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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/15/2014 at 7:21 PM, Ithillian said:



I lied about being alive again.


I'm still dead.


I was trying to draw a kill onto me.

But... then how are you going to vote me? D:



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The whyme fryme in Cloud these last 10 pages or so is like hulk-strong. Dude is confirmed.


Also- I wonder if Wombat has a PR? I could see Darthe giving him one after catching the other thing, but then again I could see Wombat pulling this for the lulz as well hehe. Anyhoo.


One more thing- TTT don't vote today. I wanna prove I can vote to (AND NOBODY ELSE BETTER FREAKING HAMMER :darkone: :darkone: :darkone: )

  On 3/15/2014 at 7:21 PM, Ithillian said:



I lied about being alive again.


I'm still dead.


I was trying to draw a kill onto me.


I actually kinda thought that might be the case. Twas worth the effort. You prob could have extended it longer by not pointing out that it was twilight, and buried a non-vote in with all the other non-votes.


And btw- I don't know Turin to be town. Earlier in the game I had a pretty strong scum read on him, actually. I thought he was trying to mask his meta too much. Then I started seeing some posts of his that looked more townie, where he wasn't just tunneling on me and that's it. As town, Turin will often tunnel me as well, but will still pay attention to and pressure others.


Then you made me consider that he could be scum after all, but perhaps a third party SK type role. After all, I immediately pointed out how his memes about the "mafia team"'s reactions could have been Turin distancing from the kill.


After that tho, Dap came forward and claimed the kill. I believe him. So that took Turin out of the SK running for me at the time. And, I again saw more posts from him that made sense to me, he seemed more genuine than in recent games. I think he likes being town more than scum and will be more aggressive.


Dunno why you thought we hadn't been going @ each other tho. We had several pages of bickering a little while ago I thought most were prob getting annoyed with because of how long it played out. We've had confrontations throughout the game. Turin has been, and prob always will be, one of my mafia rivals :myrddraal:


Oh but I'm not scum btw. Check yo reads if you town cause you're going down the wrong track.

  On 3/15/2014 at 11:01 PM, _CLOUD said:

Why have you become so reliant on whyme fryme lately?


It's actually amazingly reliable. No matter what it gets rid of likely scum or bad townies that are harder to read and easier to make look scummy.

  On 3/15/2014 at 10:19 PM, _CLOUD said:

Dude, we have never played a game together where I was scum and neither am I scum in this one. You have no idea what my scum play looks like.


Does scum only mean mafia to you Cloud?

  On 3/15/2014 at 11:30 PM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 10:19 PM, _CLOUD said:

Dude, we have never played a game together where I was scum and neither am I scum in this one. You have no idea what my scum play looks like.


Does scum only mean mafia to you Cloud?


Does Cloud only mean mafia to you, scum?

  On 3/15/2014 at 10:19 PM, _CLOUD said:

Dude, we have never played a game together where I was scum and neither am I scum in this one. You have no idea what my scum play looks like.


O Cloud, Cloud, wherefore does thine butt hurt, Cloud?

Deny thy scumteam and refuse thy name



  On 3/15/2014 at 10:36 PM, Tommyrod said:

But you are scum, right?


Just admit it and we'll move on and lynch a townie because that happens on DM a lot


There was a young Tommy quite slick

Whose scathing wit was quick

But he had no third gear

He just sat on his rear

And it turned out he was but a scummy...



  On 3/15/2014 at 10:59 PM, Despothera said:

The whyme fryme in Cloud these last 10 pages or so is like hulk-strong. Dude is confirmed.


Also- I wonder if Wombat has a PR? I could see Darthe giving him one after catching the other thing, but then again I could see Wombat pulling this for the lulz as well hehe. Anyhoo.


One more thing- TTT don't vote today. I wanna prove I can vote to (AND NOBODY ELSE BETTER FREAKING HAMMER :darkone: :darkone: :darkone: )


Indeed you know me well

Which it is I will not tell



  On 3/15/2014 at 11:01 PM, _CLOUD said:

Why have you become so reliant on whyme fryme lately?


I shall answer you with a query

Of explanation I doth weary

Why does a troll use invective?

Because it is quite effective.



  On 3/15/2014 at 11:56 PM, Tommyrod said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 11:30 PM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 10:19 PM, _CLOUD said:

Dude, we have never played a game together where I was scum and neither am I scum in this one. You have no idea what my scum play looks like.


Does scum only mean mafia to you Cloud?


Does Cloud only mean mafia to you, scum?



What thou didst there I see quite well my friend

I clap for such a well-capped turnabout

Thine level thou should elevate right now

To be akin to mine own lofty heights


The sun finally struggled into the sky, held in abeyance by who knows what.  The first rays struck down into the group through the halo of an angelic statue, bringing new light to two bits of information.


Dap is alive once more.


RTE was George Costanza, third party sycophant.  


It is now Day!  You have 72 hours!

  On 3/16/2014 at 1:52 AM, Tommyrod said:


  On 3/16/2014 at 1:42 AM, Misheru said:

No Day yet?


I'll just go to bed then.



I just wanted to say



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I think the Coroner Report’s will sooner or later be revealed to us so one could definitely bus their teammate in this game.


From cloud

Why do you think a coroner report is what is required for mafia to need to bus eachother. Mafia can bus without a coroner.

Also the worst part of this is if we never get a coroner it implies there was never any bussing. It's a nudge at not analysing trains


Then there was this

  On 3/15/2014 at 5:27 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 5:26 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 5:25 PM, csarmi said:

Just be a pal and NK him for us, Cloud.

How about I NK you instead? :P
Go ahead.
  On 3/15/2014 at 5:28 PM, _CLOUD said:

Lol you do realize the mafia team will just kill you now to frame me right? :rolleyes:

So you try make Csarmi look bad because of this

But you were the one who started the train of thought.

  On 3/15/2014 at 6:36 PM, Turin Turambar said:

So it looks like they killed each other? Dap claimed compulsive vig but he killed Ithi who was very town looking. Amega was prety odd in general with his posts.









Csarmi, why Tommy over Despo?


Thing I dislike about this is you capitalise on my death here. You start setting me up as mafia (shooting town, namely ithi)

Except a few posts back you were saying...


  On 3/15/2014 at 3:16 PM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 2:25 PM, _CLOUD said:

I think we need to keep reviving players that we all have a town read on, and then keep an eye on them to see if they started acting differently than before they died. It's a powerful tool to keep our numbers up which counter balances the fact that we don't receive any Coroner Report's. There are still so many unknown factors in this game and right now all I can do is guess how Darthe has designed it so it would be stupid to not make use of one the tools that we have in our possession.


So how exactly does that support taking a chance on reviving Dice?


You are advocating bringing people back to life that we have no idea about. the risk is too high. We could be playing into mafia hands by returning their dead to them. Very bad idea until there is knowledge about the players themselves.


Ithi was a special case in that she was pretty much town already and continued to work toward town interests while dead. add in that Dap claimed her kill to be a misfire by random.org and it makes good sense to bring her back. Mafia will need to decide if it is worth getting rid of her doublevote or trying to eliminate some other threat to them.



Either way she still gets my vote for bestest treestump EVAH!!!! :wub:


You use my claim of a misfire to help credit her as town.


Really odd change of heart


  On 3/16/2014 at 2:29 AM, Darthe said:

The sun finally struggled into the sky, held in abeyance by who knows what.  The first rays struck down into the group through the halo of an angelic statue, bringing new light to two bits of information.


Dap is alive once more.


RTE was George Costanza, third party sycophant.  


It is now Day!  You have 72 hours!

Boom baby!

I shot amega last night

Anyone know what sycophant means as a role?


Dap look again at what you highlighted with regard to yourself and Ithi in my reads... I have her as pretty solid town. She got killed during a night that was extended so that you could catch up. Then you state that you did not put in your compulsory vig shot which resulted in her death. You didn't have to admit it which is a point n your favor. I am just saying that you are not in the clear for me at his point. I really would have thought that if there was a person selecting coroner reports that they would have looked into a person claiming a killing role before anyone else. And a town reviver would wait to bring back a killer until they knew what they were bringing back. 

  On 3/16/2014 at 2:36 AM, dapianoplay3r said:



I think the Coroner Report’s will sooner or later be revealed to us so one could definitely bus their teammate in this game.

From cloud
Why do you think a coroner report is what is required for mafia to need to bus eachother. Mafia can bus without a coroner.
Also the worst part of this is if we never get a coroner it implies there was never any bussing. It's a nudge at not analysing trains

Then there was this
  On 3/15/2014 at 5:27 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 5:26 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 5:25 PM, csarmi said:

Just be a pal and NK him for us, Cloud.

How about I NK you instead? :P
Go ahead.
  On 3/15/2014 at 5:28 PM, _CLOUD said:

Lol you do realize the mafia team will just kill you now to frame me right? :rolleyes:

So you try make Csarmi look bad because of this
But you were the one who started the train of thought.
  On 3/15/2014 at 6:36 PM, Turin Turambar said:

So it looks like they killed each other? Dap claimed compulsive vig but he killed Ithi who was very town looking. Amega was prety odd in general with his posts.


Csarmi, why Tommy over Despo?

Thing I dislike about this is you capitalise on my death here. You start setting me up as mafia (shooting town, namely ithi)
Except a few posts back you were saying...

  On 3/15/2014 at 3:16 PM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 2:25 PM, _CLOUD said:

I think we need to keep reviving players that we all have a town read on, and then keep an eye on them to see if they started acting differently than before they died. It's a powerful tool to keep our numbers up which counter balances the fact that we don't receive any Coroner Report's. There are still so many unknown factors in this game and right now all I can do is guess how Darthe has designed it so it would be stupid to not make use of one the tools that we have in our possession.

So how exactly does that support taking a chance on reviving Dice?

You are advocating bringing people back to life that we have no idea about. the risk is too high. We could be playing into mafia hands by returning their dead to them. Very bad idea until there is knowledge about the players themselves.

Ithi was a special case in that she was pretty much town already and continued to work toward town interests while dead. add in that Dap claimed her kill to be a misfire by random.org and it makes good sense to bring her back. Mafia will need to decide if it is worth getting rid of her doublevote or trying to eliminate some other threat to them.

Either way she still gets my vote for bestest treestump EVAH!!!! :wub:
You use my claim of a misfire to help credit her as town.

Really odd change of heart

  On 3/16/2014 at 2:29 AM, Darthe said:

The sun finally struggled into the sky, held in abeyance by who knows what.  The first rays struck down into the group through the halo of an angelic statue, bringing new light to two bits of information.
Dap is alive once more.
RTE was George Costanza, third party sycophant.  
It is now Day!  You have 72 hours!

Boom baby!
I shot amega last night
Anyone know what sycophant means as a role?


I did not use your claimed misfire to press Ithi as town as I already had her as town. I was stating that there were several better choices for revival than Dice (who Cloud was putting forward). 


The initial response about you and Amega dying was that you killed each other so you would not both be on the same side. There were some suspicion on both of you so the fact that both died did not immediately clear either of you. So I am not setting you up as mafia. More just cautioning against anyone thinking you are immediately clear. Your trying to pass yourself off as clear is a strike against you in my mind as well. Makes me wish that I did have a NA. Oh well, bad with the good of VTness.



RE RTE, If I had to guess it would be something of a take on the joke of RTE being the 3rd party symp. Stemming from his belief of Lenlo's survivor claim in the WWII game a while ago. George Castanza, LOL 

  On 3/16/2014 at 2:32 AM, Tommyrod said:


  On 3/16/2014 at 1:52 AM, Tommyrod said:


  On 3/16/2014 at 1:42 AM, Misheru said:

No Day yet?


I'll just go to bed then.



I just wanted to say


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Charmer :wub:


Still dont trust you! ;)




  On 3/16/2014 at 3:56 AM, TGlems said:

Aren't we supposed to ##vote Lenlo today?  Plans and plans.

I could roll with that.



##vote Len

  On 3/16/2014 at 3:51 AM, Turin Turambar said:

oh and now that it is officially day...


##vote Despo  




Just stop. I don't know if you're town or scum, and I don't really care (yet). You're not lynching Dom or Tess. 


The Lenlo Plan. it is sort of like the Marshall plan. Except the plan revolves around lynchin Lenlo. LOL



Something about multiple mafia claims...



Oh and Despo specifically asked you not to vote anyone today so he could hammer.  You guys really should talk more. Are you Jekyll or Hyde?


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