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Princess Bride Mafia Sign ups!


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Princess Buttercup, fiance of Prince Humperdinck, has been kidnapped from the kingdom of Florin. It is up to you to find the masterminds behind this evil plot.


As promised, the sign up thread! This will be a fairly balanced game, some roles but nothing too crazy.




*Day 1 will have no deadline. Day Cycles will be a maximum of 72 hours and Night Cycles will be a maximum 48 hours. If the game appears to be dragging, the deadlines will be made tighter.


*If Day deadlines are missed and a majority lynch is not reached, a random player will be killed. I pick from everyone, so just voting to vote does not make you safe.


*If Night deadlines are missed, you forfeit your action for that night. In other words, I'm not hunting you down through the Fire Swamp to find you and remind you that there is an action due.


*All votes must be BOLDED in the COLOUR RED to count.


*There will be a full coroner report upon death.


*Please do not speak outside the game unless you have been provided a QT board.


*You may not quote pms from the Mod, if you do it will be an instant MOD KILL.


*DO NOT EDIT your posts, to do so would be considered cheating!


*Unless you are gone on an LOA, you are required to post at least once within a game day to not be MOD KILLED for inactivity.


*Spam is allowed. This is the BT and I want activity! If you don't like spam, don't sign up for this game.


*Please only one blah post after death.


-- Note about your Mod, I love to Mod kill. I don't give second chances. Don't break the rules.




1. <3

2. :biggrin:

3. Song

4. Ithi

5. Turin aka MiB*

6. Des-Des

7. Rhea

8. meesh

9. Paet

10. BG

11. MATT

12. Locke

13. Player

14. Talya

15. Nyn

16. Kae

17. Ape

18. wwwwwwwwwwwwombat

19. Solimind

20. Darling Sister

21. Verbal :wub:


* nickname has no bearing on the game play.

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