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WoT casting game... in reverse

Basel Gill

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These threads of who should play such and such pop up in assorted places on DM periodically. This one will be different. We are not going to try thinking of a good actor for a character. Rather, each person posting will name an actor. The next person will name the WoT character they feel best suits that actor, and then name an actor of their own.

I'll start you off.

Jennifer Lawrence.

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Well, I still think of him as young Obi-Wan, except he'd now be more like Kenobi several years after fighting in the prequels. So I'm thinking of Tam al'Thor here, as a good swordsman who hasn't fought in a long time.


Daniel Craig

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I'll go on a limb here and say I could see him as Mat? Maybe would need a change of hair colour but otherwise think it would do nicely. Feel free to agree or disagree, I'm interested. :wink:


Viggo Mortensen


And nice choices so far. Especially your use of Kate Mish :wink: 

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Because of Harry Potter, I see Helena as one of the Forsaken.  Dye her hair gold, and I guess Graendal?  I am so bad at this lol.


Lol for Robert, since Rahvin was taken, Ituralde?  Idk, like I said, I'm bad at this. :P


Emma Watson

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