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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/22/2014 at 12:12 AM, Andrej said:

Ninja'd. And no, I didn't vanish because I thought your wish for me to die would come true :)


I have a 1 year old, you see. And Mom was working today, therefore Dad was in charge.


Just because Dap wasn't in the game doesn't mean his SLOT wasn't. Ley held Dap's role and alignment until he subbed in. If Dap killing you was randomized because he didn't submit then it could've easily been that Pral was as well because Ley hadn't. He never did check in after all. The point I am making is this: Dap/Ley has a role that is compulsive. Meaning they must submit their action. Dap claimed to be a killer. Do. The. Math.


And FTR, I wasn't calling you stupid. My apologies if that's how I came across.


Darthe TOLD us that Ley never signed in and thus had no part in the game. Therefore Ley could not have done any actions



  On 3/21/2014 at 10:37 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/21/2014 at 6:40 PM, Andrej said:

Because of reactions like this Ithi :)


I have not killed anyone thus far. I have taken 2 shots, and both have failed in a way.


My first attempt was to kill Wombat the Night I was jailed by Lenlo. He can confirm this when/if he ever comes back. I divulged my role to him fully during our little chat.


My second was last Night when I was trying to pick off Dice. The whole "if I die and come back, I'll be Town" story is just way too convenient considering HE HAS COME BACK and so did another person that was opposing Town.


How many of you have heard of Compulsive Vigs, btw?


Compulsive in the sense of Vigilante powers means that each Night the power-holder must submit an action, no matter what. In N0 we had a death, just one, and a very creepy creepy death scene. Getting the picture now? I have kind of bread-crumbed from the get-go on Dap after he claimed Vig that I knew he was lying. I am a Vig and he was a SK I'm guessing.

Red  You did not say that Dap was a compulsive vig. You just dropped that line in on its own. It reads like a claim, saying to me that you are saying you are compulsive. yet another fail.



Also there is obviously differences between third parties in this game. I changed to town. Turin was cult, . RTE was sycophant. I think that role = Cult symp.






We can however use people's previous thoughts and feeling about those scenes.


And AJ had one lot of thoughts.


And has now changed them.


Whilst saying that he hasn't changed them.


He has major continuity errors.


Oh I can't at the moment. I'm at a birthday party indoor play area shenanigans. There's motorised go-carts!


But I listed all the quotes last night that showed AJ is saying something different now to what he said when those kills happened earlier on in the game.


You'll have to read back through it.




##unvote, vote Hally


Hally reading along not saying a word, WWWwombat calls her out to say something and she does...without saying anything. Professional lurking 101

  On 3/22/2014 at 1:14 AM, WWWwombat said:

N3 was the night we sacrificed people.  Did you mean N2?


Yeah, that's my bad. Whichever Night that Dap killed Amega and died. It was over the weekend when I had all those people crashing at my house, I remember that much.


Alright been a little busier than I expected today and didn't feel like sifting through the game in order to find the quotes I wanted, but now I'm here.


It'll probably take me a while since there's 145 pages to go through, but I'll get working on it.


People need to post, btw. I know it's the weekend but I think we're sitting around 24 hours left before Night falls again.



  Reveal hidden contents



TLDR - I cannot explain the 3 deaths on N1. I have holstered until N2 when I was Jailed and tried to kill Wombat and last Night when I tried shooting Dice.


Dap claims he was compulsive, but shrugs off the N0 kill. He later says that he is still compulsive but has limited shots and for whatever reasons didn't have to submit a kill on N0. This does not add up with how a compulsive Vig role is supposed to work.


The other little bits are stuff that I picked up along the way as I skimmed through.


My thoughts are this (as unorthodox as they may sound): I believe we are playing with a 'Mafia' team that consists of all 3rd party roles or perhaps a few Town roles that have been recruited into the faction (Turin was 'Cult' Jester). RTE was a sycophant which makes me think of another title for Symp. With 18 players, I would think there was likely a 3-4 person 3rd Party team (prior to any sort of recruitment) with RTE adding another 1 with a symp type role. I think that Dice's claim is a huge ass gambit personally, but we could also have Tina check him the next Night to see if he's telling the truth or not.


##Vote Cloud



He's playing with massive confirmation bias and I don't like it.  There is no way a townie can be as sure as Cloud is right now with almost no coroners.  He also says that he thinks that AJ is an SK but wants to vote Dice instead because Cult > SK.  Apparently he is 100% on Dice being cult.  But he didn't even bother to vote Dice on D1.  Looks to me like Cloud is just throwing mud and trying to get easy lynches.  I don't care if anyone follows me on this or not.  I'm tired of Cloud's crap.


Do you not think it weird that there were no other kills apart from Dap's on the night that AJ was Jailed?


I think there only AJ and Dap can kill. If there's only 3rd parties out there and no Mafia that makes sense.


Get rid of the AJ killer and you get rid of the NK maybe. Then all Town needs to do is Lynch the right people and they've won.


He says he was stopped from killing on N2 and N4. We know that's true - but there just happens to be unexplaained kills on N0 and N1?


Do we think there's another killer out there? Dap killed me on N1 and Ameg on N2. His kills were clean and simple looking. The other kills were linked by AJ himself. Do you think Dap did 3 kills on N1? Do you think he just pretended to kill me for some reason?


I think you're making a terrible mistake letting AJ live.


He's never answwered my question about Pral either.

  On 3/22/2014 at 4:48 PM, TGlems said:

##unvote, vote Hally


Hally reading along not saying a word, WWWwombat calls her out to say something and she does...without saying anything. Professional lurking 101


I´m a bit worried about this as well. Pralaya hasn´t said much either and that actually goes for you too. 


I´m very unsure. I trust Wombat. Well, as much as I can trust anyone in this game. Stopping all actions last night seems like a pro-town move. I agree with him about Cloud so I might follow him there. Cloud didn´t want to cooperate yesterday. 


I kind of think Dice tells the truth but I didn´t like how he accused AJ for claiming compulsive vig when it was Dap who did it. Probably he just doesn´t read the thread as he should but that is not good either. 


I´ll have to vote soon since it´s time for birthday party #2. 


I´ll probably vote Cloud or AJ. 


Oh, it´s less than two hours to go. 


## Vote Cloud



I´ll try to check in before deadline but I´m not sure that I can.


Dap's Role was NOT active on N0 - so the role he took could not have killed Pral.


He killed me on N1. Confessed. And the timings match what I was told.



He killed Amega on N2 and got Bombed.


Who else could have killed Pral and Hally/X?


Who even said that those kills were done by the same person?


Who was blocked on N2 when only Daps kill went through?


Who is the other confessed killer?


This is clear evidential deduction. You need to be voting AJ.


It is clear that when he is blocked there are no other kills happening. Kill him and you get to Lynch bad guys. Leave him alive and he is going to kill and aplogise until you realise he's talking guff.




I'm making a new rule.


You are NOT allowed to vote until you answer the following questions:


Who do you think killed Pral?


Who do you think killed Ithi?


Who do you think killed Hally and X?


Who do you think killed Amega?


So unvote and think about it


You don't have long left.

  On 3/21/2014 at 10:23 PM, dicetosser1 said:

Bussed him? take a look at all those lynches AJ posted I was the ONLY one on turin for the first one and i IMMEADIATELY pushed him when i came back to life.

Early game bussing is a standard scum move and you immediately voting for Turin and not mentioning anyone else when you came back in the game was one of the things that made me get a scum read on you.


At this point of the game I really don’t care if AJ is the SK or the Vig. I’m voting for my top scum suspect which is Dice and his death will gain us a lot more info compared to AJ’s.


  On 3/22/2014 at 1:05 AM, WWWwombat said:

Dice is probably telling the truth. You and Cloud acting like he is confirmed scum makes no sense whatsoever. There is no evidence that Dice is not exactly what he said he is.

I have broken down Dice’s posts when he came back into the game and explained why I think he is scum. You however acting like he is town by only saying that it wouldn’t make sense for him to claim the role that he did is bullshit. Your argument isn't strong enough to have such a strong town read on him that warrants this kind of defense and you know it. I think you are despreratly trying to prevent your teammate from getting lynched here.


  On 3/23/2014 at 3:56 AM, WWWwombat said:

##Vote Cloud



He's playing with massive confirmation bias and I don't like it. There is no way a townie can be as sure as Cloud is right now with almost no coroners. He also says that he thinks that AJ is an SK but wants to vote Dice instead because Cult > SK. Apparently he is 100% on Dice being cult. But he didn't even bother to vote Dice on D1. Looks to me like Cloud is just throwing mud and trying to get easy lynches. I don't care if anyone follows me on this or not. I'm tired of Cloud's crap.

It’s called scumhunting and being sure of you reads. I didn’t vote for Dice during Day 1 because I wasn’t around at the time, and even then I still felt unsure about him which should have been clear when I suggested that we should try and resurrect him. I only started feeling certain about my scum read on him when he came back into the game again. I have explained why his posts have been scummy at the start of this Day and you seem to have skimmed over them entirely to support your fake argument that there has been no solid reasonings why Dice is scum.



  On 3/23/2014 at 10:02 AM, TinaHel said:

Oh, it´s less than two hours to go.


## Vote Cloud



I´ll try to check in before deadline but I´m not sure that I can.

You only seem to think that I’m mafia because I refused to cooperate with you yesterday, while I have already given my reasons for doing so which you haven't bothered to reply to. Your sheeping of Wombat and not giving explanations for why I'm scum and why Dice is town is making you look terrible.

  On 3/21/2014 at 3:34 AM, WWWwombat said:

Dice is an easy target, but I think he probably told the truth.  It would have been way too reckless to lie like that on D1 as scum when he could have just made up some random townish-sounding power role.



  On 3/23/2014 at 9:59 AM, TinaHel said:

I kind of think Dice tells the truth but I didn´t like how he accused AJ for claiming compulsive vig when it was Dap who did it. Probably he just doesn´t read the thread as he should but that is not good either.


These are Wombat's and Tina's only arguments why Dice is town. I think they speak for themselves.


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