that has me thinking that all the scumsters are new players. Because WoT was at the center of all the attention - the scum team just wasted their NK on someone they could easily have lynched. Niel has been voting OMGUS pretty much this entire game - he voted for Mashi yesterday when she had voted for him and freely admitted that was the only reason he'd voted her.


Totally got to agree with you... That was... not the best course of action... Why in the world would they NK the one person who had almost gotten lynched 2 days in a row and that people had already been saying they thought was suspicious.... very weird.. But I guess that we can try to use it to our advantage... Now to figure out who to vote for... I will reserve my vote until after Nya has had a chance to post...

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Isa posting Isa posting.. I'm just not one for needlessly posting.. I find it leads to people taking things you say, turning them on their head and then trying to lynch you over nothing :rolleyes:


Interesting choice of kill. And one that has me thinking that all the scumsters are new players. Because WoT was at the center of all the attention - the scum team just wasted their NK on someone they could easily have lynched. Niel has been voting OMGUS pretty much this entire game - he voted for Mashi yesterday when she had voted for him and freely admitted that was the only reason he'd voted her.


Totally got to agree with you... That was... not the best course of action... Why in the world would they NK the one person who had almost gotten lynched 2 days in a row and that people had already been saying they thought was suspicious.... very weird.. But I guess that we can try to use it to our advantage... Now to figure out who to vote for... I will reserve my vote until after Nya has had a chance to post...

*sigh* I messed up and chose to view WoT13 although I realized later it would've been better to look at one of the more active players >.<


Anyway of course it came back as No Result cos she's dead now...


I find myself agreeing with you too Razen. Ach, imma go back reread some...

Actually this isn't bad at all, we could look at the people pushing a WoT13 lynch even after she claimed - I've had my suspicions before and I think it's possible those people may have been really bent on killing her...therefore, new scum team --> possible NK killing Hermione.


OR Razen - you're telling us the scum team is new cos you don't want us to look at you mafia yourself.


So much possible WIFOM!! >.<


And I can't be scum because I am ... Professor Flitwick, Vanilla Townie..

I'm not sure I believe this claim - Flitwick is really not a main character who appears often, and with 16 players (including a scum team!) I'm not buying that Niel is in fact a townie. Gut feeling, too...


Also Katiora. You kinda overlooked his claim there. Know that it's a weak claim and don't want to relate yourself to it? I dunno, FoS.


I understand I may be grasping at thin threads for some thing here, but we've lost enough townies already that I'm happy poking at everything I see that looks fishy even in the slightest :tongue:


right now i'm ignoring all claims unless I know their false pretty much... anyone can claim anyone.. I do agree that niel's claim to me seems kinda weak and more a character someone would choose trying to make sure they didn't choose a character someone else could claim...


Ooh, nice thinking Katiora - I hadn't thought of choosing a lesser character so someone else wouldn't "But that's who I am!"... good call. I know I was thinking it seemed like a "tag along" to the other reveals.


Interesting choice of kill. And one that has me thinking that all the scumsters are new players. Because WoT was at the center of all the attention - the scum team just wasted their NK on someone they could easily have lynched.


She was almost lynched twice already, and both WoT trains failed. The first try at lynching her might have eliminated one of their team instead when it went random, depending on Volke's alignment. How easy to lynch do you consider her? Maybe scum decided they would have more trouble lynching her than they expected? Also, let's not forget her character claim. I don't know about anyone else, but I was pretty surprised to see Hermione flip vanilla. So what if scum figured Hermione was an important enough character that would be likely to have a power, and they had to get rid of the role? I think with as many new players as we have, some of them being on the scum team is likely, but I'm not going to overlook the more experienced people just based on this NK.


I'm thinking you are making this case for the scum being all newer people so that town will look right past you. Vote Razen.


I agree with Razen- killing WoT13 was a very newbie-ish move for a scum team (unless, as Basel suggested, they thought she would have a role; I would have made Hermione the cop). However, there is also a possibility that the mafia shot at Nya, who was presumable protected by the doc, and that a vig went after WoT13. That's the more likely situation in my mind. Either way, there's some WIFOM out of the way.


Going back to my list...

I expect we'll find scum among the purple names: Mish, Katoria, Dice, Bard, and Niel.

Now, some of these people have tried to explain themselves. Bard did a good job at this, so did Mish. Katoria, I'm not sure what to say. She first posted this:

Iron I did vote Ishy for pretty much no reason than because he just seemed scummy to me... at that point when i didn't know how much time, if any I would get on before deadline, it was as good a vote as any... I said in my post if someone could give good argument i would change.. and I would have.. but at the end of the day there were no other suspects... I did want to vote in someway because I was afraid of being replaced or mod killed for inactivity if i failed to vote in 2 consecutive votes... There in a nutshell is my reason for voting ish... I wasn't expecting a random lynch.. I was expecting a busy weekend with very little online time.


And anyone can claim any role... some roles would be foolish to go against and say "no they're not that role, because I'm that" It's a good way for the cop or healer to end up deaded.. I mean who's to say that you and Nya aren't mafia in an elaborate hoax to trick us all... *shrugs* crazier things have happened in a mafia game... Not to say that you are, that would be EXTREMELY unlikely to work and could backfire in many ways... Really with all the claims it's very likely that SOMEONE is lying...

...which made her sound inexperienced. But then she posted this:


lol i was just saying... and many many years ago I used to play with Mynd... so i've come to expect the ridiculous.. lol so you'll have to excuse my over paranoia.. lol

...proving she's not. Intentional misrepresentation? Probably.


Dice just re-hashed his original reasons for voting Ishy, didn't really do much to allay my suspicions.


Niel just kept on digging. He posted this:

I'm not scum I was just going to accept his sacrifice. If he was going to be lynched why be the person to stop it from happening. I'm a vanilla townie and that's that.

...attempting to say that he voted for the same reasons that Nyanna and all votes after her did, even though I proved otherwise in my little WOT. Then he pulled out that weak claim after only two votes; very desperate sounding. Neil will be my vote for now, unless we get more info.


I wrote this a coupla hours ago but wasn't allowed on the Internet till now. So here goes:


And anyone can claim any role... some roles would be foolish to go against and say "no they're not that role, because I'm that" It's a good way for the cop or healer to end up deaded.. I mean who's to say that you and Nya aren't mafia in an elaborate hoax to trick us all... *shrugs* crazier things have happened in a mafia game... Not to say that you are, that would be EXTREMELY unlikely to work and could backfire in many ways... Really with all the claims it's very likely that SOMEONE is lying...

I don't believe we could be pulling that off a) because no one has spoken up against me and everyone's checked in since then. And b) I've been viewing people at night.

Interesting of you to bring that up though. And I disagree with "all those claims" - we'd had what, 3 when you posted this? And all of them active book-characters who'll definitely be in the game...what would be there to doubt?

AND - two of the flaunted were pretty much vetted, me being an un-counterclaimed cop and Ishy was lynched proving him town. So the only person newly claiming was WoT13, and she was claiming a main character, also undisputed.  So...I found it hard not to believe any of THEM.


Interesting choice of kill.  And one that has me thinking that all the scumsters are new players.  Because WoT was at the center of all the attention - the scum team just wasted their NK on someone they could easily have lynched.  Niel has been voting OMGUS pretty much this entire game - he voted for Mashi yesterday when she had voted for him and freely admitted that was the only reason he'd voted her.


Totally got to agree with you... That was... not the best course of action... Why in the world would they NK the one person who had almost gotten lynched 2 days in a row and that people had already been saying they thought was suspicious.... very weird.. But I guess that we can try to use it to our advantage... Now to figure out who to vote for... I will reserve my vote until after Nya has had a chance to post...

Now for some reason this statement also pings me - it's basically rewording what Marsh said, emphasizing the 'how weird it is' and sounds to me like you're purposefully distancing yourself by feigning such astonishment at an action like that... together with other comments you've made, FoS. You're mostly a gut feeling so far but I think you're seeming more and more "innocently" scummy...


Katoria- Voted Ishy for no reason whatsoever, except to have voted when the deadline came. Almost as if she's expecting a random lynch. Hmmm... very scummy. Plus the rest of that post was written in a non-town way, especially the doubt toward Nyanna, after her cop claim had already been confirmed by me. I would put any of these individually down to the newbie card, but in aggregate, they're scummy. FOS.

Plus all of this! Except that Kat is NOT a newbie, no more than I am. We've both played in a few games yet!


Dice- Voted Ishy because I was confirmed, like Mish. FOS for the exact same reasons.

Reading back, what stuck out to me here was that dice held off voting, then voted Ishy giving no reason at all. Plus that he was Ishys gut feeling/one he didn't want us to forget, and what you're saying, FoS at him.


Niel- Apparently voted to force Ishy to reveal his character, but when Ishy pointed out that he'd already done so, Niel did not unvote. FOS.

Yeah, and Niel seems to be jokevoting or hopping from one to the other now with little or no reasons given. He hasn't been posting much thoughts either, but the main part of his posts seem game-unrelated. Trying to appear active enough, but yet fly under the radar? 

I don't believe his claim either yet. It wasn't particularly necessary, and Flitwick is NOT a character who I think would be in this game - taking away the scum team, and the dead townies already, there are so many more main characters who would rather be in this game. MAJOR FoS, and that's also why I'm voting him. If he doesn't get to the point and argues his case/gives us his thoughts soon, I think he's the way to go today.


Bard Babe

- hmm I'm faintly suspicious of her too but can't put my finger on why. 


Here are my thoughts on some other players that haven't been questioned yet:

Razen - one of the people who were strongly doubting WoT13/Hermione after she claimed. Why people would doubt such a strong claim is still beyond me and I'm keeping an eye on any who did that.


Basel - "went back to his original suspicion" after I viewed Iron as town - WoT13. Doesnt seem like much effort made to examine others. Basel doesn't seem to be very actively questioning things in this game, which pings me because I've seen him play differently normally...

Also he voted Ishy after the hammer had fallen - to make SURE that this townie lynch works? But I can't say much to that really because we hadn't had a VC in a while and I was also not sure if we'd achieved the lynch yet and prevented a random here.


Raena - what stood out to me here is that she suggested lynching Marsh or Tamerya to confirm them. And that was AFTER the cop (me) viewed Ironmarsh as town. FooooooS muchly...!

She also voted Ishy with no reason (but as I said of Basel before, might've been just to secure a non-random)


Another one who never stopped doubting WoT13's claim and even voted her after her reveal. Also, NO words/thoughts/other reaction after Ishy revealed, Mashi just hammered him. She's right at the top of my list right now.


I expect we'll find scum among the purple names: Mish, Katoria, Dice, Bard, and Niel.

I agree strongly on some of these. Here's my list of who I think most scummy atm:






Suspects I'm not gonna forget:






Bard Babe




It would be nice if Misheru and Cyan would check in more. I've mostly been getting a town read on the former, and can't even remember  hearing from Cyan.


Also...the fact that a lot of    imo scummy behaviour by people has been overlooked by others till now has me thinking the scum team is right among the active players too...


Another one who never stopped doubting WoT13's claim and even voted her after her reveal. Also, NO words/thoughts/other reaction after Ishy revealed, Mashi just hammered him. She's right at the top of my list right now.

Gah, this should be:


Mashiara - Another one who never stopped doubting WoT13's claim and even voted her after her reveal. Also, NO words/thoughts/other reaction after Ishy revealed, Mashi just hammered him. She's right at the top of my list right now.


I agree with all you said in that last post of yours Marsh *nodnod* especially about Kat and Niel.


Ooo interesting idea about there possibly being a vig who shot WoT13! That would definitely make more sense - although there was no vig kill the previous night...


*sneaks in* Nya I was replaced on Day 1. Now I'm just backup...*runs away quickly before she gets in trouble for posting*


Oh, and I'm sorry for not being too active. I'm not too well these last couple of days (if you check, you'll see my general level of active-ness alround has been low). Tomorrow I hav a day with no plans whatsoever (dad and family visiting today, they live on the other side of the country so I only see them once a year, so that was top priiority today) so then I'll read trough the whole thread and post my own thoughts. But for now, bedtime. Looking forward to tomorrow ^^


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