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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/18/2014 at 10:09 AM, Ithillian said:

I was never talking about the formatting. I was talking about someone taking the time to write a wonderfully crafted post.


But you can keep trying to discount it by saying I'm on about the background colour coding.



  On 3/18/2014 at 10:11 AM, Ithillian said:

Despo agrees with my list of sacrifices whilst saying I'm a tinfoiling reacher.


I'm sorry I'm so terrible at this game.


Your tinfoiling is a separate issue from your sacrifice list


I tinfoil ALL the time. Your tinfoiling is part of what makes you a great mafia player. I just think you have gone overboard this game.


Stop playing the victim. You know that your game commands a lot of respect around these parts, especially from myself.


Just saying- since you DO have a lot of clout, and you ARE very vocal and opinionated, if you participate in something that distracts town, you're not helping your team out as much as you could.


Now how about we stop this bickering?




Well I've been snuggling on the sofa with my youngest and watching Minions two.


But now we gonna go ikea and get meatballs.


I do need to by some more tinfoil on the way home. The chicken on saturday was a little dry.

  On 3/18/2014 at 10:14 AM, Ithillian said:

I posted first.

That means you agree with me.


I think there's gonna be a bodyswap lol.


You posted first eh?


  On 3/18/2014 at 6:00 AM, Despothera said:

Okay so we got


DOMTESS - Hydra with cool ability that also has an investigative side perk

TG - SOME kind of investigative ability...

Cloud - Masons with Mish and can link two peeps to double NA's potentially

Mish - Masons with Cloud and can link two peeps to double NA's potentially

Lenlo - Jailkeeper that can talk

Tina - Cop/Coroner

Dap - Was a compulsive Vig before, not sure if he still has abilities

AJ - I don't think he ever claimed, did he? Vetted town by me and Tom tho

Salami - Phoenix type role, could respawn as innocent child if telling the truth

Rags - no claim, vetted town by me and Tom

Wombat - no claim, vetted town by Tina


Okay so for the sake of argument let's just assume everyone is telling the truth about their claims. I'd say those most important to keep around are Tina, cause her combination of cop views and coroner reports is CRAZY awesome good for this game, Cloud and Mish cause they can potentially increase the amount of people checked (can yall target dead people btw?), and me and Tom because our ability can actually let us do something similar.


As for those that seem most expendable- Salami is the obvious pick. If anything it would be the best pick regardless of anything else since it wouldn't lose us anyone if he's telling the truth, we gain a confirmed townie, and if he's lying we sacrifice a scum. I'd say Lenlo is the next safest pick, as his NA isn't as useful and can even hamper town PR NA's. Rags is vetted town... but he'd be a good sacrifice imo. Dude isn't playing, so eh I doubt he has a WTFPWNBBQ role. I like Wombat and his role might be useful (w/e it is) so I'll give him a pass for now. Dap could be a good pick... compulsive Vig isn't good for someone that might miss a night deadline and have his kill submitted on an important townie. In fact yeah, he's a solid sacrifice imo. AJ never claimed and has kinda laid low for a bit... plus there's still that thing I haven't gotten to yet. He would prob be the last pick for me. Oh man and I forgot about TG... his ambiguity about his role obviously has my hairs prickled. I got a solid scum read on him, but... sacrificing scum could actually empower them somehow. Still worried about that possibility.


So I'm thinking town's best choices for sacrifices would be Salami, Dap, Lenlo, Rags, and AJ. TG and Wombat are other possible candidates as well tho.


What do yall think about offering up potential scum for sacrifice? Yea or Nay?



  On 3/18/2014 at 8:27 AM, Ithillian said:

Sacrifice people:

Mish or Cloud (share the same abilities and if one changes the other should spot it)


If that's the case, then these timestamps need to be sent to the bugs forum, and we should try and figure out why my post came before yours as well on page 127, cause that's pretty weird.


/only sarcastic cause it's my default mode :tongue:

  On 3/18/2014 at 10:19 AM, Ithillian said:

Well I've been snuggling on the sofa with my youngest and watching Minions two.


But now we gonna go ikea and get meatballs.


I do need to by some more tinfoil on the way home. The chicken on saturday was a little dry.






Man I wish I had the photoshop skills to make an Ithi avatar with a tinfoil hat on its head.... I know she'd never wear it (the avi I mean) but it would still be so friggin hilarious



  On 3/18/2014 at 10:22 AM, Ithillian said:

Oh I didn't read that ... List?


It was too long.


lol well at least you're sending back zingers of your own instead of AtEing




I kinda wish Turin was still around now, I bet he's blowing a gasket that he can no longer defend your honour


Speaking of wishes, I wish Cloud or Mish were available to let us know if both have to be alive. It's almost my nappytime and I wanna submit this before I go to bed so I don't forget or get too busy tonight or something.


Ok I don't have time to read up, I'm going to the doctor in half an hour. But I came to the lynch scene, and it looks like Des has a question for me on this page. You have ten minutes before I have to run!

  On 3/18/2014 at 10:46 AM, Despothera said:

Speaking of wishes, I wish Cloud or Mish were available to let us know if both have to be alive. It's almost my nappytime and I wanna submit this before I go to bed so I don't forget or get too busy tonight or something.

There it is.


If one of you die can the other still do the stuff that you do?

  On 3/18/2014 at 5:34 AM, csarmi said:


  On 3/18/2014 at 5:21 AM, WWWwombat said:

See Salami Troll

Does Lattice Theory; Can't Count

Troll Salami Troll

  On 3/18/2014 at 5:31 AM, Despothera said:


  On 3/18/2014 at 5:27 AM, csarmi said:

@Darthe - can we name both Despo and Tom for the list?


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Whelp I know who one of the names I'm submitting will be. Salami is just being overly obtuse at this point. Time to test his claim imo. Perfect person to sacrifice too, since if he's telling the truth we might gain a confirmed innocent out of this.


In fact I don't see why anyone SHOULDN'T submit Salami as at least one of the five. He's the safest pick. His play is antitown and useless this game, and his role makes him the perfect sacrifice.


Just a note here. Please stop with the personal insults. I've had enough of that.


Thank you.



Not an insult friend

You are being disruptive

And nonsensical

  On 3/18/2014 at 10:07 AM, Despothera said:


  On 3/18/2014 at 9:49 AM, Ithillian said:

I'm still dead. Why you worried about people paying attention to me?


You have a lot of clout in mafia games. Especially at the BT.


And in case you didn't know, tinfoiling is a reference to conspiracy theorists who were tinfoil hats to prevent the government from transmitting signals into their brain hehe. It's a funny way of saying someone is talking about something or some things that are technically possible, but HIGHLY unlikely. It's obviously going to happen in every game, much the way there will be wifom in every game, but excessive tinfoiling pretty much just distracts town from what it's supposed to be doing.


Can we just drop the formatting thing since really nothing productive will come out of that discussion?



Foil hats don't work

Cage must be a closed surface

L 2 Science Scrubs

  On 3/18/2014 at 12:05 PM, Misheru said:

I guess so, I'll need to ask Darthe.



Cloud is the better player so he should probably be kept alive.


This answer is bad

Should know the answer not guess

Is key mechanic


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