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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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I did not write down the names associated with each vote.  However, here is the tally in full.


5 pts for slot 1, 4 for 2, 3 for 3, 2 for 4, 1 for 5. 

Des –18

TG 8 10

Cloud –7

Mish – 7

Len – 18

Tina 4

Dap 14

AJ 4

Salami – 32

Rag – 29

Wombat 9


Top 5 = Salami, Rag, Des, Len, Dap

Bottom 5 = AJ, Tina, Cloud, Mish, TG

Outlier = Wombat

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  On 3/30/2014 at 7:19 PM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/30/2014 at 7:13 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/30/2014 at 6:56 PM, csarmi said:

haha for the sycophant


I had a secret theory about the "third party" having one player who knows all... and sometimes I theorized it'd be Ithi XD


But then she played too pro-town.

lol. I didn't do too bad at finding bad guys. Turin doesn't count as he pushed my buttons on purpose and totally played me. I do need him to figure out the mechanics and the deaths. I never really bother with them in games - is just distraction. Focus on the players I say.


totally OP for Town to have me able to keep posting.


Totally. I was wondering if we final killed you if that would make you stop posting. but I didn't think so. It would only not let you vote again. I was fairly amazed that you didn't get revived by a town person.


I was so hoping that you would revive so I could get you to hammer me on my second lynch. I really think that Darthe should have let me pick who I converted from the lynch train. 



*pushes your buttons*   :laugh:   :wub:


H8 U




Ithi played great.


My list:


1. Dom

2. Dap

3. Rags

4. Wombat

5. Len


How very ironic that I had a mafia read on Despo's first 3 day's play and het got converted AFTER that (though what made me 100%certain was when he tried to organize whose names would be sent)... so i tried my best to sac him out and it worked. LOL


Had no idea that the order people were voted had any bearing. Was that stated in the rules? 


If we knew that we might have gotten some more confirmed townies sacrificed. Sneaky Darthe is Sneaky.



RE the person not reviving I think that Darthe forgot that amega could only revive someone once.






edited cause game over:   Oh gg town




Pray uses time reverse. Instant victory for town as he will have learnt all 3rd party guys.


Against spirit of the game?

  On 3/30/2014 at 7:28 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Had no idea that the order people were voted had any bearing. Was that stated in the rules? 


If we knew that we might have gotten some more confirmed townies sacrificed. Sneaky Darthe is Sneaky.



RE the person not reviving I think that Darthe forgot that amega could only revive someone once.






edited cause game over:   Oh gg town

it was pretty obvious (to me anyway) that the order mattered. i was even sure of the 5-4-3-2-1 system


Such a confusing game but was fun to read.


Also I voted for myself that night in the off chance something not bad would happen.

  On 3/30/2014 at 7:46 PM, Lenlo said:

Such a confusing game but was fun to read.


Also I voted for myself that night in the off chance something not bad would happen.

Len. Always something extra you would never believe possible.


You'll have to excuse my language inside of the QT :tongue:


I am not allowed to speak so openly here on DM, so I take it out in my private chat lol


GG town.


Initially I had no idea that it was only going to be 3rd party, so I thought I was very strictly solo-aligned and had to be the last man standing.


I think I would have been better off claiming a different role besides one that could kill, but after fessing up to Lenlo after he jailed me I knew I had to run with it. Thankfully I was able to use some of Dap's own confusion against him although at that point he was technically with my alignment, but had died twice already so I knew he wouldn't come back. For whatever reason his coroner didn't show is the only reason I stayed alive as long as I did.


I found it very ironic that I was done in by a British tree stump since my character was Jack the Ripper :laugh:

My big ability was that if I found a female victim, I would earn a 1x of whatever ability they had. So if I had killed Rags over one of the others, I would've gotten a 1x revive, which would've been huge later on in the game if I could've brought back Dom or Dap to bolster our NK options.


I killed Pral N0 and Hallia/X on N1 without knowing X was actually my teammate. My objective (thinking I was solo) was to play up my kills as 'pro-town' since I was intentionally picking off players that sort of hang back and make it hard to read them. I didn't expect the death scene on N0 to be so gruesome though. The character that I falsely claimed is actually another I wrote up for this game, so I knew I could make it sound a little more genuine.

  On 3/30/2014 at 7:47 PM, Lenlo said:

AJ! You lied to me! ;_; 


I can never trust you again. Im sorry.


You probably shouldn't have in the first place :wink:

  On 3/30/2014 at 7:36 PM, csarmi said:



Pray uses time reverse. Instant victory for town as he will have learnt all 3rd party guys.


Against spirit of the game?


Well, we discussed this in QT. Darthe had not considered this possibility and it was a improvisation that he had to make. Basically, he would only reverse time till the point I was converted. That is the night after Turin was hammered. This way I could never be town again.


That said, my role became totally useless once I became third party. It would have been very useful and powerful if I had stayed town. I think I liked my role which i originally submitted to Darthe. It was basically a Revive role, don't know why he changed it. Could have given that Rags role to me, essentially.

  On 3/30/2014 at 8:01 PM, Ithillian said:

I'm very tenacious.




I feel like town mostly owes this victory to you, tbh. The late game play was pretty atrocious outside of TG and CS in the end.


Just way too little discussion/activity. Town seemed so disorganized.


Well it seems to work well for you.


I'm just lucky you couldn't vote anymore while I was still alive :biggrin:


I knew you wouldn't listen to my BS, but I hoped others might. And you were right earlier, I do intentionally leak little truths into the game to stimulate discussion.

  On 3/30/2014 at 8:14 PM, Andrej said:

Well it seems to work well for you.


I'm just lucky you couldn't vote anymore while I was still alive :biggrin:


I knew you wouldn't listen to my BS, but I hoped others might. And you were right earlier, I do intentionally leak little truths into the game to stimulate discussion.

You might want to stop that. Knowledge you shouldn't know usually means you are up to no good. It seems like bad guys just can't help monologuing.

  On 3/30/2014 at 8:00 PM, Ithillian said:

How come Dap didn't get a Coroner if he was killed twice?


Turin and other people who died twice did.

Darthe forgot. Read 3rd party QT




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